Wednesday, May 08, 2013



Anonymous said...

The harsh reality in Cambodia is making the people suffer more and more. Yet, not many people realized they are the disadvantaged ones. Win-Win policy, one said and other cheered, but is it really? what is so fair about the politician and businessmen getting hundreds of thousands of dollars and the common people got nothing more than some land, a small house, and some donations to rely on for the rest of their lives.
One mandate after another, Cambodia is still ruled by the same political party, the same leader, the same system. The question is does it really reflect the wish of people? or is it what is decided as the wish of the people?
Do the people of Cambodia truly believe in the ability and conscience of the current party?
Each time, CPP representatives went on political campaign to their assigned provinces, how many Land Cruisers and Lexus you can and cannot count?
As the common people, we see almost every CPP politicians live a wealthy life.
Even worse these days, there is a wave of young generation rising from the CPP party. This wave is full of children of top government officials from all ranks and all sectors. They continued to play more political roles than ever. Using coercion and power to gain popularity and support, many had to follow and sadly accepted the harsh reality. From Ministry to the Military to the Police, there are sons and daughters of top officials who have campaigned for their party and in return, they will gain fame, honor, ranks, and lucrative positions.

Is this the reality that the Cambodian people want to make?
I'd say it's enough. but does it take just a new party to change how Cambodia is? There are way too many enemies that will never be willing to work with any other political party. So, the question is how can you change your country? so that we and our young children and the future generation can receive better treatment and get what we deserve.
There's no Win-Win if there's no fairness involved.

Anonymous said...

Family of a bloodsucker and a traitor of all times.