Wednesday, May 08, 2013

Cyberwar in Cambodia, See it! Film it! Save it! Share it! Change it! For peace and justice...


Anonymous said...

The lightning strike ,the fucking ignorant viet slave prime minister at fault,once tell all the resident Beung kok lake have the right to own it with in 12 hectar,later or after
The city hall Kep Chutima ,took the $300,000.00 under table gift and give them to Bun Rany Hun Sen. The thing getting dirty and stink greedy with out shame.
Ignorant and greedy always get caught with the red hands.
The Chinese said the water is supporting canoe it means canoe is the government, so is the water can hold the canoe then the water can sink the canoe as well as it can hold it.

Anonymous said...

-បើអា​កូនឈ្នួល CPP សំរាំង ស៊ី($2.000)
ដើរតួល្ខោនយួនយ៉ាងយូរ​ CNRP........
ក្រាញប្រឆាំងពលរដ្ឋខ្មែរ - ក្រាញសង្គ្រោះសំផឹងយួន,
វ៉ៃ SEX ក្រៅមុង...... តាមតុគុយទាវ .....

-បើអាកូនឈ្នួល CPP កឹម សុខា($2.000)
ដើរតួល្ខោនយួនយ៉ាងយូរ​ CNRP........
ក្រាញប្រឆាំងពលរដ្ឋខ្មែរ - ក្រាញសង្គ្រោះសំផឹងយួន,
វ៉ៃ SEX ក្នុងមុងជាមួយ អាCPPយួន,
Hai Phúc aka ហ៊ុន សែន!

-នោះអាឆ្កែយួន ហ៊ុន សែន នឹង
ក្រាញអំណាចយ៉ាងយូរ​ រហូតដល់ខ្មែរអស់ស្រុក?

Anonymous said...

Thank you for posting this emotional and powerful video of the reality in Cambodia. Regardless of how the Government portrays themselves, we must learn to realize the other side of the information shown. They're ugly, guilty, and evil. The powerful messages and sacrifices made by these women should be respected and echoed across the world. I urge you all to share this amongst the many videos on youtube to all your friends to show support for these determined women.

For those living overseas, while we are tired everyday from long day at work, imagine yourself in these women's conditions, having so little to eat and little time for family and it's not certain when they can find peace and happiness in life. They all need your contribution and support. What is good about development if it only benefits the rich and powerful? More and more young sons and daughters of the rich and powerful are put in powerful positions in the government ranks. Do you really want to see more of these injustice?

Anonymous said...

This an old story, it's been almost years ago. Why are they still bring it up? Are there any news beside this news?

Anonymous said...

Hun sen repeating this kind of actions everyday every where in Cambodia,why you are so,piss about the old or new news? Just do not hurt your people would you