Sunday, May 19, 2013



National Election Committee

MONDAY, May 20, at 7 A.M.
Democracy Square (near Wat Phnom)

I will join this demonstration, demanding electoral reform.

Recently, I had a conversation with friends who are Singaporean Christians about the mega-church phenomenon in Singapore (which I didn't know about) and the "Prosperity Gospel", how the pastor of one of the more famous mega-churches, married to a celebrity, is embroiled in a corruption scandal.

I commented that it's as much a reflection of the congregation as of the pastor. They themselves quite successful business people, agreed.

My comment also fits the Cambodian situation. It has been said that our past and present DISMAL, violent, tyrannical leadership is as much a reflection of the Cambodian people as the leaders.

IT IS TIME THAT WE ASPIRE TO SOMETHING BETTER THAN THE KHMER ROUGE STANDARD. I want to be proud of my leader, not be embarrassed.

I want my leader to help me and other Cambodians realize our HUMAN POTENTIAL, not leadership that uses state resources to wage war on its own people, and do the bidding of foreign powers.

I am so sick and tired of the violence, the DESTRUCTION that this Hun Sen regime reeks on the Cambodian people and the country. I am so ashamed and so embarrassed, and so INFURIATED by the way this regime destroys its own people and the natural beauty and resources of the land.

- Theary, Phnom Penh, Sunday, May 19


Anonymous said...

we need change and it has to be now!, we khmer around the world are so ashame of having such a leader like Hun Sen, it is so wrong to let such a criminal to rule for such along period of times. why isn't the international community do anything about it? especially, the Viets and Chinese with good moral judgement, I am sure they knew that Cambodia is being controlled such such a mafia type of gangster but yet why aren't they doing anything about it? because if the good do nothing, the evil will win...or they are also part of the criminal themselves. I mean who would want to support the criminals, even parents won't support their own children to steal or kill, but these crooks above killed and steal. Anyway, it is not too late yet, we need all of your help, otherwise, it won't happen as much as we wanted it to be. Hun Sen and his clan are the khmer killers of all times. We need someone with good moral to run the nation, someone who can protect their people regardless and country, someone who can provide the rule of law to protect everyone equally and we believe that CNRP is an ideal group leader for our nation. Please help us and try to rescue us from this khmer killer of all times, thank you.

Anonymous said...

Theary Soy,So age cheth dorl codao ngneab!!◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘

Anonymous said...

Cambodian people have the choice to decide what is best for the country.

Which government would loaned the land to another country for 99?????? Treated their owe people like dirt and do almost everything to benefit other nation??? This is Hai Phuc AKA (HunSen) and its so sad that the people still want him as their leader.

if you vote for this kind of government then I am sorry to say that you are not Cambodian.

Anonymous said...

OK, everyone sit under the bodi tree, shut your eyes and see no evil until you reach Enlightment.

Anonymous said...

8:31 PM
What are you trying to say ?

Anonymous said...

7:02 PM
The first step is to support and vote for CNRP !!!

Anonymous said...

8:03 PM
Only Yuon and Yuon's slaves vote for Hun Phuc & CPP.
Oh, I almost forgot those who voted and will vote for Hun Phuc & CPP would be the " Ghost Voters "
on special NEC voters lists.

Anonymous said...

what's wrong with ah choy marai @7:28PM?

Anonymous said...

Dear compatriots,

Right now, the majority of Khmer people understand well about the danger that our country is facing.

Making a peaceful demonstration to show the world about our determination to see a fair election through NEC's drastic reform is the right thing to do. And it is a must thing to do.

Best wishes and good luck to your noble efforts !!

Anonymous said...

The CNRP have a chance if there is a change in leadership. Take Sam Rainsy out, he is a useless piece of arch!

Anonymous said...

6:21 AM
Nice try Ah Pi Anh !! Your race is genius at breaking Khmer apart. We have absorbed enough of it. Your tactic is not going to work anymore because we have enough of your shit.

Anonymous said...

Dear all Khmer!!!!

I was born in Khmer-Krom land. We became indigenous people in our owe country. We had no right for anything in Kampuchea krom . They force all the Cambodian children to only learn how to read and write in Vietnamese.

OUR old Cambodian King make a bad decision for leasing the land to the Vietnamese for 7 years. And we lost it Foever!!!!. We are suffering everyday from Vietnamese people look down on us. And the Vietnamese government treated us very very worse then animals.

You guys don't have to believe my story but please do your own research. We don't want srok Cambodia to be the next Kampuchea Krom.

HUN Phuc leasing the land to Vietnamese government for 99YEARS for his owe interest. That is very dangerous!!!!!

Anonymous said...

មានបាយស៊ី មាសប្រាក់ បុណ្យស័ក្ដិ
ជាពិសេសនាងស្រីៗមេបោក ដដែលៗ ដូចជា
ង្វៀងមួ សុខហួ និងង្វៀងសេង ធារី
ច្រើនប្រើល្បិចកលយួន ប្រជាភិថុត អូសទាញនាំ
អ្នករងគ្រោះខ្មែរល្ងង់ ខ្លៅក្ររហេមរហាម
រងទុក្ខវេទនា ដែលអាចោរញ្ជះយួនហ៊ុន សែន
មកធ្វើជាត្លុកកំប្លែង ច្រៀងលេងសើច-ទ្បកឡាំវង់

Anonymous said...

9:23 AM

ឣាឝីងគក់ ចង់លក់ ថ្នាំស្រែង ឣើយ, shut the fuck up.

Anonymous said...

To 6:21 AM

You must be Pi Anh !!!
And Pi Anh was Ms. Soap, am I correct. ?
Do respond to me, Ms. Soap.

Ms. Water

Anonymous said...


-កូនបាតុកម្ម ដប់មួយជ្រក់!



-នេះឬ (មហាត)បាតុកម្មនោះ?

Anonymous said...

6:21 I think you got a good point. I myself would not for sam Rainsy because he always run to Franch. What happen if he won and then they scare him off he will run to Franch again. I don't want a leader like that.
RUN Rainsy RUN. LOLzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
RUN Rainsy RUN. LOLzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Anonymous said...

-កូនបាតុកម្ម ស៊ីឈ្នួលយួន...មហាល្ខោនយួន!

-កូនបាតុកម្មCNRP ទ្បកឡាំបុង!..ជើត!..ជើត!
-កូនឈ្នួលបាតុកម្ម ស៊ីប្រាក់ខែយួន $2.500
-កូនបាតុកម្ម របស់ក្រុមហ៊ុនអាយ៉ងក្បត់ជាតិCNRP!
-កូនបាតុកម្ម ដប់មួយជ្រក់!
-មហាបាតុកម្ម កន្លែងណាទៅ?
-នេះឬ (មហាត)បាតុកម្មនោះ?

***បោះឆ្នោតចាញ់យួនបង្រ្គប់កិច្ច ដដែលៗ....
***បោះឆ្នោតសង្រ្គោះសំផឹងយៀកកុង ដដែលៗ!
***បោះឆ្នោតសង្រ្គោះបុកគល់( បិសាចប្រែរូប )ដដែលៗ
-ង្វៀងកឹម សុខា, CPP
-ង្វៀងសម រង្ស៊ី, CPP
-ង្វៀងមួ សុខហួ, CPP
-ង្វៀងសេង ធារី, CPP
-អាយួន..............ហ៊ុន សែន
-អាយួន .............ជា ស៊ីម
-អាយួន..............ហេង សំរិន
-អាយួន..............សុខ អាន​
-អាយួន..............សុខ គង់
-អាយួន.ផៃ ស៊ីផាន...aka...អា ភ័យស៊ីផោម
-អាយួន..............សយ សុភាព
-អាយួន..............ជុំ កុសល
-អាយួន..............ទិត្យ សុធា
-អាយួន..............កុយ គួង
-អាយួន..............ស៊ុត ឌឺណា
-អាយួន..............អេង ឆៃអៀង
-អាយួន..............កែវ រ៉េមី
-អាយួន..............ជា សារន្ធ
-អា​ឆ្កែកញ្ជះយួន........នរោត្តម រណ្ណប្ញទ្ធ
-អាយួន..............ហោ ណាំហុង
-អាយួន..............ចៀម យីប
-អាយួន..............ស្វា គិម ហុង
-អាយួន..............ងួន ធីញ៉ឹល
-អាយួន..............ចម ប្រសិទ្ធ
-អាយួន..............ខៀវ កញ្ញារឹទ្ធិ
-អាយួន..............ស ខេង
-អាយួន..............ខៀវ សុភ័គ
-អាយួន..............ឆាង សុង
-អាយួន..............ឆាំង យុ
-អាយួន..............ញឹម វណ្ណដា
-អាយួន..............ឱម យ៉ិនទៀង
-អាយួន..............អង្គវង្ស វឌ្ឍនា
-អាយួន..............កែប ជុតិមា
-អាយួន..............ចាន់ សារុន
-អាយួន..............កៀត ឈុន
-អាយួន..............ហ៊ុន តូ
-អាយួន..............ឈឹម ផលវរុណ
-អាយួន..............សោម ឆាយ៉ា
-អាយួន..............គន់ គីម
​-អាយួន..............ទា បាញ់-
-អាយួនក្បាលត្រងោលបារាជិក.....ទេប វង់
-អាយួនក្បាលត្រងោលបារាជិក.....នួន ង៉ែត

Anonymous said...

អាឡប់ 8:32PM! ថ្ងៃហ្នឹងពុំទាន់បានផឹកថ្នាំ ? ឬក៏ ផឺកវាជ្រុស ?

បានជាឃើញ ជេរគេឯងគ្រប់តែគ្នា ?


Anonymous said...

អាយួន CNRP កំពុងតែនាំគ្នាស៊ីឡាក

Anonymous said...

អារលាយ​​ 10:16PM

ទៅស៊ីអាចន៍ឆ្កែឲ្យឆ្អែតហើយកុំភ្លេចយកសាំងចាក់លើអំបែងក្បាលហ្អែងរួចដុតផង។ អាក្តខ្លី!

Anonymous said...

បើខ្មែរគំាទ្រ CNRP មាន
អាចុយម៉ែវា កឹម សុខា + អាគុក សម រង្ស៊ី
គឺគំាទ្រ អារន្ទះបាញ់ហ៊ុន សែន,ង្វៀងសេង ធារី ។


(សំផឹងយួន)....បោះឆ្នោតចាញ់បង្រ្គប់-កិច្ច ,