Wednesday, May 08, 2013

Hail the kingdom turned upside down: Bun Rany nominated Samd-ach!


Anonymous said...

To protect his throne, the king and his mother need to do that.

Anonymous said...

You can get what you want but all Khmers are hating you, Ms pig.

Anonymous said...


pas de commentaire!

No comment!

Anonymous said...

During the fight against Lon Nol & USA
in Cambodia between 1970-75, all the Khmer Rouge said that the KR were fighting against imperialism & US paper tiger. And you are the former Khmer Rouge not only imperialism but you are the hell oppressor on the innocence Khmer people, have you ever think about this? You are worst than imperialism and you a killer too.

Anonymous said...


នៃការចែករំលែក អំណាច ក្នុងគ្រួសារ ព្រះរាជាណាចក្រ !

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

This bitch is a killer, she order to kill Pisit Pillica and a fk Hun Sen said her,' why did you do that for', one of her bodyguard over heard the conversation and told all of their relative all about it.

Hawk Lundi also slept with Pisit Pilica too but because Hun Sen also liked her, Lundi decided to leave her for him. After finding out that she was pregnant, she (Ranny) decided either 'me or her'. Hawk Lundi said to Ranny 'let it to me', soon after, Pilica gone, dead, shot by Hawk Lundi's secret agent. This incident then went to air soon after her murdered...'Ranny is the one behind her murder'. Yet, no one can doing anything about it, how nice?! but nevertheless, the truth will always be the truth, simple as that, so, I am sure, soon justice will be prevailed like always. But for now, I will be watching you like always as well.


Anonymous said...

The real PhD who received the PhD from the universities, they don't want to get more such title because they are afraid they have not in charge about them. But the dump stupid PhD without universities wanted more. Your title is only WC paper, nothings more. No one respect you believe!

Anonymous said...

Srey sampoeung kietakor samlap cheat khmer keu mi bun rany aka mi ka heing youn vietcong.

Anonymous said...

សុំដាចម៏ ធំមួយ (គ្រលាស់មុនeអាន!)

Anonymous said...

-បើអា​កូនឈ្នួល CPP សំរាំង ស៊ី($2.000)
ដើរតួល្ខោនយួនយ៉ាងយូរ​ CNRP........
ក្រាញប្រឆាំងពលរដ្ឋខ្មែរ - ក្រាញសង្គ្រោះសុំដាចម៏ ធំមួយ-សំផឹងយួន,
វ៉ៃ SEX ក្រៅមុង...... តាមតុគុយទាវ .....

-បើអាកូនឈ្នួល CPP កឹម សុខា($2.000)
ដើរតួល្ខោនយួនយ៉ាងយូរ​ CNRP........
ក្រាញប្រឆាំងពលរដ្ឋខ្មែរ - ក្រាញសង្គ្រោះសំផឹងយួន+សុំដាចម៏ ធំមួយ
វ៉ៃ SEX ក្នុងមុងជាមួយ អាCPPយួន,
Hai Phúc aka ហ៊ុន សែន!

-នោះអាឆ្កែយួន ហ៊ុន សែន នឹង
ក្រាញអំណាចយ៉ាងយូរ​ រហូតដល់ខ្មែរអស់ស្រុក?

Anonymous said...

យើងយល់ថា មហាក្សត្រពិតជាត្រូវបាន ហ៊ុនសែន

Anonymous said...

Sam ach Sam ach what does it mean ? Sam doch ach

Anonymous said...

What a joke!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

ទំលាប់ខ្មែរ គឺរិះគន់យួននិងពួកអាយ៉ង ! ក៏បប៉ុន្តែគេមិនហ៊ានរិះគន់ស្តេច ដែលថើបគូថយួននិងពួកអាយ៉ង
ដើម្បីរក្សារាជបល្ល័ង្កឡើយ !

Anonymous said...

បុណ្យសក្តិ៍អក្ខរាមុនងារស្តេច+មន្រ្តី! អស់ទឹកអស់ដី ព្រោះតែអំណាច ដំឡើងបុណ្យខ្លួន
ព្រហើនកោងកាច នេះជាអំណាចជនពាលពាក់ម្កុដ។ គ្មានទេៗ អ្នក ប្រដៅជនពាលឲ្យធ្វើល្ឡ ពាលមិនត្រេកអរប៉ុនចុងសក់ ពាលរិតបានចិត្តធ្វើអាក្រក់ ភូតភរកុហុកគ្មានមេត្តា
រាល់រូបប្រុសស្រីចូរចងចាំ បូរាណបានផ្តាំចាំទុកថា
ប្រដៅជនពាលដោយអាជ្ញា ឃាំគ្រងប្រហាទើបវាខ្លាច៕

Anonymous said...

Me chouy me ray I don't want to see your face anymore, you are youn's dog.

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

I agree with you & king protect his throne
Rany are dum lady in Cambodia

Unknown said...

King left wing with cpp so king should be do what Hun Sen Phd without school tell him do and Rany is unknow school . She very dumm !!!

Unknown said...

Go hill samdoch now and young geral change leader ship now . It is time to change leader in camboda 30 year very old in world . Need fresh leader. Change ! Change !

Unknown said...

They are dumm Rany get reward from king ?

Anonymous said...

ខ្មែរអើយ!​ សូមលោកកុំភ្ញាក់ផ្អើលទៅនឹងពាក្យ
ដែលពពួកកូនយួនវានាំគ្នីគ្នាលើកតម្តើង នូវពាក្យ
សម្ដេច។ ដូចយើងធ្លាប់បានដឹងបានឮរួចមកហើយ
ថា៖ម៉ូនីកជាកូនស្រីយួនដែលមានកំណើតកើត ជានៅទីក្រុងព្រៃនគរ។ដូច្នេះសីហមុន្នីក៏ជាកូនយួន
វៀតកុង គ្មានគួរឲ្យអស្ចារ្យ។
ខ្លាំងពូកែរ បានទទួលបរមងារជាសម្ដេចដែរ គឺមាន