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Hun Manet, Hun Sen’s eldest son – the Anointed One, heir-apparent and Messiah, but for whom exactly? [image: google]
School of Vice
Whether one cries with laughter or laughs with tears
and sneers with ridicule at Mr Hun Sen’s recent revelation about his eldest son’s
supernatural arrival, it is as well to look beyond the comedy and the theatre put
on show for our educated amusement by him, and presumably, for the long term
benefit of his council of plotting advisors whose worldly visions and foresights
as well as Machiavellian traits, differ very little from those of their
ancient, imperial ancestors, and like the latter, continue to make them
consummate practitioners in their high art of advising and counselling subdued
and aligned nations –eventually – out of their very own respective existence!
It is hard for us to tell, with his provincial, back
waters upbringing and backgrounds and his tendency to give way to instinctive –
often crude and base – urges before the microphone whether he genuinely
believes in such supernatural omens, or whether he is simply and consciously exploiting
his own ingrained superstitious inner mindset [something he shares with the
vast numbers of Cambodians still] for his own calculated political advantages,
or maybe, a combination of both since the false grandeur and illusion of power,
having gained their footholds in men’s minds rarely fail then to entangle their
hearts with their own tentacles that can be said to be at the same time intoxicating
to the senses and injurious to the souls of their victims.
This is altogether quite a revelation given that we
also learned previously that, unlike all the modern conveniences and luxuries
that money and a local travel agent can arrange, Mr Hun Sen and his then bride had
had to spend their honeymoon night in a jungle hut somewhere in the country,
constantly fighting off the rude advances of predatory mosquitoes and insects
whose primeval need to feed on their bodies were just as great [and desperate]
as their own human, carnal urges to feed on one another! And if one adds to
this inconvenience and bother all the other ominous supernatural happenings
during that night of passion like thunders and lightning strikes, as well as
the full moon in the sky, then Mr Hun Manet’s divine conception and
announcement can be seen to have more than matched many a biblical miracle tale
retold for the salvific benefit of mankind down the ages! Just what exactly the
Chosen One or Messiah – Manet, a product of western education and a PhD holder
from England, a nation whose enlightened thinkers and foremost philosophers
more than their contemporaries elsewhere, are noted for their dry empirical
emphasis and leanings – makes of all this is anyone’s conjecture.
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Restless souls: Human skulls on display at the Choeung
Ek ‘Stupa’-Memorial [google]
A son can do no more than obey and follow his own father’s will and footsteps? Really? What was the real purpose of dispatching your children overseas in pursuit of the best schooling and training available if all those years of research and youth spent only to unquestioningly and blindly submit to one man’s archaic, and in many instances, catastrophic leadership visions, even if that one man happens to be your biological father? Or do they have other fathers – other than Mr Hun – we are unaware of?! Who knows what our Vietnamese ‘cousins’ are capable of conjuring up? But that’s another subject matter...
For all her industrious and devoted scholars [‘Nguyen’ a common prefix of Vietnamese
names is said to be used in honour of the social status traditionally granted
to one who has attained a certain academic distinction within the state’s Confucius
educational strata] Vietnam has produced
over the millennium and, for all her collective absorptions of ideas and
manners of doing things, including her age-old acclimatisation to
Sino-Confucius culture that teaches man to adapt his existence to the
constraints born of prevailing social conditions, and for all her outward
gestures and compromises made in response to external contingencies and necessities,
one constant above all else reigns supreme in her national trait and psyche;
and that is the primeval impulse implanted in most living species, ranging from
insects and mammals to Man by nature herself. It is an instinct and impulse that
have driven a nation to wage prolonged wars and - when expedient – enforce peace;
forge military alliances with ancient enemies – when expedient – and betray
allies – again, when necessary. In our pre- and post-modern eras revolutions and
ideologies had come and gone, but Vietnam’s rulers from Ming Mang to Ho Chi-minh
had stayed true to this core evolutionary impulse that demands complete
subordination of all else, including collective liberty and individual freedom,
to the imperative of organic cohesion of the State with its own unrelenting,
insatiable thirst for political power and imperial expansion as its raison d’être and motivating driving
himself had had to submit himself to this demand, and perhaps, not
unlike many of his compatriots now and contemporaries then, assumed -
literally - varying roles at various times in obeisance to that
all-imposing objective. He was at successive phases, an anti-colonial
activist-agitator, a canteen boy on a foreign ocean-crossing ship, a
self-employed portrait photographer in Paris, a self-appointed
representative of 'Indochina's anti-colonial movement' in Europe, a
member of the Comintern [The Communist International], affiliate of the
Chinese Communist Party, a hotel chef in London, a saffron robe-donning monk in
Thailand [Ho Chi-monk!], an ally of the Japanese against the
French, a CIA recruit . . . No wonder even some of his most ardent
supporters and comrades felt uneasy about his shifting alliances and
sudden u-turns, some of whom had gone even as far as openly accusing him
of treason, a charge he would always try to rebut by way of reminding
them of his own personal sacrifices made in service to his people and
the Vietnamese nation. All will be revealed for them, and if it may take
a little while, for their children or grand-children to see. To the
Russians, the European socialists and Chinese communists Ho preached
anti-colonialism and proletarian struggle; to Chinese nationalists and
the Americans he preached anti-Japanese strategy; to the Laotians and
Cambodians who he had inducted into his Vietnam-led Indochinese
'struggle' against the French he preached fraternity, solidarity, class
struggle, national independence and self-determination, empowering them
with both arms and doctrines to ensure they would succeed in their
chosen cause for their co-operation and success could only enhance
Vietnam's age-old designs and fuel her imperial ambition.
For much of the twentieth century and, now into the twenty first
century, Vietnam as a middle-sized power, has been among the foremost military
powers in the world, where its conventional armed forces estimated around a
million men strong once placed it as the fourth largest conventional power. This might be music to many a Vietnamese ‘nationalist’–adventurist’s
ear, but for the overwhelming masses of Vietnam and their forebears over the
centuries past, it had meant, and continues to mean ultimately, for them a life
ill-endowed of basic human choice and freedom of movement and expression - in
brief, deprived of dignity as human life is treated as mere mechanical tool at service
of the State and, as economic resources and assets are generated first and
foremost to meeting the ever growing national military budget and security priorities.
That this is so is all the more paradoxical and bittersweet given the piles of
skeletons of ordinary Vietnamese themselves, and of other smaller nations that
have fallen prey to the murderous traps set for them by the imperial State,
upon whose tragedies and sacrifices this State is built and sustained.
Not that it is impossible to come across physical
evidences of this ignominious legacy throughout Vietnam’s imperial sphere, for
these are even put on show and their physical visibility or symbolism are built
into monument forms for all to witness. However, what is important and relevant
is that we the public and the rest of the world see only what the architects
and masterminds behind these tragedies desire us to see. Whenever an issue is
raised whether the Choeung Ek ‘memorial’ is there for political propaganda
purposes and that in accordance with traditional religious practices the physical
remains of the victims should have been handed over to religious authorities
for cremation or burial, we always hear objecting voices who insist that, first
of all, the state is part atheistic and part religious in character; that the
Monument itself is erected as a Buddhist stupa!; and that besides, unless a
thorough scientific-DNA testing is conducted we would still be clueless as to
the surviving relatives [if indeed these relatives have survived!] to whom the
remains can then be handed over! Now, just wait a second, there are surely mass
graves sites all over Cambodia, and not all of them dug during the Hanoi-manipulated
reign of Pol Pot-Ieng Sary? We also have seen evidence of mass graves of slain
Funcinpec military officers following the 1997 coup, or have we not? Shouldn’t
there be a ‘stupa’ for every one of these mass graves? I still think and feel
as a human being that these victims had suffered enough in life already, and
deserve a modicum of respect and dignity in death, and not be further exploited
for any purpose.
But then again, I along with many others cannot see or
perhaps cannot bring ourselves to share the cynical and convoluted mindset of
Mr Hun, his advisors and other so-called Khmer leaders who had and have failed
to separate truth from fiction; propaganda from superstition, and narrow
self-advancement from those of the public realm.
Prior to the Vietnamese all-out invasion of ‘Democratic Kampuchea’ in 1979,
Vietnamese agents in the country at the time had also resorted to spreading superstitions
among the Khmer populace as a means of destabilising the Pol Pot regime. Villagers
had been heard passing rumours of mysterious salvation warriors physically and
magically appearing from out of the greens of the paddy fields! Many believed
it [the ploy] then, and many could still fall for it now, and although some of
us may find it rather amusing, it is Hanoi who may have the last laugh - as
usual. I suspect...
CPP was cretaed by yuons ,so
it is for whom?
Khmer rouge was created by whom?
The murder is the same person(hanoi).
This is a proof and the memory that Youn Killed Khmer. The truth will be shown to the world one day.
The legendary Khmer Genocide was originally written and produced by Hanoi, but acted by the Khmer people.
បើខ្ញុំ ជាលោកវិញ ខ្ញំមឹន បកប្រែជាខ្មែរ ទេ ពីព្រោះ
មើលទៅ ដូចជា មឹន ពិរោះស្ដាប់សោះ៕
5:25 AM
Thank you, and I agree!
I deliberately put this kind of brief translations out there - so to speak - for Google and its Khmer language team's attention only, at least for now! In time - with additional feedback and improvements - this innovation could prove revolutionary in helping to preserve Khmer language and identity, and that ought to count for something, in my view, even if it is self-evidently inadequate at this point in time.
សូមលោកទាំងអស់ជ្រាបថា រូបក្បាលខ្មោចទាំងអស់គឺរៀបចំដោយួន ជាមួយអ្នកឯកទេស អាល្លឺម៉ង ។ សុទ្ធតែជាល្បិចយួនទាំងអស់ ... ដើម្បីបង្វែងដាន ។ សូមខ្មែរភ្ញាក់ខ្លួនឡើង !
អរគុណ លោក សូវ (SOV) ណាស់ ដែលបាន
ឆ្លៀតពេល សរសេរតប នឹងកំណត់របស់ខ្ញុំខាងលើ
(5:25AM)។ ខ្ញុំអាចជឿបានថា លោក សូវ ជាមិត្ត
ល្អម្នាក់ ដែលជាអ្នកចេះដឹង នឹង មាន ទស្សនះ ទូលំទូលាយ យល់ដឹងនូវអ្វីៗដែលជា ការតិះដៀល
ខ្លួនខ្ញុំផ្ទាល់ ខ្ញំចូលចិត្ត នឹង ស្រឡាញ់ អ្នកចេះដឹង
មានដំរេះវិជ្ជា ដូចលោក សូវ ពីព្រោះ លោក សូវ ជា អ្នកមានវិជ្ជាជ្រៅជ្រះ នឹងជា សុភាពបុរស!(A SCHOLAR AND A GENTLEMAN!)
រឿងដែលខ្ញុំមឹនដាក់ ឈ្មោះខ្ញំនោះ ក៏ព្រោះតែខ្ញំ
ចង់ដឹងថាតើ លោក សូវ រវីរវល់នឹងខ្ញំឬទេ បើសឹន
ជា លោក សូវ មឹនស្គាល់ ខ្ញំទេនោះ?
អរគុណ លោក សូវ យ៉ាងច្រើនបំផុត។
ខ្ញំសង្ឃឹមថា យើងនឹងជួបគ្នានៅពេលស្រុក
កាឡុញ ឆឹក
And as for 6:40AM,
Yes we, the educated majority knows full well what's behind and everything else surrounding the Killing Fields that cost almost 2 millions of our Khmer inhabitants life...It's a matter of how we will ultimately prove it to the world...And I personally hope that someday, we will. យើងដឹងពិតប្រាកដណាស់។ អរគុណ!
Kal Chuck
Yes we, the educated majority, know full well ***
4:41 AM. WRONG. It was acted by the Vietnamese. Just like the K5 Genocide.
The Vietnamese placed Hun Sen as the leader in the genocide of K5 planning.
The Khmer civilians are forced into labor in the mining field. Behind the Khmer civilian were the Khmer soldier keeping watch of the laborer, but the Vietnamese soldiers stood behind every single Khmer soldier.
Hundreds of thousands of Khmer civilians were killed. So who killed who?
3million died with the help of Hun Sen and now, his so called 'blessed son', is here ready to rule. Making me want to laugh. Such a murderer is being blessed by god? but I don't think so, because I believe God only blesses the kind hearted people and definitely not killers of murderers like HUN SEN.
hmm, I wonder what is in his father's head really? maybe to fool the poor and vulnerable people but definitely not the educated ones really. This is a sign of a sickheaded leader really. Who in the world would say such a thing. I hope Hun Manet is different from his father and maybe he is not his father's real son anyway. So, of course he is different.
When I look at Hun Manet, he somehow has good moral than his adopted father in many way though. He may not like be Hun Sen son but as he is already one, he hope that thing will change for better at least. I heard that he like to help the poor than some. So, let see from here.
The election’s problems and its solutions
As of today, 5/6/2013, the CNRP has not registered in this upcoming election yet, demanding the government to overhaul the NEC, hoping that the international community would put enough pressure on the government to do so.
If this step fails, the CNRP needs to register to beat the dateline. The CNRP must avoid any unforced errors.
1- During the election day:
We all have known that there will be illegal Vietnamese and even the Vietnamese who live in Vietnam come to vote on that day because the NEC had issued them “the ticket to vote”.
There is a saying "we must help ourselves first before other can help us". Khmer people must help themselves first.
Khmer people, after casting their vote, should stay near the voting boot to ensure that the illegal Vietnamese cannot vote. If there are skirmishes or fight between Khmer people and the illegal Vietnamese all over the country on that election day, it is highly likely that the election would stop or cancel.
This time, the international community especially the UN would intervene and force the government to overhaul the NEC.
2- After the election day:
We have known that hundred of thousands, or even million of Khmer people cannot vote because of the intentional mistakes committed by the NEC to prevent Khmer people who support the opposition parties from voting.
The CNRP should contact and gather those people and peacefully march to voice their concern about their right.
We got to help ourselves first. If the neo colonialist Vietnam lose their soldiers to conquer Cambodia in 1979, it would be all right that Cambodia lose some people – if the puppet government suppresses Khmer peaceful march – to claim their independence back.
We should invoke and relive Mahatma Gandhi’s doctrine to fight this evil Vietnam.
In this world, every thing is not free. We got to pay something to receive something. We all will die one day, but we should die to keep Cambodia alive. Those devils Vietnamese died to take our land, and we die to protect our land only. Our sacrifice is relatively smaller than those Vietnamese.
3- Just a reminder how evil Vietnam and its puppet Hun Sen are:
Vietnam and Hun Sen have never complied with the 1991 Paris peace agreement. And the social turbulence in Cambodia mainly stemmed from this non compliance of such peace accord.
Bun Thoeun
មិនត្រឹមតែប៉ុណ្ណោះទេ យួន បានដឹងច្បាស់ពីទី
ផង អារឿងនេះ ខ្ញុំបានដឹងអំពីយុទ្ធសាស្រ្តយួន
តាំងពីដំបូងមកម៉្លេះ តែ គ្នានអ្នកប្រតិកម្ម។
យួន លេងល្ខោនមួយឆាក ឈ្លានពាន លេប
ទឹកដីខ្មែរ សាហាវអស្ចារ្យណាស់ លាភមុខឱ្យ
ខ្មែរសម្លាប់ខ្មែរ នៅទីបំផុត វាចូលមកទទួល
លទ្ធផលយ៉ាងគាប់ប្រសើរ រួចហើយវាសោយ
រាជ្យតែម្ដង បានន័យថា អាយួន សម្លាប់ខ្មែរ
វាមានសាគុណលើខ្មែរដ៏ធំធេងទៀត រហូតវា
បានវាយតម្លៃ ថា ខ្មែរយើងល្ងង់មហាសេនល្ងង់
ពិសេស ពួកអ្នកដឹកនាំខ្មែរ៕
11:01 AM
There maybe more to the election rigging process governed by the NEC than the hypothetical scenario you mentioned.
If the NEC is a creation of the ruling party then it is not working to ensure transparency or free and fair practice, and for that reason alone this body must be dissolved and an independent electoral commission [say a UN - EU authority] formed in its place to monitor all will be done without any undue interference whatsoever from any political party, just as how it was largely conducted in 1993.
The 'illegal Vietnamese voters' you talked about are also legal voters, and you and others will likely have a hard time distinguishing between them and the rest of the registered voters.
Even if these illegal voters are banned from the voting booth, I imagine the CPP's NEC will still come up with a winning recipe! After all, is that not their job to start with?
Bear in mind also that even while Untac forces remained in the country, the ruling party then could still manage to influence the election process and outcome in its favour through organised thuggery and intimidation as well as carrot-and-stick tactic. The 1993 election was not 'free and fair' in that sense, but it was pronounced 'free and fair' by the Untac and the international monitoring observers overall given existing political-social conditions and the experimental nature of the whole thing.
The Opposition needs to learn from its short-sighted past strategy and come up with something concrete to make sure the electoral playing field is evenly formed including equal 'state' media and broadcasting airtime allocation or access and/or the distribution thereof.
យួនមានល្បិចច្រើនណាស់ដែលខ្មែរតាមមិនទាន់ គេបានរៀបជើងព្រួលយ៉ាងល្អិតល្អន់មុនធ្វើអ្វីមួយ ផែនការសម្លាប់ខ្មែរនឹងផែនការសង្រ្គោះ
ខ្មែរមានដំណើរការសមស្របនឹងពេលវេលាដែលបានកំណត់ ល្បិចនេះសូម្បីតែអន្តរៈជាតិក៏យល់ច្រឡំដែរ នឹងការគ្រប់គ្រងខ្មែររហូតដល់
សព្វថ្ងៃនេះ គេបានជីករណ្តៅមួយឱ្យខ្មែរដើរហើយស្របច្បាប់ គឺការបោះឆ្នោត វាគឺជាល្បិចមួយឱ្យខ្មែរយល់ច្រឡំ នឹងធ្វើឱ្យខ្មែរវង្វេង។
There is no doubt that NEC is nothing more then the CPP guard dog licking the hands that feed them dog food. Same as the Quick Reaction Unit, another tool the CPP uses to guard dog the media.
I suspect the CPP will soon create another unit to watch and monitor the Facebook and Social media content.
CPP will create many more hungry dogs, brainless barbarics, those willing to follow orders and the execution.
Afterall, what doesnt CPP control?
ក្បាលខ្មោចនៅជើងឯក ឯងថា យួន និងអាល្លឺម៉ង់បន្លំ ចុះម៉ែឱឯង ឱពុកម្ដាយ បងប្អូនប្រជាជនខ្មែររាប់លាននាក់ស្លាប់ បន្លំដែរទេ? អ្នកនិយាយនោះ គឺជាឃាតករសម្លាប់ខ្មែរច្បាស់ណាស់។ ប៉ុល ពត ក៍និយាយចឹងដែរ មុនវាងាប់ វាមិនដែលទទយលស្គាល់ថាវាសម្លាប់និងធ្វើឲ្យខ្មែរស្លាប់ទេ វាថាវាសម្លាប់តែយួន តែអ្នកងាប់ពិតប្រាកដជាខ្មែរ។
And Khmer people sit by and watch it happen. The son of a dog is runing the Country. Khmer people Do nothing, just sit on your ass, talk, talk, talk. Comparing how great your country is to VC, Laos, Thai and others country.
To all Kun Khmer...Peace is not coming or happen on it own in Cambodia. So peace is within all of you. Stand and Fight what is right no matter what....
ដល់លោក ៦៖៣៦pm
គេនិយាយពីការរៀបចំតុបតែងតាំង...កុំនិយាយឡើងរកម៉ែឪគេឯង ...
Are you still sleeping or dreaming? The world already knew that Yuon took Laos and Cambodia. And what do you want the world to do for Khmers? Every nation has its own problem, who cares for who, unless it benefits them.
It Khmer Buddhists' CURSE. No body to blame but the Khmer. Buddhists themselves.
Bun Thoeun! It is a CURSE. Don't blame others, it is A CURSE. You evil Khmer Buddhists get down your knees and beg King of the Empire builder and Kings of Temples Preah Vihear & Angkor Wat builders for forgiveness, or otherwise be slaves to you enemy Yuon.
Have you learned anything good after you adopted new foreign weakest Buddhism in 800 years?
You Khmer Buddhists been whacked and been defeated miserably.
Yuon using Hun Sen so Yuon and CPP are the Khmer Buddhists' sins.
Still deny your sins? Still refused to bow and kneel down before the great Kings who cursed you Khmer Buddhists? Who owned Angkor Wat
now? Yuon Sok Kong.
The Khmer Buddhists are being Cursed. For 800 years they wrecked the whole powerful Empire and little Khmer nation to nothing.
And the BEAST's Head with his big lips smiling then his followers are running amok. The BEAST was Jayavaraman SEVEN (7).
He ordered to build Bayon his self-prophesied to the future of the Empire he inherited by having only his four heads displayed with no Body. The BEAST was Beheaded. The body represents the Empire or Khmer Nation, but he cut it off, Kingdom no more.
10:25 PM
What should Khmer people do?
Please give specific steps to end this misery in Cambodia.
Kill yourself or fight back to get what you want!....You should kill yourself if you still don't know what to do by now...If you need assistant Yuon loves to assist you!....
10:51 PM
YOU yourself are lowest of the lowest beast.!!!
Ignore the jerk @ 10:25 PM.
His statements are full of nonsense and wishfull thinkings, with no facts in them.
Just skip this jerk's comments all together.
Superstition= Aroupei chumnoeur. Watch the Ror- consonant. Not the corrupt form,Akpei chumnoeur.
Please learn to pronounce and spell proprely. No such word as Akpei, commonly misused and misspelt as has been practisee by many Khnmer currently.
That idiots who keeps blaming the the Khmer King from the 12th century for being a buddhist must be a Christian Youn.
He wants the whole Cambodia to be converted to his retarded idiot, called Jesus, whose mom was a whore to the Roam soldiers,who bore him. How could a virgin have a baby without having sex ?
Only a mental would go around preaching to people he is a son of god, please follow me.
If you don't believe me try going around telling people you are a son of god, and you would end up in a mental institution. Try it.
On this, Hun Sen is also appearing to possess mental illness.
6:35 AM. I agree. What idiots nowaday believes that Mary was a Virgin when she gave birth to Jesus. And what idiot believes that Jesus walked on water and turn water into wine?
Only this Christian Youn believes such properganda.
In fact, Mary wasnt a virgin, Jesus Christ had an older brother. Mary was a whore, who gave birth to Jesus and his brother out of wedlock, which is a crime punishable by death under the Jerualsm Law.
Search it up..
They found a tome of Jesus family; all members of his family were buried there. He didn't go to heaven as those fanatics were hallucinating. The world at that time was full of ignorant people.
The new testament like Buddhist texts were written down a few hundred years later, after Jesus death, by fanatics.
ខ្ញុំជាខ្មែរ បានតាមដាក់ការឆ្លងឆ្លើយរបស់អស់លោក គ្រប់គ្នាទាំង ទាំងអ្នកស្រឡាញ់បក្សប្រជាជន ទាំងអ្នកស្រឡាញ់បក្សសមរង្ស៊ីគិមសុខា គ្រប់គ្នាសុទ្ធតែជាខ្មែរបើជាខ្មែរគួរសាម្គីគ្នាឡើង ជាធម្មតាក្នុងរបបប្រជាធិបតេយ្យ បក្សកាន់រដ្ធាភិបាល
ជាគូរគ្នាជាមួយបក្សក្រៅរដ្ធាភិបាល ម្នាក់អ្នកធ្វើ ម្នាក់អ្នកតាមមើលអ្នកធ្វើ បើអ្នកធ្វើៗមិនត្រូវ អ្នកតាមមើលត្រូវតែនិយាយជួយកែតម្រូវ ហើយកុំទុកគ្នាជាសត្រូវ។
ជាចុងក្រោយបើអស់លោកជាខ្មែរស្រឡាញ់ខ្មែ ត្រូវជួយថែរក្សាភាសា អក្សរខ្មែរដូចនេះក្នុងមតិអស់លោកគួរសរសេរជាខ្មែរទៅនេះជាផ្នែកមួយជួយការពារខ្មែរហើយ ចិន យួនទៅដល់ណាក៏ពួកវាប្រើភាសារវា សូម្បីហូបចុកក៏វាប្រើចង្កើស វាមិនដែលចោលប្រពៃណីរបស់វាទេ៕
5:53 AM
Superstition is a believe system based on occult practices or illogically
established,the Khmer of the 1960 translated the word as អប្បិយជំនឿ ប្រែថា
ជំនឿមិនគួរស្រឡាញ់ មិនគួរទុកចិត្ត តែគួរលះបង់ចោល ។ អាចសរសេរម្យ៉ាងទៀតថា អប្រិយជំនឿ ។
It is irrelevant to the word អរូបី which is abstract,non concrete,intangible.
Hope it will help your understanding.
Blessed are those who did see but believe, the kingdom of god belongs to them. If you don't believe in Christ, mainly because you are not the chosen ones, simple as that.
Another evident to prove to the world that Jesus is our true and living god by performing exocism e,g every time the devil dwel in him/her or if their home is being huanted. Every time the priest said 'in the name of Jesus, I command you to leave', the devil had no choice but to leave and also has shown much fear over the exocism.
On other ocassion where, people got cured or healed from the disease after their pray asking for forgiveness and healing processes etc. or where people get hurt through a form or violence and then, god allowed those to see the outcome of the perpetrators e.g they ended up pay the price in the end.
So, nothing last forever, but through belief in christ alone eveything is just perfect...e.g you don't have to be rich to be happy but through christ alone, you are automatically being rich as ' do not seek for material things for it will be rotten away, but seek what is everlasting, that is, to do good...love one another as I have loved you'... or 'be afraid of losing both body and soul', so might as well do good.
Or my people will hear my voice and as for the devil ones, they have eyes but can not see, have ears but can not hear and have mouth but speak only evil because knowing that his/her time is short lived and so they try to create as much damages as possible and one of them is you Mr 10:32am, so go ahead continue to suck innocent blood for your time is limited, simple as that!
បំណកស្រាយរបស់លោក 5:04 PM ត្រឹមត្រូវ
ដែលភន្ត័ច្រឡំ ថាយួន ចូលមកសង្រ្គោះខ្មែរ។
យួនយកពាក្យ ថា "អង្គការ" មកសម្លាប់ខ្មែរ
បន្លាច និង បង្ខំខ្មែរឱ្យធ្វើការធ្ងន់ រួចបង្អត់អាហារ
នាសម័យដ៏ខ្មៅងងឹតមួយនោះ។ពេលនេះ ខ្មែរ
ជាមួយពួកចក្រពតឈ្លានពាន យួន និងសៀម
ដែលបំរុងលេបត្របាក់កម្ពុជា រាប់រយសតវត្ស
មកហើយ។ យើងបានឃើញជាក់ច្បាស់ណាស់
វៃ ក៏នៅតែព្រះអង្គចាញ់ល្បួងពួកបិសាហាណូយ
ដែលព្រះអង្គចាត់ទុកពួកវា ជាអាក្រពើវង្វេងបឹង!
ចំណុចសំខាន់មួយទៀតដែល យើងខ្ញុំចាប់
អារម្មណ៍ គឺ លោក បង្ហាញអំពីឧបាយរបស់
មេដឹកនាំយួន ក្នុងដំណើរឈ្លានពានកម្ពុជា
ដោយស្របច្បាស់ សូម្បីតែសហគមន៍អន្តរជាតិ
សំណួរ ហេតុអ្វី អ្នកដឹកនាំខ្មែរ ស្ទើរតែគ្រប់
ជំនាន់មានភាពឆោតល្ងង់ ល្ងីល្ងើ ឡប់ៗឆ្កួត
និងអំណាចបុណ្យសក្តម៉្លេះ នេះជាការវាយ
សម័យកាល។ តើ កម្ពុជានឹងរលាយនៅពេល
11:12 AM
You are such a super comedian who make me laugh! I don't think you give a fair thought to
10:32 AM post. S/he was not talking or attacking any Religions but explains the word
superstition and how Khmer translated that word.S/he talked about orange and you started
banana ! I think you are great at concocting something out of nothing !
If the father (Ah Hun Shit) is Leukeu, the son (Ah Lok Tok) is Leu Keu too.
The school that he has gone to, they let him pass.
So Ah Sen = Ah Shit = Ah Le Duc Tho Hun Mayonette
hahaha, it was meant for 7:10am hahaha, no wonder you said I am a comedian...hahaha orange vs banana haha
11:12 AM
A bunch of balone !
11:12 AM. Something is wrong with his head or her head. Is this Theary Seng preaching about BANANA when everyone else is talking about APPLE?
It's so sad that someone like the one @8:25AM, day in and day out, time and time again here on KI-Media, has been trying (in English and in Khmer) so hard to get some attention...but Alas...to no avail...because no one (repeating -no one!), not even a living soul is giving a rat's ass about it except me of course, just to tell you to have a good trip back to Hanoi, DONG CHI!!!
I am encouraging everybody to just cut and paste my comment...wherever is appropriate as a response to Hanoi's agent such as the one @8:25AM.
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