Wednesday, May 15, 2013

The Exotic Tropical Jungle of Cambodia managed by the Hun dynasty

TIME Magazine | May 14, 2013
Cambodia’s deforestation is the world’s third highest, after Nigeria and Vietnam, according to the latest figures from the U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization. China is the biggest importer of timber, and the destination for much of Cambodia’s beleaguered woodland.

Rubber Barons:
How Vietnamese Companies and International Financiers [IFC, Deutsche Bank] are Driving a Land Grabbing Crisis in Cambodia and Laos

Global Witness | May 2013

The ruling Cambodian People's Party (CPP) was installed into power by the Vietnamese military in Jan. 1979 when it invaded Cambodia.

Since, inter alia, the CPP facilitated the K-5 Plan, and has given the Vietnamese military control of national-security-sensitive telecommunications (METFONE, whose parent company is Viettel, owned by the Vietnamese military), the national airlines... Now Vietnam's free reign to destroy its satellite state, Cambodia, wholesale.

And these are only some of the things we know about some 33 years later.

- Theary, Phnom Penh, 13 May 2013

Excerpts from the Global Witness May 2013 Executive Summary:

By the end of 2012, 2.6 million hectares of land in Cambodia had been leased, 1.2 million of this for rubber.  Twenty-two percent of this land has been allocated to just five of Cambodia's most powerful tycoons -- simply the latest example of how the country's valuable natural resources have been captured by an elite growing spectacularly rich while one-third of the population [almost 5 million] lives on less than US$0.61 a day.

The legal limit is 10,000 hectares per company.

2.6 million hectares = 73% of Cambodia's arable land, affecting Cambodians in 12 provinces


Anonymous said...

We cut your woods!
We bulldoze your huts!
We dry out Tonle Sap with the Dams!
We take your land and islands!

Where are you Khmer going to hide?

谢谢/cảm ơn bạn

Ms. Soap

Anonymous said...

As Rainsy said:
chop the land and divide-
among them, the viet, the viet's dogs etc. but many Khmer still do not appreciate Rainsy's hard work
risking his life defending Khmer.

one khmer in CA

Anonymous said...

Ah Hun sen cut your head off now!!!! Look at the picture on the screen ah ott pooh Hun! What did you see? The place once was jungle where up hiden during you revolution against Lon Nol now is is treeless due to your Boss-Yuon destroy them.This is your die-nasty to the future 100 millennium people will remember you as Yuon's slave!

Cut off your head as your promised to the world now...You're coward if you don't do what you have promised everyone already heard your promised,why don't you follow thru? If you need help,I am willing to assist you to cut your head off as you've promised without charge.

Anonymous said...

I have said a million times, when you have youns and chens compete, the rate of destruction will be faster. Two hungry dogs competing to eat, they try to eat as fast as they can. In a few years, Cambodia will be divided between youns and chens. That is the fact.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Oh my Gosh! Look at the Cambodia countryside, what the hell are those Vietnamese/Yuon thieves have done to Cambodia (and Laos)?

Anonymous said...

ប្រទេសខ្មែរជំនាន់ចចកភ្នែកទោល ឆ្កែយួន ខ្លួនខ្មែរបណ្ឌិតអវិជ្ចា ខួរក្បាលបង្កង រស់បង្កររឿងបង្កើត
ហេតុ រំលាយស្រុកទេស អភិវឌ្ឍន៏ប្រទេសដើម្បីបរទេស គំនិតបាតផ្សារ ជនចៃកញ្ចះយួនមេភូតកុហក់រកលេខ
ដាក់គ្មាន សំដីមនុស្សព្រៃ ខ្វះសាលារៀន មានតែសាលាហាណូយនៃក្រុមប័ក្យប្រជាជនអភិវឌ្ឍន៏ទីកន្លែងមាន
ព្រៃឈើ ខ្លាចជាវាលខ្យល់ អភិវឌ្ឍន៏ផ្ទះសម្បែងដីធ្លី ប្រែជាអត់សំម្រាប់ប្រជាជន អភិវឌ្ឍន៏ជីវភាពនៃប្រជាជាជន
កាន់តែក្រៗទៅ ប្រជាជនឆ្កួតវង្វែងនិងគ្រឿងញៀន ពពួកអាឆ្កែលក់សម្លេងព្រុះថា ស្រាប៊ៀរជាតិ ម៉ូតនភាពជាតិ
នៃក្រុមប័ក្យប្រជាជន កាន់តែមានទៅ រាស្ត្រកាន់តែក្រទៅ រត់រកកន្លែងរស់ មានតាមផ្នូរខ្មោច តាមទឹក ខ្វះកន្លែង
រកស៊ី ខ្វះទីជំម្រក ខ្វះសាលារៀនទាំងអស់នេះជាថ្នាំពុលដែលពពួកអាចចកភ្នែកទោលនិងក្រុមប័ក្យប្រជាជន
នាំចូលពីហាណូយមានអាពុកមាត់ពពែរជាគ្រូបា ដូច្នេះល្មមដល់ពេលខ្មែរក្រោកពីពុលដំណេកនៃរបបកញ្ចះគេ
ហើយ ពុករលួយ បំផ្លាញជាតិ បំបិតសិទ្ធសេរីភាពការពារខ្លួនឯង តុលាការគ្មានយុត្តិធម៏ ប៉ូលីស ប៉េអ៊ិមប្រើអំ
ណាចខុសច្បាប់ កុំទុកពេលវេលាដ៏មានតម្លែនៃជីវិតសំរាប់កូនចៅទៅអនាគតឲ្យមានពន្លឺភ្លឺឡើងវិញព្រោះ
យើងជាម្ចាស់ទឹកដីកោះដែលទទួលកេរ្គិ៏ពីដូនតាកំឲ្យបាត់បង់ដោយបនខ្ញុំកញ្ចះយួន មានអាខ្វាក់ភ្នែកទោល
ជាបងធំ នឹងក្រុមប័ក្យប្រជាជនមានអាយួននៅពីក្រោយខ្នងវា ។

Anonymous said...

i think it is sometimes ok to clear economic lands for plantations, crops and other farmings, however, make sure the deal is not uncontrollable and illegal; if it is, then it is unlawful and detrimental to cambodia and its environmental preservation. of course, certain parts of cambodia ought to be preserved and conserved and protected as wildlife sanctuaries, national parks, wilderness protection, etc... but don't expect the entire country of cambodia to be conserved while other parts of the world are free to develop, etc, you know. let's be fair to cambodia when it comes to development, environmental preservation, wildlife sanctuary protection, etc, etc, that's all!

i also think cambodia should again become the world exporter of natural rubber latex again as well as rice and other manufacturing products, really! can't expect cambodia to stay primitive or undevelop while the rest of the world get to develop and grow and modernized, etc... cambodia should be developed and modernized in many ways as well like the rest of of the developing countries out there, i think. i love my country cambodia, and thus, i would like to see my country cambodia develops and grows and modernizes, too, you know. may god bless my country cambodia and all our beautiful khmer people and citizens. be fair to cambodia and stop taking advantage of cambodia lacking behind because of war, civil strifes and civil war of the past 30 or 40 years, ok! this era is not the dark ages nor the stone ages any longer, so stop expecting and wanting cambodia to be primitive and weak forever because cambodia can change and becomes better and better too, really!

Anonymous said...

not everybody in cambodia is bad and greedy and corrupted, so remove only the bad and incompetent ones. there are more to cambodia than you and i, really!

and stop supporting or backing the bad and greedy and corrupted ones, ok! if you do, you, too, are bad and incompetent and hypocritical as well, instead, let's all do the right thing for cambodia so when cambodia benefits, everyone in cambodia can benefit as well. may god bless my country cambodia and all our beautiful khmer people and citizens. everything in cambodia should be run by the rule of law, that's how we can lessen corruption and bad element, you know. whining and taking revenge and getting even won't do cambodia any good except causing more destruction and suffering and chaos and turmoil, etc, you know. be smart, clever and enlightened and wiser. yes, do learn from everyone and the past and avoid past mistakes. two wrongs don't make it right, it's not a mathematical formula, you know. it is the reality, not imagination, ok!

Anonymous said...

This is a good example of how CPP and Hun sen together with his team able to convert a 1millon year old rain forest into desert in 12 months.

So in the coming elections. Cambodian Citizen should THINK about how much more of this will CPP deliver?

No rainforest
No water
Hot weather always
No more season as bio-diverstity dont exist, may be Dr Hun deos not know what is bio-diversity mean? or if "tree" produce oxygen for him to breath...

any way.. it a WISH that one day soon in the coming months post the election Cambodian citizen can go and CUT AND CLEAR THE HUN families just like his families clear those trees and vegetations.....

Anonymous said...

Choss Nov Vealcsach Rie Samouth Csach Arab Deal Kmern Deumchei Thol TheSorss,Hatey BanCheapouvea Rouss NovBan Heuy meanoxygen...?????Pardon me,Just i pleasing...^^I'm unlike they sale us country SUCH!!!Pouarrothasban chab..chab...._..(-.-)