Friday, June 21, 2013

ហ៊ុន សែន ថា៖«តាមពិត អាណិកជនវៀតណាម មានមិនដល់១០ម៉ឺននាក់ផង!»


Anonymous said...

Hun Xen want those illegal Yuon to vote for him that's why he made that stupid comment.

He cares only power not about Cambodia anything.

When the uneducated peasant like Hun Xen got power, he got drunk with power.

This kind of strategy of infiltration by foreigners caused Khmer Empire to collapse and now a small land of Cambodia is gradually part of Yuon.

In the past, Thais infiltrated into Khmer empire after Thais were defeated by Chinese. Jayavaraman 7 did not dare to face Thais, but he only focused on Champa (in the history).
Not only he did not dare to face Thais, he even reduced military defense by following Thais' Buddhism. Million men becoming monks, less solders to defend the empire.

During Jayavaraman 7' reign, Thais controlled the western part of Khmer Empire.

Why Khmer Buddhists stayed silent and did not write the history with the facts? Not that they falsified the real history they made that man god. Yeahh god traitor, just like Hun Xen who sees no Yuon invaders about 7 million in Cambodia.

Hun Xen too makes himself Sd'ach Kon.

Anonymous said...

Jayavaraman VII was no great anything, he did not and never conquer any nation at all. The only one thing he did was forming his government with hospitals, tax system, etc.

They have to write that he was great because he converted himself to Buddhists and he legalized Buddhism as a state religion. If they wrote the facts that his reign there're Thais infiltration at the western part of the empire, he will kill them. Who dared to write against his authority?

All Khmers' leaders like that killing anyone who speak the truth. You dare to write the truth, you will die.

khleing moeung said...

  ​   នេះហើយទង្វើនៃពពួកល្មោភអំណាច គ្មានគិតអ្វីដែលខុសនិងត្រូវ ប្រវត្តិសាស្ត្រខ្មែរនិងប្រវត្តិសាស្ត្រ
           ឃ្លាំង មឿង

Anonymous said...

1:18 PM. You are talking alot of shit. Go back to school and learn to read first.

chhun harvichear said...

    ​  តេជោ ហ៊ុនសែន លោកមានបញ្ហាពិការភ្នែក ក្រែងយើងរាល់គ្នាដឹងដែរឬអត់?
   សម្តេចមានប្រសាសន៍ថាមានយួនប្រមាណ ១០០០០០ នាក់ គឺពិតជាត្រឹមត្រូវ ។ ព្រោះសម្តេច
   មានតួនាទីជាអគ្គមេបញ្ជាការកងទ័ពជាតិ គ្រាន់តែសម្តេចភ្លេចបញ្ជាក់ថា ១០០០០០ នាក់ជាកងទ័ព
   តែប៉ុណ្ណោះដែលនៅជុំវិញខ្លួនលោក។ បើចង់ដឹងពីនិគមយួនវិញសូមសួរលោកឈឹមផលវរុណឬសយ

Anonymous said...

Hun Sen is commiting treason and therefore, he is trappred. If he doesn't do what the VC, Chinese and the CPP traitor crooks want, then, he and his family trees be doomed and if, he does what our people want, then, he will also be facing the uprising. Nevertheless, as a leader, one should not attempt to commit treason at all, because each nation, has to have its own state sovereignty and only then, they can survive well within their own of world of existence.

But in Srok Khmer's case it is being controlled by the outsiders known as 'the crooks or traitor crooks' which allowed it to happen this way, in order for them to 1) control srok khmer 2) making sure khmers become their slave 3) trip of our natural to benefit their nation 4) continue to make khmers weak and have nothing much to eat 5) make sure khmers continue to be uneducated 6) swallow them up 7) keep khmers nation in a low profile as possible while they continue to rob, steal, kill, deprive them from freedom of expression.

Then, they continue to say that 'khmers are racists, dumb, stupit and lazy', after what khmers have done for them, like, helping them to join between the North and the South and instead of appreciating us and plus, not even they return our Khmer Krom as promised, they went on to bite us khmers even harder by taking the whole Koh Tral Island and now trying to swallow the Srok Khmer on top of that, in the end, Kingta and Pol Pot said 'we been played and now we are in big trouble...they are like crocodiles'.

Those crooks will never stop until all khmers are gone, finished from this planet earth. But I know that time will come for them. Because everything comes with time, e,g where are our predecessors gone to now? gone, dead! and what happened to their wealth? gone with them too but have their souls been saved? I doubt it, so might as well do good really.

Anonymous said...

4 = គ្រាប់អំពិលសំផឹងយួន

Anonymous said...

To 1:18 PM

We're sick of your TRASH !!!

Anonymous said...

What do you expect from AH HUN SEN Vietcong slave mother fucker! He still favor his Vietcong boss and those illegal Vietnamese help him win the election! This is all he knew for all his life and everything depend on the Vietcong to his mother, his father, and his life savior!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

ឣាលឺកឹ ហ៊ុន សែន វាមិនទាំងចេះរាប់ផង កោតតែវាមាន Phds កើត?

Anonymous said...

ឣាលឺកឹ ហ៊ុន សែនមាន វាPhds PLEU