Prime Minister Hun Sen's new law criminalizing denial of the Khmer Rogue genocide is a barely disguised political move, not a gesture of goodwill, say analysts.
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A Cambodian boy stands infront of a
platform covered with human skulls at the Killing Field in Trapeang Sva
Village, Kandal provinc Photo: AP
By Elizabeth Barber | Christian Science Monitor, June 7, 2013
Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen today pushed through legislation that makes it illegal to deny the Khmer Rouge genocide, but his critics say it has little to do with promoting atonement for his country's tragic past.
Passed unanimously in a special session of the country’s National Assembly, the new law mandates a jail term of up to two years and fines of $1,000 for anyone convicted of denying the 1975-1979 genocide, during which Pol Pot's Khmer Rouge slaughtered some 1.7 million people.
Though formally said to be a gesture of support for the ongoing trials of leading Khmer Rogue leaders, analysts say the law is far more about political advantage for Hun Sen, a former Khmer Rouge official who has been the unchallenged leader of Cambodia
This jungle law make people to close mouth.
Kangaroo has been passed. So people watches out whom works against dictatorship.
HUN SEN,said Khmer rouge trail will go ahead with case 2 and 3 anyone deny will go to jail.including me.
former khmer rouge hun sen must imprison in advance!!
ho cock minh an con cat thang hun sen!!!!!!!!!1
You can't deny that a lot of high ranking officers in the current Cambodian Governtment were former Khmer Rouge.
I really don't understand this politically opportunistic law.
If this law makers are serious about the Khmer Rouge crimes against humanity and to find true justice for the Killing Fields victims, just let the UN investigate case 003 and 004. Period.
I gave Mr. Hun Sen some credit for the following:
He stepped in the right direction for this new law because a few stupid people of Cambodians and foreigners made a mockery of 3 million deaths.
The following I won't give him credits:
1 streets in Cambodia are filthy
2 no public bathrooms
3 no public parks
4 vendor food -no regulations
5 city has no space - crowded
6 schools is full of dirt-no bricks
7 so many protests- so many unhappy
8 too many demanding for money from outsiders; therefore; limited factories are being build in Khmer.
9 Hun is in the office too long.
10 too many uneducated in the offices.
Where is you WestPoint son?
put him to work to improve the Khmer lives.
30 plus years later, Cambodia is still poor.
After the war in Japan, and Korea, their countries were and are still in progress except the Kingdom of Wonder of Cambodia. We must have a bunch of dummies in the offices and in the Royal palaces.
Aren't they were feel any embarrassment for the leaders of this poor country? I guess not!
ច្បាប់ដែល ហ៊ុនសែននឹងបង្កើតឡើងនោះ ចង់
បញ្ជាក់ការពារថា ជនរងគ្រោះ ជិត២ លាននាក់
គឺស្នាដៃរបស់លោក អាយ៉ង អ្វីៗលោកបានធ្វើ
បានជាលោក ហ៊ុនសែនមានះចង់បង្កើតច្បាប់
ហ្នឹង ជាពិសេស ចង់បង្អួត ពីភពលោកថា
ចៅហ្វាយយួន ខ្លាំងពូកែណាស់ សម្លាប់ខ្មែរ
cambodia should also outlaw discrimination and prejudice of all sort, especially by politicians, professional people, jobs, etc, you know.
i think this is good law to curb abuse by evil people, you know.
they have this law in europe already; it's good that cambodia finally catches up with the rest of the civilized world out there, really!
Ah Hun itself Khmer Rouge in Eastern Zone.
អាខ្វាក់ហ៊ុន សែន ជាមេខ្មែរក្រហម បូព៌ាទិស!
គួរតែចាប់វាដាក់គុកឧក្រិដ្ឋអន្តរជាតិអំពីបទឧក្រិដ្ឋកម្មសង្គ្រាម និងឧក្រិដ្ឋកម្មប្រឆាំងមនុស្សជាតិ
...ទើបខ្មែរបានសុខសាន្ត និងអភិវឌ្ឍន៍ប្រទេសជាតិ
This law doesn't make me afraid. For a simple reason, i am responsible for what i say and i never do confusion between the lie and the truth.
This law makes fear especially liars and falsifiers of history. Not honest people.
Khmer Youth , the majority of the voters are still focussing the incompetence
, corruption & impunity of the CPP . This is the ploy of Communist Yuon to divert
the attention of the Khmer Youth who need a government that will create job with
reasonable pays for them - a new government that look into the future , not into
the past .
Khmer Youth
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