Thursday, July 11, 2013

Quote, unquote

“History repeats itself. Liars will be liars, cheaters will be cheaters, and the person who has always been there for you, will always be.”


Anonymous said...

H.E. Sam Rainsy since he has started to get into Khmer politics, H.E. Sam Rainsy since he has started to get into Khmer politics, he's always struggled for the democracy for Khmer nation even he risked his life such as Grenade attack. In the coming week; he will face to a high tension to be jail by CPP. His determination for Khmer nation is tremendous. We wish him all good come to him. The majority of Khmer are behind him inside and outside the country. HE IS ONE OF THE KHMER HEROS.

Anonymous said...

It is so true, a liar will always be a liar and a cheater will always be a cheater and the helper will always be a helper, but when the truth comes out, a liar and a cheater will pay the price big time. The end result, 'when you are cruel, you are actually do it to yourself', Jesus

Anonymous said...

eg we khmers have helped Viets in every way and now, we found out that they are the one who is killing us in every way. So, for the Viets, there were time to ly and now, time to tell truth. The end result you are actually doing it to yourself, e,g now everyone in this world already knows that you are the khmers killer, a liar and a cheater of all time and yes, you will pay for what you have done to us innocent khmers at all costs e.g 'justice will be done on earth and in heaven', so, for now, you can run but you can't hide, simple as that!

or why do we have ICC e,g lawyer and court system etc, it is for defending social right and social justice, where no one should be above the law, e,g you commit the crime, you pay for the crime being committed and so on.

Anonymous said...

2 Youns got inside Mr. Meach Sovannara at Odor meanchey witouth permissions.
Source: Radio Khmer Post July 10, 2013

Anonymous said...

Here another saying :

Evil will prevail if good men do nothing....

Mr Rohrabacher is one of the good men and he has done it and will continue.

Khmers who yearn for a free, fair and democratic nation are grateful to Mr Rohrabacher - you're the best!! And we love you. USA USA USA!!!