Friday, August 09, 2013

A Historic Day for Cambodia "Media Freedom Is Crucial for Cambodia’s Democracy"

On August 9, 2013
Official blog of William E. Todd, U.S. Ambassador to Cambodia

While uncertainties remain about the final results of Cambodia’s national elections last month, there is no debating the fact that the Cambodian people were active participants in the democratic process, campaigning and turning out to vote in large (and enthusiastic) numbers.  Regardless of the final election outcome, Cambodians clearly want the country to move forward with reforms that will bring meaningful change to the average citizen.

One crucial way that the electoral environment should be reformed in order to strengthen Cambodia’s democratic process is by making more balanced news coverage available nationwide.  Access to information is crucial for a democracy.  Voters can’t make informed decisions without knowledge of the parties’ platforms and important political issues.  Unfortunately, during the campaign period, balanced and relevant information was hard to come by, with most Cambodian media outlets representing only the narrow political interests of their owners.  This made getting reliable information extremely difficult.

On August 1, the Phnom Penh Post printed a front-page story about Hun Sen’s first public remarks after the national election.

With traditional media largely taking a back seat, social media played a crucial role in disseminating a broad range of opinions and information to the electorate.  With access to the Internet, people were able to access a variety of news sources and information.  So even when traditional media outlets in Cambodia failed to cover major events or issues, Cambodians were able to learn about them through social media.

Among the many sources of information and opinion available on the Internet is the U.S. Embassy Facebook page which is now nearing 100,000 fans.  I am glad so many Cambodians are taking advantage of our Facebook page, as well as my “Ask the Ambassador” column which Rasmei Kampuchea publishes each Sunday in its print newspaper and on its Cambodia Herald website.  Rasmei Kampuchea is an example of traditional media embracing social media and contributing to the proliferation of valuable information available on the Internet.

On August 7, the front page of Phnom Penh Post Khmer featured a photo of opposition supporters at a rally in Freedom Park in Phnom Penh.


While social media has an important function in modern society, it should not be the sole source of information for citizens in a democracy.  They have every right to insist that reporting by newspapers, radio, and television be robust and diverse.  They expect the media to act as their eyes and ears, investigating issues and problems that are important for the people to know about.  It is vital that media outlets in a democracy live up to their responsibility to provide accurate and timely information to the public.

In the coming months and years, I hope to see Cambodians continue to call for greater media freedom and to demand accurate and relevant reporting from their news sources.  If democracy in Cambodia is to grow and thrive, this issue will be of paramount importance.

Do you think media freedom is important?  Please leave a comment and let me know.

Link to article:


Anonymous said...


-អាតួកាច (4 ពាក់​​ដួន)...អាខ្វាក់ហ៊ុន សែន
-អាតួធ្វើជាស្លូតឡឺកឹ (7 មករា)...អាសម រង្ស៊ី,
-អាតួស្វាកន្ទុយខ្វៀន (7 មករា)....កឹម សុខា
-មីតួគូថមាន់ពាក់ដួន (7 មករា)....មួ សុខហួ

អាយួនរ៉ុង ឈុន...........(សម្ដេច-សម្ដេច)
អាយួនអ្នកស្រែអៀ ចាន់ណា..(សម្ដេច-សម្ដេច)
អាយួនសាន សុវិទ្យ,វិទ្យុស្មែរ ពិភពលុយ...

អាយួនឡឺម ពិសិត........(សម្ដេច-សម្ដេច)
អារន្ទះបាញ់អាយួនកឹម សុខា..(បាទ!បាទ!សម្ដេច)
អារន្ទះបាញ់អាយួនសម រង្ស៊ី...(សម្ដេច-សម្ដេច)
@ លើសពីនេះយួនវាកុម្មុយនិស្តកាន់កាប់ស្រុកខ្មែរ
អាក្ត១ចង្កោមCNRP + CPP ចោរតែយួនមួយ!

Anonymous said...

Do not believe CPP is a winner of Election because all the medias, Telecommunications and Information Ministry Dept. (controlled by corrupted and alcoholic Mr. Wisky Kanharith "Yuon/Vietnamese CPP crooked official", Education Dept (controlled by Vietnamese Crooked Official Ms. Vietcong Men Sam On), and Cable TVs (owned by Hun Sen's daughter Hun Mana and Vietnamese/CPP crooks) are controlled and owned by the Communist CPP (Cambodian "Communis" People Party) along with their communist Vietnamese corrupted officials "Hun Sen's Vietnamese bosses" and illegal business advisers "Hun Sen's illegal Vietnamese Business Advisers" from Hanoi, Vietnam. Those CPP corrupted officials, illegal Vietnamese "Yuon" business advisers for Hun Sen and other CPP and Vietnamese crooks and criminals in Cambodian Government Affairs in Phnom Penh have declared and announced the fake results of winning elections without proper counts and because of illegal Vietnamese voters, frauds, irregularities, no free and fair election, CPP-Owned National Election Committee "NEC" and CPP corrupted money "coming from illegal sales of Cambodian lands, forested-timbers, natural resources of Cambodian State. CPP are very bad and corrupted. All News coming from CPP controlled medians and Information Ministry are not reliable, true. Every news and announcement from CPP are fake because of Vietnamese dog Hun Sen who is controlled by his evil Vietnamese bosses (like Viet PM Dung) and followed the footstep of evil Ho Chi Minh into the bad dream of reality and nightmare."

We don't think CPP won the election because of the result of CPP with 68 seats and CNRP with 55 seats. There is no transparency of voting counts, but cheating, voting buying, CPP threats to Cambodian people's lives, intimidation, irregularities, CPP-Owned Medias/TVs and Telecomm., and more. Again, CPP did not or have not won the election. CNRP is a winner with 63 seats and CPP with 60 seats even though the NEC is not independence because of CPP control over NEC and corruptions or by military bodyguards and polices provided by his Vietnamese partners in Hanoi like PM Dung of Communist Vietnam.

Opposition Parties like CNRP, KAPP, FUNCIPEC, CLD, etc., do not own any medias, cable TVs, information ministry dept., education detp., but only CPP.

That is why the fake information has been announced by corrupted and crooked CPP officials of Hun Sen, that CPP won.

Again and again, Yuon/Vietnamese CPP of Vietnamese Installed Prime Minister Hun Sen LOST the election on July 28, 2013 and CNRP of Mr. Kem Sokha and Mr. Sam Rainsy WON the election with 63 or more seats vs 60 or less seats with vote fraud and irregularities.

So, please don't believe CPP Medias/Cable TVs announcement and News because CPP Officials are misleading the information and medias in Cambodia.

CPP is a loser of all time.

Khmer Yeurng

Anonymous said...

I am happy to the new development in Cambodia that they are talking and listening to the will of the people. However, I don't believe it will go smoothly... I think at point along the negotiation, you will see the CPP object to certain that will hurt their creditability. I think the CPP is afraid of the truth because they used to controlling, manipulating things to fit their results and to have the transparent ways is not something they are used to... So I personally anticipate a break in negotiation at some point, but I give a credit for trying.

Anonymous said...

Yes ! the media freedom is very important. Any country does not have a media freedom that country
is a communist country, it is not the democratic country. So, Cambodia in this era is the fake democratic country.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

This time it shows clearly that Ah Hun Sen is a traitor. I DO NOT BELIEVE MY EYES.

His level of consciousness is very low!