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(Seen on ខែ្មរ សុវណ្ណភូមិ) |
ខ្មែរយើងគ្មានជម្រើសទេ ក្រៅពីការដក ហ៊ុន សែនចោល ព្រោះ ហ៊ុន សែន បានក្លាយជាឧបករណ៍របស់យួន ប្រើប្រាស់ សម្រាប់បន្លំភ្នែកអន្តរជាតិ ក្នុងការឈ្លានពានទឹកដី និងកាប់សំលាប់ខ្មែរទៅហើយ។
Dedicated to publishing sensitive information about Cambodia
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(Seen on ខែ្មរ សុវណ្ណភូមិ) |
it time for some or a few khmer who still do not understand or know the
reality in which Vietnam surely has long plan as Pol Port said to swallow Cambodia. there is no reason for vietnam to feel sorry for khmer and to save khmer from being killed by pol port. the more khmer die or down the better , the happier the vietnam. it is simple to understand. If i were vietnamese I would be so happy to see khmer die or disappear but I were not.
I am totally agreed with the statement above...! Dek Joo Hun Sen is Youn's tools.... He must be dead for Khmer Nation alive...!!!
Yuon on the left said;according to the picture above,you dare to come down you will die-yuon pointed gun at Hun sen to top.Khmers on the right said;wants to hit ah sen with the shoes!? and don't wants ah sen to be their PM anymore,what shall ah kwak sen do? If he stay khmers didn't wants ah sen anymore,but if ah quit Yuon will finish him....quit ah sen kwak!
It is time for UN, US and EU to point finger at both Chinese and Viets to stop manipulate things around, because in the end, the truth will always be the truth. You can not live base on a lie. These two nations are behind khmers atrocities and went on to blame on victims who killed victims, so that they could have it all, how nice!
They have killed almost of all of our educated ones and then, they went on to say 'khmers are dumb, stupid and lazy', while they continue to rob and kill us khmers on a daily basis e.g like helping to kill Chea Vichea, Chut Vuthy, Odom, Tout Srey Nich, Piseth Pilica, members of NGO David Welson along with his friends French and English men, etc...to shut them up from finding out the truth about who is controlling srok khmer and why?.
They created one group party after another to fight among/against each other e,g they created Pol Pot to fight against Lon Nol (Pro US) and then, they created Chea Sim, Heng Sarin and Hun to fight against Pol Pot, then, they created a nation full of corruption, then, they made Hun sign the decree to give away part of our territory, then, they made Hun to use such oppressive skills shut them up.
While Hun enjoying such previlige position, he forgot that he is being used to destroy his own nation for them to have it all. This means, Hun has learned nothing from the past e.g how they back stabbed our predecessors by using the same evil tactics and tricks and then, once they were no longer useful, they killed them all and of course they would do the same to this Hun Dynasty too because, their intention is to swallow the whole srok khmer up.
Their aim is to spread the same process until the whole Southeast Asia belong to them both, but could they? since everyone already knows about such wicked action and planned? for me, I don't think so, because no one in this world would want to be controlled by anybody. We are for ourselves, we have the right to live just like everyone else in this world, e.g with social right and social justice, where everyone is being protected under the rule of law, the right to live with dignity, integrity and previliges as its citizens should.
So, to the Chinese and Viets, please just leave us alone, no more lies, no more deceives, no more manipulate, because enough is enough. Please try to ask yourself this question; would you be happy if we are to do the same to you? if not, then, it is time for you both to leave us alone now, alright!. So, just set all of us free, once and for all. Just tell Hun Sen to step down because it is right and just. Our people have already chosen our newly elected leader like Sam and Kem to run our country and nation with our way of life, that is, with the rule of law and there is nothing you can do about it, or else, there will be a curse coming your way to destroy you all for us because it is right and just. Such a curse could be a major flood to destroy everything in its path, because in life, you can run but you can't hide,
(e,g go to youtube, July/2013 flood in China killing and detroying thousands of home and millions of lives been affacted, please try to ask why? because god is right and just, or what goes around will come around, e,g you have destroyed our country and nation and so, who will destroy yours?), the end.
Bravo Khmer people!!!
HUN SEN Vietminh/Vietcong, GO HOME!!!
United Nation Need to MOnitor Vientnam behind Hun Sen Activity.Don't let Vietnam and Hun Sen Get Away this Time.
This should be report to ICJ
The K5 Plan,
K5 Belt or K5 Project, also known as Bamboo Curtain,[1] was an attempt between 1985 and 1989 by the government of the People's Republic of Kampuchea to seal Khmer Rouge guerrilla infiltration routes into Cambodia by means of trenches, wire fences, and minefields along virtually the entire Thai-Cambodian border.[2]
The architect of the K5 plan was Vietnamese general Le Duc Anh, commander of the PAVN forces in Cambodia. He formulated five key points for the defence of Cambodia against Khmer Rouge re-infiltration. Letter "K", the first letter of the Khmer alphabet, came from kar karpier, meaning 'defence' in the Khmer language, and number "5" referred to Le Duc Anh's five points in his plan of defence, of which the sealing of the border with Thailand was the second point.[2] Many workers on the project, however, did not know what "K5" stood for.[4]
The K5 Plan began on the 19th July 1984.[5] It became a gigantic effort that included clearing long patches of tropical forest by felling a great number of trees, as well as slashing and uprooting tall vegetation. The purpose was to leave a continuous broad open space all along the Thai border that would be watched and mined.
In practice the K5 fence consisted of a roughly 700 km-long, 500 m-wide swath of land along the border with Thailand, where antitank and antipersonnel mines were buried to a density of about 3,000 mines per kilometre of frontage.[6]
In 1990 alone, the number of Cambodians that had a leg or foot amputated as a result of an injury caused by a land mine reached around 6,000.[10]
The toll for the first two years of the K5 plan was heavy. According to the least alarming estimates, at least one million people participated in the labor from September 1984 to end of 1986. (The ninth contingent left for the border in October 1986. Let us bear in mind that each contingent numbered an average of 120,000 persons). The mortality rate from malaria amounted to around 5%, so there would have been a minimum of 50,000 dead during this period. According to an official from the Ministry of Defense, now a refugee in Thailand, his department estimated in March 1986 that 30,000 people died since the beginning of the labor. This assessment does not take into account tens of thousands of sick, wounded and crippled people. (...)
អានរក សម រង្ស៊ី ប្រាកដជាមិនចោលអាចម៍យួន
ហើយទៅស្រវាពលរដ្ឋខ្មែរ នោះឡើយ!
@10:41 PM : ដឹងនរណានរក?ខ្ញុំថា ប្រហែលជាអ្នកឋងនិងហ៊ុនសែនហើយនរកនោះ!ហ៊ុនសែនគឺនរកទាំងរស់ដោយសារមានបាតដៃប្រលាក់លាមកតាំងពីក្មេងហើយចាប់ពីចូលព្រៃម៉ាគីមកហ៊ុនសែនមានបាតដៃប្រលាក់ឈាមខ្មែររាប់មិនអស់ទេ។ពេលវាងាប់ទៅនឹងធ្លាក់នរកបាតក្រោមគេហើយមិនអាចចាប់ជាតិជាមនុស្សបានឡើយគឺត្រូវកើតជាសត្វតិរច្ឆានជារៀងរហូត...!
អាបាតនរក អាចម៍ឧត្ដម សម រង្ស៊ី ប្រាកដជាមិនចោលអាចម៍យួន
ហើយទៅស្រវាពលរដ្ឋខ្មែរ នោះឡើយ!
សូមខ្មែរ ប្រយ័ត្ន !!!
ពួកអាក្បត់ជាតិ CNRP,អារន្ទះបាញ់ CPP
អាឆ្កែកន្ទុយខ្វៀន នៅតែខ្វៀនអារន្ទះបាញ់សម រង្ស៊ី
អាអាចម៍ឧត្ដមស្វាយួន អារន្ទះបាញ់កឹម សុខា
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