Cambodian youth: social media armed and vociferous – School of
Cambodia: Social media fuels new politics
By Marta Kasztelan
PHNOM PENH - The recently concluded general elections in
Cambodia, won narrowly by the ruling Cambodian People's Party (CPP),
highlighted the growing political role of social media. Throughout the election
period, Facebook users took to their smart phones and computers to share
information and on polling day report electoral irregularities.
Although the vast majority of Cambodians still live in the
countryside, changes in technology and demography mean that more and more young
people are joining social networking sites. According to social media agency We
Are Social, currently one new user joins Facebook every two minutes in
Cambodia, translating to an average of 1,000 new members per day.
Social media users were among the 3.5 million 18- to
30-year-olds registered to cast ballots in the July 28 elections for the
National Assembly. (Altogether there were 9.5 million registered voters). While
many youth voters expressed their discontent with the CPP by voting in large
numbers for the opposition Cambodia National Rescue Party (CNRP), they also
rallied for political and social change online.
The writing on the wall – School of Vice
"Facebook was a great space for the public to air their concerns about the elections, and it was one of the very few platforms with independent information, because most media are controlled by the CPP and were peddling pro-government news," said Un Samnang, a report writer at election watchdog Comfrel.
Civil society organizations criticized the lack of
independent media and censorship measures introduced by authorities ahead of
the elections. Reporters Without Borders, a press freedom advocacy group,
condemned a government-imposed ban forbidding local radio stations from
broadcasting foreign media commentaries and opinion polls during the five days
prior to the elections and on the polling day.
"We strongly condemn the failure to rescind this
directive, which tramples on freedom of information. The authorities are
clearly trying to restrict voter access to radio programs that are outspoken
and do not toe the government line. Unobstructed access to independent news and
information is the cornerstone of any free election," the watchdog group
said in a statement.
Even though the ban did not apply to local media outlets,
most radio stations chose to self-censor their news during the week before the
election out of fears of losing their operating licenses, Comfrel's Samnang
said. He underlined that Facebook helped to fill the news void by allowing
people to keep each other abreast of new developments in the days before the
When on election day a popular Facebook page "I Love
Cambodia Hot News" posted a video of a fight at a polling station after
allegations of vote rigging, it was almost immediately shared by 1,326 users
and "liked" by 1,663.
Social media users also called on fellow Cambodians to
return to polling stations and observe the ballot count. According to a social
media specialist at the Cambodian Centre for Human Rights, Lach Vannak, young
voters posted photographs of their own ballot count and were fearless in
reporting irregularities.
"Seventy percent of all Cambodians are below the age of
35. Most of them have no recollection of the horrors of the Khmer Rouge regime.
They are young and are not afraid to say what they think. Facebook became a
place where they share and discuss the latest news," Vannak said.
Both the CPP and CNRP tapped into social media, with the
latter relying more on the platform due to its restricted access to mainstream
Khmer media. Opposition leader Sam Rainsy used his Facebook page to reach out
to youth voters and to galvanize support for his party. Even the announcement
about his return from self-imposed exile a week before the polls first appeared
on a social networking site.
Using Facebook for political gains, however, does not come
without a cost. Vannak points out that now voters will follow-up on campaign
promises. "People begin recording what you promise and they will demand
that you follow through," he said. "So Facebook could play a role in
making the new government more transparent and accountable."
According to 26-year-old political science graduate Ou
Ritthy this trend goes beyond the elections. Ritthy, who is organizing informal
discussions about politics for youth in Phnom Penh, believes Facebook is
becoming a place for social justice and democracy debates and will eventually
lead to a change in political culture.
"We organize small meetings in real life, but the most
significant conversations take place on Facebook. I like to post controversial statements
and provoke an online discussion. Democracy was born out of discussion,"
he said.
Ritthy thinks that young people using social media to talk
about politics and current affairs are the future of Cambodia. "They will
be our leaders. And I am not only talking about political leaders. One day,
they will be leaders of a family or a community."
Marta Kasztelan is a human rights lawyer and freelance
writer based in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, where she works as a consultant for land
rights-oriented nongovernmental organizations. She also works for the Business
& Human Rights Resource Centre, a London-based online information hub
monitoring positive and negative impacts of corporations on human rights.
-Asia Times Online
Let the new generation with knowledge do the job. They are old and lack of education or knowledge even they have a lot of PHD, but fake. Be ashamed themselves.
The new Khmer generation absolutely rocks the world!! There are no other ethnicity is more passionate about our own sovereignty than that display by the Khmer youths. This is your land and your country. You ARE THE FUTURE OF CAMBODIA. Keep it coming!
Koh Tral Island must not be forgotten
By “any patriot Khmers”
Why do Koh Tral Island, known in Vietnam as Phu Quoc, a sea and land area covering proximately over 30,000 km2 [Note: the actual land size of Koh Tral itself is 574 square kilometres (222 sq miles)] have been lost to Vietnam by whose treaty? Why don’t Cambodia government be transparent and explain to Cambodia army at front line and the whole nation about this? Why don't they include this into education system? Why?
Cambodian armies are fighting at front line for 4.6 km2 on the Thai border and what's about over 30,000km2 of Cambodia to Vietnam. Nobody dare to talk about it! Why? Cambodian armies you are decide the fate of your nation, Cambodian army as well as Cambodian people must rethink about this again and again. Is it fair?
Koh Tral Island, the sea and land area of over 30,000 square kilometres have been lost to Vietnam by the 1979 to 1985 treaties. The Cambodian army at front line as well as all Cambodian people must rethink again about these issues. Are Cambodian army fighting to protect the Cambodia Nation or protecting a very small group that own big lands, big properties or only protecting a small group but disguising as protecting the Khmer nation?
The Cambodian army at front lines suffer under rain, wind, bullets, bombs, lack of foods, lack of nutrition and their families have no health care assistance, no securities after they died but a very small group eat well, sleep well, sleep in first class hotel with air conditioning system with message from young girls, have first class medical care from oversea medical treatments, they are billionaires, millionaires who sell out the country to be rich and make the Cambodian people suffer everyday.
Who signed the treaty 1979-1985 that resulted in the loss over 30,000 km2 of Cambodia??? Why they are not being transparent and brave enough to inform all Cambodians and Cambodian army at front line about these issues? Why don't they include Koh Tral (Koh Tral size is bigger than the whole Phom Phen and bigger than Singapore [Note: Singapore's present land size is 704 km2 (271.8 sq mi)]) with heap of great natural resources, in the Cambodian education system?
Look at Hun Sen's families, relatives and friends- they are billionaires, millionaires. Where did they get the money from when we all just got out of war with empty hands [in 1979]? Hun Sen always say in his speeches that Cambodia had just risen up from the ashes of war, just got up from Year Zero with empty hands and how come they are billionaires, millionaires but 90% of innocent Cambodian people are so poor and struggling with their livelihood every day?
We, CNRP, need to write an official letter to UN and security council to convent about situation that have happened in Cambodia
UN and Security Council will immediately take action
CNRP, as paris peace agreement, has to convince US and all ... for this meeting
Good will always..WIN...KEEP IT UP...from seattle wa.
α្αែα α្αូααែα្ααាα់αំα α ααα់α្αួααាαាα ់αាα αិαα្αូααេαូα α ុαα្αα់α្αូαα្αα់αα់αាααាαាα ់αាα!
α្αាαα’្αααាαេαួααើααាα αើαើααិαα ្αាα់αាα់α្αួαα―α! αិαα្αូαα ាα់α្αិα αα់αα់αα់ αោះαីαាα្αូαα្αើαេαាα៉ុα្αាα α៏α្αូααែαα៊ូα α ើαα’α់α្αα់ αើαុំαូα ្αោះαេ αូαα្αែααិαα’ាα αាαα’αាαα α្αឺα ិα្α ាα αូα αេα―ααេ!
(αឿαα ្αាα់α្αα‘ែα αាααីα្αាំα‘α©α§α₯ αោα αα់ αុα αាααα្αេα α ុះ α α្ααេαា α ុះα ាα់ α ើαα្ααα់α័ααះαៅα²្ααួαα្αែαα្αα α α្αោះαួααាα់αោះαិαα α់α²្αα្αែααα្α ូααាααααៅαៀα αោααិααាααិααា α្αែααាំα’ាα α្αាα់α ូαα្αុααα្αៅααិαាα αូα ្αោះ α ើα α’ាαេαិα α៏α្αាααα្ααាα αα្αααំαួα α្αិαα្αែαα្αូαα្αាα ើα αុះαα់α្αោααααើααួα αα់ αុα αិααើααាα្αួαα ាααោαα α្αែαα្αα ααាំαα្αុα!)
α្αុំαិαα α់αិαាααឿαα ាα់αេ α័αααα់α្αុំαឺ α’្αααែαα α់αួααααុα្αិα៌αα²្αα្αែα αេαិαα α់α្αាαα្αួααៅαាαα’្ααα្αាααាαα្αែααៅαិα α៏αាααាα្αែααៅαែαិαα ្αាα់α្αួαα―α!
α៏α៉ុα្αែ αើααិαα’ាα αα់αាα αើαិααααឿααីα’αីααាααααិα ាααា α¬ αិααឹαα’αីααាα ααα់α្αួαα ្αាα់αាα់αេ៖ αូα α្αុααាααេαៈα្αែαα្αាα់α្αααាα់αាαα្αααα្αាα់ αើααិαα’ាα αឹααាααាα្αូαα្αើα៉ាααា αα្αាα់ αα ្α ុα្αα្α αឹαα’αាαα់ααα់αើαα‘ើα។
αូα ្αេះα ើα αើα α្αូααែαα្αα(α្αាαាαα’αα្αα់) α្αូααែαិα្αាα α’ំαីα’αីααាαααα់αើα αααាαααិαោαα៍α ាα់ αាαេαៀααααα្αឹααα ្α ុα្αα្ααាα α្αោះαៅαាα់α’αាαα ααα់αើαα’ោααាααុααឿααាំαα’α់α្αាαាαាα ់αាα!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Actions speak louder than words.
Yes, UN must take action along with the standing up for innocent children Khmer Justice!
α្αែα α្αូααែα្ααាα់αំα α ααα់α្αួααាαាα ់αាα αិαα្αូααេαូα α ុαα្αα់α្αូαα្αα់αα់αាααាαាα ់αាα!
α្αាαα’្αααាαេαួααើααាα αើαើααិαα ្αាα់αាα់α្αួαα―α! αិαα្αូαα ាα់α្αិα αα់αα់αα់ αោះαីαាα្αូαα្αើαេαាα៉ុα្αាα α៏α្αូααែαα៊ូα α ើαα’α់α្αα់ αើαុំαូα ្αោះαេ αូαα្αែααិαα’ាα αាαα’αាαα α្αឺα ិα្α ាα αូα αេα―ααេ!
(αឿαα ្αាα់α្αα‘ែα αាααីα្αាំα‘α©α§α₯ αោα αα់ αុα αាααα្αេα α ុះ α α្ααេαា α ុះα ាα់ α ើαα្ααα់α័ααះαៅα²្ααួαα្αែαα្αα α α្αោះαួααាα់αោះαិαα α់α²្αα្αែααα្α ូααាααααៅαៀα αោααិααាααិααា α្αែααាំα’ាα α្αាα់α ូαα្αុααα្αៅααិαាα αូα ្αោះ α ើα α’ាαេαិα α៏α្αាααα្ααាα αα្αααំαួα α្αិαα្αែαα្αូαα្αាα ើα αុះαα់α្αោααααើααួα αα់ αុα αិααើααាα្αួαα ាααោαα α្αែαα្αα ααាំαα្αុα!)
α្αុំαិαα α់αិαាααឿαα ាα់αេ α័αααα់α្αុំαឺ α’្αααែαα α់αួααααុα្αិα៌αα²្αα្αែα αេαិαα α់α្αាαα្αួααៅαាαα’្ααα្αាααាαα្αែααៅαិα α៏αាααាα្αែααៅαែαិαα ្αាα់α្αួαα―α!
α៏α៉ុα្αែ αើααិαα’ាα αα់αាα αើαិααααឿααីα’αីααាααααិα ាααា α¬ αិααឹαα’αីααាα ααα់α្αួαα ្αាα់αាα់αេ៖ αូα α្αុααាααេαៈα្αែαα្αាα់α្αααាα់αាαα្αααα្αាα់ αើααិαα’ាα αឹααាααាα្αូαα្αើα៉ាααា αα្αាα់ αα ្α ុα្αα្α αឹαα’αាαα់ααα់αើαα‘ើα។
αូα ្αេះα ើα αើα α្αូααែαα្αα(α្αាαាαα’αα្αα់) α្αូααែαិα្αាα α’ំαីα’αីααាαααα់αើα αααាαααិαោαα៍α ាα់ αាαេαៀααααα្αឹααα ្α ុα្αα្ααាα α្αោះαៅαាα់α’αាαα ααα់αើαα’ោααាααុααឿααាំαα’α់α្αាαាαាα ់αាα!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The International Criminal Court ( ICC ) is about to open and prosecute its biggest case in its history when:
1- The evil Vietnam which used to:
a- Obliterate the Champa race
b- Bury Khmer people alive and kept only their heads above the ground and used their heads as posts to hold their pan to cook their tea
c- Abduct Khmer children in 1955, brainwashed them, brutally trained them to be a killing machine for Vietnam. Vietnam called them Khmer Vietminh.
d- Use those Khmer Vietminh to kill 3 million of Khmer people along with the Khmer Rouge during the Pol Pot era, and blamed all the killings on the Khmer Rouge.
e- Execute its K5 project in an attempt to obliterate Khmer race in the 1980s
The evil Vietnam planned to used its hidden soldiers and special agents who have been living in Cambodia since 1979 and infiltrated into Cambodia after 1979 to suppress this CNRP's upcoming demonstration against electoral fraud.
2- The worst traitor in Khmer history, Hun Sen,
a- who was behind the 1997
grenade attack,
b- who initiated the 1998 coup
d'Etat and killed hundreds
of Khmer people
c- who ceded Khmer land to his
master Vietnam and
destroyed most of Khmer
natural resource
d- who refused to accept his
party electoral loss in 2013
Hun Sen planned to go along with his master Vietnam to suppress this nationwide upcoming demonstration.
Fortunately, the whole world is on the CNRP side. It would take this force to break this stubborn Vietnam's ambition.
Every story has its ending and the bad guy always end up dead.
This time is the time that a man who touted himself as Sdach Karn will end up as Sdach Karn, and a country, Vietnam, which never stop wanting to expand its territory will end up losing all of its expansion and will be severely punished by the world when the world knew the truth behind Khmer people suffering. The world would finally react and say "Ah ha, it was the evil Vietnam that caused Khmer people' sufferings"
Finally, Cambodia would commence its journey to prosperity with a well educate, competent, honest, and courageous leader - Sam Rainsy.
Bun Thoeun
αិαα្αុαα្ααេαα²្ααាααាαα្αាំααួα αើα្αីαααុα្αិ
α៌αα²្ααាαិαើααែααាα’្ααα្αα‘ាα់αិα្αិα្ααាαិααិα្α αែααααាαិα្αែααើααា្αα្αាα α់αាα។ α ើαα្αួαα្αាα់α៏αុំα’ំαាααាααα ααα៍α’α្αααាαិ
αាំαα’α់αែαα្αα‘ាα់αុα្αិα៌α ααα៌ααិααិα្αិ
α្ααាαិααិα្ααែααាααាα’ាαិ៍α’ α α៕
Bravo CNRP!!!
If Hun Sen do anything to harm Mr. Sam Rainsy, Hun Sen himself will face the biggest consequences. I estimated at least three million Cambodians will crush him and his CPP gangster.
If Hun Sen in powers another five years, all Cambodians will suffer very badly.
We must stand up and get this dictator out from power, get our freedom back and our lands.
If I Am CNRP, I would go to Japan's Embassy to get help !
Last hope for real Democracy in Cambodia !
Khmer Canadian
Making sure ah Chien Vun die too.
1:03AM you look like a yiekcong spy communicating in strange language and wearing those glasses! just kidding
I am glad you figured that out all by yourself 5:26 AM! Take it easy...
α្αែααាំαα’α់α្αូααែα េααៅαα្α ាαα្αួα αើα្αីαាαα្αាំαα៏αឹααាំ αែαα’ាα αាំααα’ោαα្αααើα αូααាα αុα្αិαα៌ αាαាα ់αាα!
αα់αេαα្αូααែα េαα ើα!
αα់αេαα្αូααែα េαα ើα!
αα់αេαα្αូααែα េαα ើα!
αα់αេαα្αូααែα េαα ើα!
αα់αេαα្αូααែα េαα ើα!
αα់αេαα្αូααែα េαα ើα!
αα់αេαα្αូααែα េαα ើα!
αα់αេαα្αូααែα េαα ើα!
αα់αេαα្αូααែα េαα ើα! αើα្αីαααុα្αិαα៌α’ោαα្αួαα―α!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
α្αែα α្αូααែα្ααាα់αំα α ααα់α្αួααាαាα ់αាα αិαα្αូααេαូα α ុαα្αα់α្αូαα្αα់αα់αាααាαាα ់αាα!
α្αាαα’្αααាαេαួααើααាα αើαើααិαα ្αាα់αាα់α្αួαα―α! αិαα្αូαα ាα់α្αិα αα់αα់αα់ αោះαីαាα្αូαα្αើαេαាα៉ុα្αាα α៏α្αូααែαα៊ូα α ើαα’α់α្αα់ αើαុំαូα ្αោះαេ αូαα្αែααិαα’ាα αាαα’αាαα α្αឺα ិα្α ាα αូα αេα―ααេ!
(αឿαα ្αាα់α្αα‘ែα αាααីα្αាំα‘α©α§α₯ αោα αα់ αុα αាααα្αេα α ុះ α α្ααេαា α ុះα ាα់ α ើαα្ααα់α័ααះαៅα²្ααួαα្αែαα្αα α α្αោះαួααាα់αោះαិαα α់α²្αα្αែααα្α ូααាααααៅαៀα αោααិααាααិααា α្αែααាំα’ាα α្αាα់α ូαα្αុααα្αៅααិαាα αូα ្αោះ α ើα α’ាαេαិα α៏α្αាααα្ααាα αα្αααំαួα α្αិαα្αែαα្αូαα្αាα ើα αុះαα់α្αោααααើααួα αα់ αុα αិααើααាα្αួαα ាααោαα α្αែαα្αα ααាំαα្αុα!)
α្αុំαិαα α់αិαាααឿαα ាα់αេ α័αααα់α្αុំαឺ α’្αααែαα α់αួααααុα្αិα៌αα²្αα្αែα αេαិαα α់α្αាαα្αួααៅαាαα’្ααα្αាααាαα្αែααៅαិα α៏αាααាα្αែααៅαែαិαα ្αាα់α្αួαα―α!
α៏α៉ុα្αែ αើααិαα’ាα αα់αាα αើαិααααឿααីα’αីααាααααិα ាααា α¬ αិααឹαα’αីααាα ααα់α្αួαα ្αាα់αាα់αេ៖ αូα α្αុααាααេαៈα្αែαα្αាα់α្αααាα់αាαα្αααα្αាα់ αើααិαα’ាα αឹααាααាα្αូαα្αើα៉ាααា αα្αាα់ αα ្α ុα្αα្α αឹαα’αាαα់ααα់αើαα‘ើα។
αូα ្αេះα ើα αើα α្αូααែαα្αα(α្αាαាαα’αα្αα់) α្αូααែαិα្αាα α’ំαីα’αីααាαααα់αើα αααាαααិαោαα៍α ាα់ αាαេαៀααααα្αឹααα ្α ុα្αα្ααាα α្αោះαៅαាα់α’αាαα ααα់αើαα’ោααាααុααឿααាំαα’α់α្αាαាαាα ់αាα!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
α្αែααាំαα’α់α្αូααែα េααៅαα្α ាαα្αួα αើα្αីαាαα្αាំαα៏αឹααាំ αែαα’ាα αាំααα’ោαα្αααើα αូααាα αុα្αិαα៌ αាαាα ់αាα!
αα់αេαα្αូααែα េαα ើα!
αα់αេαα្αូααែα េαα ើα!
αα់αេαα្αូααែα េαα ើα!
αα់αេαα្αូααែα េαα ើα!
αα់αេαα្αូααែα េαα ើα!
αα់αេαα្αូααែα េαα ើα!
αα់αេαα្αូααែα េαα ើα!
αα់αេαα្αូααែα េαα ើα!
αα់αេαα្αូααែα េαα ើα! αើα្αីαααុα្αិαα៌α’ោαα្αួαα―α!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
α’ាα្αែαួααα្αា αូαែ α’αិαα្α αាα α’ាαេαោαុα (αេαα ុααោ) α ៊ុα αែα αៅαៀα។
αា αោααុα α្αែα α្αៅα្ααេα α£α្αាំ αើα αាααាα α្ααα្ααួα។
α’ាα្αែαួααα្αា α α់αα α្ααα្ααា αα α’ាαេαិα αែ αា α្αាααុα!
α’ាα្αែαួααα្αា αា αោααុα α្αែα α្αៅα្ααេα αា α្αូααាα αុα αួα αេαាαី α្αឹα αααាαិ αួα αៅ α្αុαα្αែα។
αេα α’ាα្αែαួααα្αា α្ααូααុα αាαα ើα, αា αឹα αួα αេαាαី α’ោα αាαា α្ααα្ααា αៅ α’ាαេαិα αិα αាααាα αា αុំα’ោα α្αែαα្αៅα្ααេα α្αឹααា!
α’ាα្αែαួααα្αា αិααា αូαែ α’αិαα្α αែα! α’αិαα្α αាំααី α’α់αុα αាαα្ααα្α αα ូα αាα αុα αួα αេαាαី α’α្αααាαិ αាαា α្ααα្ααា αៅ α’ាαេαិα!!
αូα ααα្α’ូαα្αែα α្αះαិαាα αោះα្αោα α’ោα α’ាα្αែαួααα្αា αៅ!
αោះ α’ាα្αែαួααα្αា αឹα αα្α αោααុα ααα្α’ូα ααៅ αៀα!
ααោ α’ាα្αែαួααα្αា αំαូα αេαោααុα α្αែα!
ααោ α’ាα្αែαួααα្αា α’ាαេαោα αុα α€ α្αីα!!
Siphanneth Ek
Evil manipulating dictator Hun Sen Can’t Be Stronger than Gaddafi, Isn’t it?
Capture and death: September–October 2011
Main article: Death of Muammar Gaddafi
Although all major cities were now under NTC control, a few towns in western Libya—such as Bani Walid, Sebha and Sirte—remained Gaddafist strongholds.[273] Retreating to the latter after Tripoli's fall,[275] Gaddafi announced his willingness to negotiate for a handover to a transitional government, a suggestion rejected by the NTC, who held out for total victory.[273] Surrounding himself with trusted confidants and bodyguards,[275] he continually moved residences to escape NTC shelling; with food, water and electricity becoming scarce, Gaddafi devoted his days to reading the Qur'an and praying.[276] On the morning of Thursday 20 October, Gaddafi broke out of Sirte's District 2 in a joint civilian-military convoy, hoping to take refuge in the Jarref Valley.[277][278] At around 8.30am, NATO bombers attacked, destroying at least 14 vehicles and killing at least 53.[278][279] The convoy scattered, and Gaddafi and those closest to him fled to a nearby villa, which was shelled by rebel militia from Misrata. Fleeing to a construction site, Gaddafi and his inner consort hid inside drainage pipes while his bodyguards battled the rebels; in the conflict, Gaddafi suffered head injuries from a grenade blast while defence minister Abu-Bakr Yunis Jabr was killed.[278][280][281]
Overwhelming the loyalists, a Misratan militia took Gaddafi prisoner, beating him and stabbing him in the anus with a bayonet, causing serious injuries; the events were filmed on a cell phone, accompanied by cries of "Allahu Akbar!" and "Misrata!". Pulled onto the front of a pick-up truck, he fell off as it drove away. His semi-naked, lifeless body was then placed into an ambulance and taken to Misrata; upon arrival, he was found to be dead.[282] Official NTC accounts claimed that Gaddafi was caught in a cross-fire and died from his bullet wounds.[278] Other eye-witness accounts claimed that rebels had fatally shot Gaddafi in the stomach;[278] a rebel identifying himself as Senad el-Sadik el-Ureybi later claimed responsibility.[283] Gaddafi's son Mutassim, who had also been among the convoy, was also captured, and found dead several hours later, most probably from an extrajudicial execution.[284] Around 140 Gaddafi loyalists were rounded up from the convoy; tied up and abused, the corpses of 66 were found at the nearby Mahari Hotel, victims of extrajudicial execution.[285] Libya's chief forensic pathologist, Dr. Othman al-Zintani, carried out the autopsies of Gaddafi, his son and Jabr in the days following their death; although the pathologist initially told the press that Gaddafi had died from a gunshot wound to the head, the autopsy report was not made public.[286]
On the afternoon of Gaddafi's death, NTC Prime Minister Mahmoud Jibril publicly revealed the news.[278] Gaddafi's corpse was placed in the freezer of a local market alongside the corpses of Yunis Jabr and Mutassim; the bodies were publicly displayed for four days, with Libyans from all over the country coming to view them.[287] In response to international calls, on 24 October Jibril announced that a commission would investigate Gaddafi's death.[288] On 25 October, the NTC announced that Gaddafi had been buried at an unidentified location in the desert; Al Aan TV showed amateur video footage of the funeral.[289][290] Seeking vengeance for the killing, Gaddafist sympathisers fatally wounded one of those who had captured Gaddafi, Omran Shaaban, near Bani Walid in September 2012.[291]
Evil manipulating dictator Hun Sen Can’t Be Stronger than Gaddafi, Isn’t it?
Capture and death: September–October 2011
Main article: Death of Muammar Gaddafi
Although all major cities were now under NTC control, a few towns in western Libya—such as Bani Walid, Sebha and Sirte—remained Gaddafist strongholds.[273] Retreating to the latter after Tripoli's fall,[275] Gaddafi announced his willingness to negotiate for a handover to a transitional government, a suggestion rejected by the NTC, who held out for total victory.[273] Surrounding himself with trusted confidants and bodyguards,[275] he continually moved residences to escape NTC shelling; with food, water and electricity becoming scarce, Gaddafi devoted his days to reading the Qur'an and praying.[276] On the morning of Thursday 20 October, Gaddafi broke out of Sirte's District 2 in a joint civilian-military convoy, hoping to take refuge in the Jarref Valley.[277][278] At around 8.30am, NATO bombers attacked, destroying at least 14 vehicles and killing at least 53.[278][279] The convoy scattered, and Gaddafi and those closest to him fled to a nearby villa, which was shelled by rebel militia from Misrata. Fleeing to a construction site, Gaddafi and his inner consort hid inside drainage pipes while his bodyguards battled the rebels; in the conflict, Gaddafi suffered head injuries from a grenade blast while defence minister Abu-Bakr Yunis Jabr was killed.[278][280][281]
Overwhelming the loyalists, a Misratan militia took Gaddafi prisoner, beating him and stabbing him in the anus with a bayonet, causing serious injuries; the events were filmed on a cell phone, accompanied by cries of "Allahu Akbar!" and "Misrata!". Pulled onto the front of a pick-up truck, he fell off as it drove away. His semi-naked, lifeless body was then placed into an ambulance and taken to Misrata; upon arrival, he was found to be dead.[282] Official NTC accounts claimed that Gaddafi was caught in a cross-fire and died from his bullet wounds.[278] Other eye-witness accounts claimed that rebels had fatally shot Gaddafi in the stomach;[278] a rebel identifying himself as Senad el-Sadik el-Ureybi later claimed responsibility.[283] Gaddafi's son Mutassim, who had also been among the convoy, was also captured, and found dead several hours later, most probably from an extrajudicial execution.[284] Around 140 Gaddafi loyalists were rounded up from the convoy; tied up and abused, the corpses of 66 were found at the nearby Mahari Hotel, victims of extrajudicial execution.[285] Libya's chief forensic pathologist, Dr. Othman al-Zintani, carried out the autopsies of Gaddafi, his son and Jabr in the days following their death; although the pathologist initially told the press that Gaddafi had died from a gunshot wound to the head, the autopsy report was not made public.[286]
On the afternoon of Gaddafi's death, NTC Prime Minister Mahmoud Jibril publicly revealed the news.[278] Gaddafi's corpse was placed in the freezer of a local market alongside the corpses of Yunis Jabr and Mutassim; the bodies were publicly displayed for four days, with Libyans from all over the country coming to view them.[287] In response to international calls, on 24 October Jibril announced that a commission would investigate Gaddafi's death.[288] On 25 October, the NTC announced that Gaddafi had been buried at an unidentified location in the desert; Al Aan TV showed amateur video footage of the funeral.[289][290] Seeking vengeance for the killing, Gaddafist sympathisers fatally wounded one of those who had captured Gaddafi, Omran Shaaban, near Bani Walid in September 2012.[291]
αៃ α៊ីαាα αាααំαាα α’ំαាα ααα់αាα់ α ាα់ αុααα αំαាα់ αេαីαាα αិαាαα្αី!
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