Saturday, August 10, 2013

CNRP Press Release: Misinformation by the Minister of Information

CNRP Press Release: [my quick summary] The meeting at the National Assembly on 9 Aug. 2013 between the CNRP and CPP was only to discuss the establishment of the joint committee of inquiry into the election irregularities, and not what was reported by DAP-News which attributed Minister of Information Khieu Kanharith as saying that the two parties met to negotiate the positions within the National Assembly... 

សម រង្ស៊ី / Sam Rainsy


Anonymous said...

Ugly man Kiev kanhjas ott ridh niyeay kvas kar pit.His appearance [look] was ugly,so does his heart.....! His lips looking like Yuon swallen's puzC after sexual abused by Cpp gangster thugs! How did Cpp gets his clans? Uncilize,uneducate,unfair minded,corrupted heart& soul, greediest pigs,killers thugs.How can they sleep at night knowing that they [Cpp] had caused suffered upon another Khmers? Are they human being or alien being? Most of them can't even talk right as human being,they talked like cave-man,from their boss Hun sen to ah chheang Vun and ah phay Siphan ah kanhjas Kiev ott ridh and many more....Where these idiots come from!?


Anonymous said...

Sending this message to you with my tear dripping, recalling my miserable life has been in the 3 years 8 months and 20 Pol Pot regime,. From the bottom of my heart appealing you to help our people getting out of the continuity of this dictatorship!

It look like that this dictator owns Cambodia to himself!
He is actually showing how many slavery soldiers he has!

តើអស់លោក ជាពលទាហាន គ្រជាន់ថ្នាក់បានគិតឬទេ មនសិការជាតិ ជាអ្វីដែរ?

The conscientiousness of being troops for the country should gather all the complete devotion regarding the whole nation! Why is that for only one person, Hun Sen!
It is the Cambodia announced as having full democracy fake, and just for the beauty to show world?

Should the Human Right Watch ignore innocent Khmer victim democratic hungers any longer?

May be you do feel nothing, because you do not have your relatives calling you, and mound to you, "My farm land is taken, my house is torn, my children have not and food, I lose all the ability for surviving"

1:51 AM

Anonymous said...

I think, Khiev kanharith was drunk that day. His bad habit, before he gives a speech to a public. He has to drink a least 5-6 shots. That guy is a knuckle head.

Anonymous said...

Be extremely careful when dealing with this bunch of KR-Vietminh remnants. They have shown that they would not hesitate to shed innocent blood in pursuit of power; so neither would they hesitate to concoct lies and misinformation if and when it serves their cynical selfish ends.

Be prepared to deal speedily with this sort of deliberate misinformation by issuing counter press releases to rebut specific lies and concoctions via relevant press outlets so as not to allow such distortions to cloud public perception and thus influence their reaction in the regime's favour.

Anonymous said...

Ah Jhom Kanharith is misinformation mknister

Anonymous said...

ថាហ៌ុន សែនដែលជាអាយ៉ងកញ្ជះយួនដាច់ថ្លៃ
ធ្វើអ្វីបានតាមចិត្ត ដូចជាលួចប្លន់ទឹកដីព្រៃព្រឹក្សាត្រី
ចំណេកនៅខាងលិចវិញវាធ្វើជាមានវីរភាពការពារទឹកដីអោយប្រជាជនខ្មែរគំាទ្រ។ត្រូវហើយ, ជនជាតិខ្មែរណាចង់បាត់បង់ទឹកដី?។ប៉ុន្តែសួរថាហេតុអីមិនការពារទឹកដីនៅខាងកើតផង?
ដូច្នេះ យើងឃើញច្បាស់ថា

Anonymous said...

anus hole mouth Khiev is the master of misinformation.