August 15, 2013
Dear Colleagues,
Re: Appeal for Financial Supports for August 19, 2013 at UN-HQ, New York
First of all, I would like to thank my respected colleagues for their leadership efforts to bring 4 buses of people from PA and 4 buses from Massachusetts to the protest at the UN, New York. There are those who will be car pooling from communities Montreal, Washington, DC, Rhode Island, Toronto, Ottawa and many other cities along the East coast. We are looking to add more to make a true impact that will vibrate across many oceans to the heart of all Cambodians inside the land.
In order to help encourage more participants, ease the burden of personal expenses of gasoline and on rental buses, I would like to request our chapters leaders across CNRP-NA, particularly those that are not able to join us at the UN due to logistic and geographical reasons, to help raise some money to support those who are actually going.
This is our collective efforts altogether as CNRP leaders, activists and supporters.
All donations can be done online through Paypal by going to our website: (please specify UN-HQ Rally)
Or send you check to Mr. Pan Prak or Mrs Kunthara Teav at 4344 Starfish Ct. Stockton Ca 95219
Please feel free to contact your local CNRP representatives or simply call:
Mr. Sarorn Seng 486-802-0053
Mr. Bunrong By 360-486-6188
Mr. KimLY Chea 508-884-5339
This is our a prelude to a major mass rally in waiting inside Cambodia in order to push for a full independent inquiry into Cambodia election's irregularities.
Your help and generosity can help us achieve great things for the nation and allow us to bring more people to the rally. Please join us and be a part of this historic journey.
Truly Yours,
Pretty Ma, SG
Cambodia National Rescue Party of North America
I check the website,, there is no donation box or section to donate. are you talking about this website:
Please clarify!
8:41 AM
You have to first click the ‘Get involved’ red box at the top right corner, then scroll down.
i want to donate $1000000. but, can i guaranty a top government position? i want to help cambodia too.
Thanks. My suggestion is to redesign/adjust that website and make the "Donation Box" in the front page with one click.
hard work and honest money only. i don't believe CNRP is selling gov't posts. you may try CPP, they love your money, your property, your daughters, and sometime maybe your wife too. and at the end, you only have the three stooges dangling between your leg - walking home.
I would like to donated some money too, but my kids need food . can you please help me some
Ah Ou Sovann, ( CPP ) Royal Honary Consulate General of Nambodia, is going to go to UN, too.
He is the only one who is supporting the CPP.
Is it any room for him where he can share in one of the buses from Lowell, MA to UN in New York? Please people, be generous!
When returning home, he is able to walk.
How depressed it is? Because a majority of overseas Khmer populations are like those in homeland who are supporting CNRP for democracy.
Except your family and you who don't want democracy. So, you and your CPP folks want communist.
Ah Sovann, go to hell!
Former CPP soldiers
We Didn't Start The Fire:My Struggle for Democracy in Cambodia
because you are irresponsible father that's why your kids are hungry!
somebody going to come out loaded with this donation...
i'm serious. my money is from winning the jackpot. i just don't want my money to fall in the hands of corrupted CNRP (now, don't tell there is 100% non-corrupted CNRP) even clinton and hillary corrupt.
I'm irresponsible father but I never ask for donation like your (CNRP).I AGREED WITH 10:04 AM
10:04 Your money is so value to you so please keep it to yourself. There is no one ask you personally to donate. If you understand about donation, you would not brought up your personal winning jackpot to your comment. I personally think that your winning money should be dumped back inside the casino. Good luck to you idiot...!!
I see a lot Khmer joker here! always BS and coward when the country is calling. They should stay with Pol Pots in Cambodia!
Keep your opinion and Mouth shout.
Ok Ok, stop begging! I will donate $55, make sure take this money and shovel in your dumb asses than have your wife lick it off. Long live CPP & Pi Anh
you asked for donation, i volunteer. you questioned the origin of my money i informed (from lottery not casino). so, what have i done wrong to make you call me idiot? we're all human; we are genetically made up for false. to deny that some CNRP won't corrupt is pure ignorant and false. Fine, if you don't want it; i'll find my way to reach mr. rainsy or sokha
11:31 AM That's how CNRP acted even in my work place too.
please give your money unconditionally. I will do my part. It is time to stand up and show support to cnrp. It is an important time and not to be childish. This is the time to do right thing.
All of you need to grow up. Some of you try to be funny and it's not funny in a time like this. And others take it too serious and i could understand why. AT THE END OF THE DAY YOU HVAE TO ASK YOURSELF " AM I AGAINST OR FOR CHANGE?"
if you know the answer you know what to do.
do not give your money on wrong thing, kem and sam rainsy ,both of you never work a day, how you claimed yourself a clean man, and any money you give will go to devid Khmer and creat chaos for uncertain result, wasn't it true ?. by the way , why you guy push people into trouble it may end up bloodshed, don't they,?. which pure democracy countries do thar, ?. no right?. rainsy just say the truth, you wanna hun sen to give you concessions on sharing power, right, didn't you?, so , do not cheat or used people's as your tools, and be respect humans rights . the truth is you do not have a clues on how to bosses econmice, how you promise 1000.000.00 reals salary,?. you so weak and never solve your own problems, how you go to get ride of youn. ?. you do not have a clue on foreign policies, and no country in the world taking side with you, what make you so proud, only child he may act like that, didnt he?. the election result is accurate and acceptable, rainsy you kbal khoch you wanna get into power by chances, like Ahphishit did, didn't you? it doesn't work that ways, doesn't it true?,... mike
kem sokha it is a golden opportunity, it happened one in a life time, isn't it, ?. rainsy is too dump and too flaw. isn't he ?. or kem sokha will be perish if you doesn't have guts to restore peace for your future and for khmer future. to any one with rainsy will be a big losers for ever. rainsy himself have nature of big loset from his first born. haven't you rainsy, ?. remember no mater generous you are you will not be able to bear milions of problems rainsy created anyways so sokha please go without it. ok. and remember there is no good morals and no mercy in relates to politic tight ? sokha kick the ash out soonner the beter. and ransy surrounding himself with thousands of naive parasites. go with or without it. ok take the bull by the horns sokha. and move on. move.,,move. nowwwwwwe?. mike
Ah mike, you think your father work to earn his money or steal? You are a cook just like your father. right? fuk=mike
mike your game over!!! Remember how your dirty trick how your party got rid of Funcipic and now, wanting to break Sam and Kem using the same tactic again?, huh! it won't work simple as that! you can fool people once, twice but not three times, right?
it is better to have a clean hands to lead the nation, than a bloody murderers like you and your Hun clan, right? so, time is up and it has to be now! Hun and dynasty will be finished very soon because now the Viets and the Chinese, they are on his throat too because they have invested so much money and energy to swallow srok khmer up by using Hun Sen's hands and if Hun lost that is it, he will be finished in either etc.
So, if Hun is smart, he should join with the CNRP before the mass demonstration start e.g giving up his power and seat to the new leader and let them run peacefully or else, he will go throught the same fate as the Sadam Hunsien and Gaddha simple as that.
Secondly, he needs to learn from our predeccessors e.g they been stabbed by both the Viets and the Chinese. If you don't learn from their past mistakes, then, you have learnt nothing, and so, what a waste of time and energy. The truth is I don't want you and your family members to die, because I don't want the outsiders to get the benefit of our conflicts and to give up your power and seat, mean you automatically win.
From here people will love you and respect you because you have shown a sign of caring for the nation and not outsiders. So, please think wisely before you commit furthere crimes against humanity, in the end, for what? after you have raise your kids up, only to die like that, is not worth it really.
សន្ទុសនៃការទាមទារកយុត្តិធ៌ម ត្រូវតែចេញជារូបរៀង ឲ្យបានច្បាស់លាស់ ដោយមិនអាចបង្អង់បានទៀតទេ!
មិនត្រូវអូសបន្លាយពេលវេលា ឲ្យម្ចាស់ឆ្នោតអស់សង្ឃឹមបានឡើយ!
វិប្បត្តិនៃការរៀបចំការបោះឆ្នោត ត្រូវតែមានតំណោះស្រាយដោយ យុត្តិធ៌ម!
ខ្មែរ ត្រូវតែរួបរួមគ្នា ហើយ ប្រកាន់ជំហរ របស់ខ្លួនឲ្យបាន! មិនត្រូវរេម្ដងទៅនេះម្ដងទៅនោះបានជាដាច់ខាត! មើលចុះ បរទេសកំពុងតែមើលមកឃើញ សម្បត្តិដ៏ស្ដុកស្ដំរបស់យើង បើយើងបែកបាក់គ្នា នុះយើងមិនអាចការពារវាបានទេ! តែក៏ត្រូវជ្រើសរើសរួបរួមជាមួយក្រុមដែលអាចផ្ដល់ផលប្រយោជន៍អោយខ្មែរដែរទើបបាន!
គ្មានអ្នកណាគេជួយយើងបាន បើយើងមិនច្បាស់លាស់ខ្លួនឯង! មិនត្រូវចាញ់ល្បិចកល់ញស់ញង់ សូមពិចារណាឲ្យបានល្អិតល្អន់ ត្រូវតែតស៊ូរ ហើយអត់ធ្មត់ បើពុំដូច្នោះទេ
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