Long Beach Protestors Question Fraud in Recent Cambodian Election
The Long Beach Post | 20 August 2013
Long Beach residents march on Anaheim St. Monday to protest Cambodian election results. Photos by Brian Addison.
Cambodia engages in a dispute over recent election results, Cambodian
and Cambodian-American citizens of Long Beach took to the streets to
protest in the hopes that a larger public presence will shed the
international light on the possible election fraud in their home
The 5th Cambodian Parliamentary Election, held July 28,
was called into dispute by the Cambodia National Rescue Party (CNRP),
who claimed an estimated one million votes were lost in addition to over
one million "ghost names" appearing in the election results. The
opposing party, the long-in-power Cambodian People's Party (CPP), claims
that their party had rightfully won the majority of votes, seizing 19
of Cambodia's 24 provinces.

"It's important because it shows
that even though we are not there in Cambodia, we are watching and
listening and we care," said Cambodian-American activist and musician praCh Ly. "We are more united then ever and we here in the States are
fortunate to get information from unlimited resources."
Ly and
other organizers, including the organizer of the protest itself, Pe
Khorng, noted that the images hopefully generated by the protest—which
also happened concurrently at the U.N. Building in New York City—have
multiple effects.
One is that Cambodia's overwhelmingly young
population, of which it is estimated that 70% of the country's citizens
are under the age of 30, will have hope knowing outsiders are paying
Secondly—and much more tangibly—is to deter possible violence.
are fearful of where this could lead," said protest organizer Pe
Khorng. "The current government [of Prime Minister Hun Sen] has refused
to admit fraud or form an independent group to look into the matter.
With troops moving into Phnom Penh, we are deeply concerned that a
peaceful confrontation will become bloody."
Forming an independent
group is key for many Cambodians here in Long Beach, who fear that the
state body National Election Committee (NEC)'s look into the matter will
be entirely biased. The NEC is widely considered to be heavily
influenced by Hun Sen's CPP—including a vitriolic stance from Ly, who
bluntly calls Hun Sen a dictator.

While that price
is being weighed, the protestors will continue to urge action on behalf
of the United Nations and the United States to look formally into
possible acts of fraud and corruption.
Bravo Khmer people!!!
Hun Sen must go!!!
Freedom for a peaceful protest is the highly valued right to be upheld, and these fellow Khmers deserve an aplaud for excersicing this important right. But that these fellow Khmers seem to harbor so much hatred upon a man considered by other million Khmers in and out of Cambodia as a savior of millions of suffering lives from the Cambodian holocaust(1975-1979) is bothersome. My guess is that these follow Khmers either had never lived through and suffered the holocaust or lived through the holocaust but never suffered as much as others did, a main reason why they do not at all seem to appreciate the fact that Hun Sen helped liberate the people and the nation from the dark era that we the victims refer to as hell on earth. Isn't true that he(Hun Sen) defected to Vietnam and came back fighting along side Vietnamese soldiers to help liberate his people ? If that is true, then remember this, and it's a reality: to millions, he is a hero. To millions, he deserves the best for his family. For saving those many lives, he deserves much more than what he has gotten so far.
9:14 AM,
There have already been three decades (thirty (30) fucking years of gratitude!!) what the hell do Cambodians still owe him and his no good "yes" men???? Even though he may have owed his lifetime gratitude to the vietcong, his master puppetteer...
Hun sen is nothing but YUON's slave and Khmer's killer for YUON(period) nothing more, nothing less!
It doesn't matter what the Viet-Hun Sen's sympathizer/supporter like 9:14 AM thinks, says or does - the fact of the matter is Khmer people knows the reality and the world knows what the freaking Viet has been doing to Cambodia...
what else can a loser like 9:14 AM does or says besides downplaying and finding excuses for the Viet's slave and Khmer's killer HUN SEN???
Am not surprised if he/she were one of the CPP's pig!!!
ជយោ មហាសាម្គីជាតិខ្មែរដ៏មហិមា!
yaa!!! you're oversea watching and listening alright. you are ONLY watching and listening to selected sources which are bias and slanted. now, i understand what lead to khmer rouge regime; it's because of some bone-head khmers who thought they knew it all.
12:00 PM, is it a bias to say the man is shamelessly holding, with extreme greed, to power for three decades?
and what about all the media controlled by cpp that keep on spouting "techo" this and that crap, day in, day out????
9:14 AM,
I'm not sure if this is the same person who write and sign under name of Mike.
Although the English writing seems to be in good order, but the style still captivate my attention.
Nevertheless of who ever you are, you are a looser who lost your integrity and moral conduct once you side with Hun Sen, the thousand times looser and the barbarian in Khmer modern history.
All i care now is CNRP has won a landslide victory over CPP and hun sen refuse to get out. I hope the khmer armed force will do justice for their countrymen.119 fore
9:14 AM go learn about the birth of the Khmer Rouge moron. Pol Pot isn't in Laos but why are the Vietnamese occupying the country? hun sen didn't gave the Cambodian freedom it was the compatriots Khmer who fought along the border for peace agreement in 1991 so you have the right to speak. You think the Vietnamese gave you freedom to speak? hun sen is a hero to the Vietnamese for killing Khmer. After 30+ years zero hun sen still forcing people to join and click "LIKE" does that tell you something? yeah you may have been through the killing fields and I can be a hero too, imagine I ask a friend to kill your family and I came to rescue your life, how that sound but that's only if you got the intelligent to learn the truth. On other hand you could just be a Vietnamese child growing up in Cambodia and reinforcing Vietnamese propaganda.
Bravo, vous, les khmers à l’étranger, vos frères et sœurs Khmers au Cambodge sont fiers de vous, de votre courage défier le pouvoir sans partage de Hun Sen.
Vous consacrez votre un petit temps précieux pour s’exprimer vos sentiments de l’injustice de l’élection 28 juillet 2013 à travers des pancartes multi-couleurs.
Vous montrez ainsi vos fiertés de vos libertés totales pour s’exprimer vos opinions sans craindre ni s’inquiéter dans un pays démocratie où vous vivez actuellement.
Cette liberté là est un rêve pour nos compatriotes au Cambodge.
Dans un période incertaine et difficile, vos frères et sœurs Khmers au Cambodge ont besoin de votre solidarité exemplaire et de votre soutient sans faille.
Actuellement, Hun Sen semble-il a choisi la voie d’affrontement, car ses troupes sont prêts à mater tous les manifestations de contestations, à la place de négociation pacifique et équitable pour résoudre les questions des irrégularités de votes.
Oui, vos frères et sœurs Khmers au Cambodge veulent vivre en paix, mais ce n’est pas une paix de l’injustice, de l’oppression, et l’inégalité.
Mille mercis à vous tous, les Khmers à l’étranger.
Bravo, you Khmer abroad, your brothers and sisters in Cambodia are proud of you, your courage to challenge the unchallenged power of Hun Sen.
You spend your precious little one time to express your feelings about the injustice of the election July 28, 2013 through multi-colored signs.
So you show your pride for your total freedom to express your opinions without fear worry in a democracy country where you currently live.
This freedom there is a dream for our compatriots in Cambodia.
In an uncertain and difficult period, your brothers and sisters in Cambodia need your solidarity and your unwavering support.
Currently, Hun Sen seems he has chosen the path of confrontation, because his troops are ready to watch all the events challenged, instead of just and peaceful negotiation to resolve the issues of voting irregularities.
Yes, your brothers and sisters in Cambodia want to live in peace, but not peace of injustice, oppression and inequality.
Many thanks to you all, Khmer abroad.
well, if those media outlets didn't "keep on spouting" how peaceful and improved cambodia is, you think cambodia can attract much investers and tourists? logically, what you r doing is giving cambodia a bad image. and realistically, the guy (hun sen) is not lifting his butt; so, my suggestion is to take the 55 seats (fight in the senate).
Dead wrong, 6:39 PM!!!
NOT only did the CPP rig the election but the CPP lost the election to CNRP!!!
Hun Sen did not same Khmer lives.
Hun Sen and other Khmer Rouge cadre
who were trained and supported by Vietnam and Vietnam themselves have killed Khmer since March 18, 1970.
March 18, 1970, Pol Pot Khmer Rouge regime had not existed yet but why Vietnamese army were in Cambodia ? to save who ? but to help Khmer Rouge become existed, to kill Khmer. To be short, Hun Sen is just a puppet of Vietnam. Why the brain of some Khmer are so shallow ? if they are mad with KR who killed their family, know that KR were created by Vietnam, Hun Sen is obviously a Khmer Rouge.
ក្រោកឡើងខ្មែរគ្រប់គ្នាដល់ពេលវេលាហើយត្រូវ :
*** សំលៀងកាំបិត, ពូថៅ, ដាវ , ខ្វែវ, ផ្គាក់,
*** ប្រើព្រួញ, សរ, ច្បូក,លំពែង,ធ្នូ,ដំបង, ព្រនង់,
*** គាស់កាំភ្លើង, គ្រាប់បែក, បេសែសិប, បេសែមួយ, មីន, មីនកន្ត្រាក់,
មីនបង្កប់, មីនក្លេម័រ, មីនតោន, កាំភ្លើងធំ, កាំភ្លើងត្បាល់, ក្រោកឡើងជាមួយយុទ្ធភ័ណទាំងអស់នេះ បាញ់ កាប់ និងចាក់ ក្បាលអាឆ្កែកញ្ជះយួនសងសិកអោយខ្មែរ
យើងខ្មែរទូទាំងប្រទេស គួរយកគំរូពី ប្រទេសទុយនេហ្ស៊ី
ទៅ ប្រទេសអេហ្ស៊ីប, យេមែន, បារ៉ែន, លីប៊ី, សេរី... « បដិវត្តន៍ផ្កាម្លិះ » ជាគំរូ!
Hey Ah Chhkae Yuon @ 12:00 PM
There's nothing is true until proved. How about you DUMB-ASS start watch Youtube clip called" of "Vietnam invasion of Kampuchea"
and judge yourself maybe it would clear up your brainwashed head better.
Ah Hun Sen never want to liberate Cambodia but had brainwashed by the Vietcong just like you and CPP thugs.
Re. Khmers oversea never live through the Khmer Rough era, you're "DEAD WRONG" because I lived through the Khmer Rough era and I know what's like.
និងជាអ្នកជួយទប់ជើងគ្រែអោយអា ហ៊ន សែន!
ផ្លាស់ប្តូរពិតប្រាកដទេ ក្រៅពីកៅអី និងងារជាឯកឧត្ដមតែប៉ុណ្ណោះ។
Prime Minister of Nambodia at 27.
1985-current: Expertize in controller, import-export, manipulate, natural resources, lands concession, Head of Military forces, CEO of CPP and Dictator.
Education: PhD of Hanoi University in Environmental Control
Available Upon Request: Ho Chi Minh
Graduated with Honor at 27 from MIT.
2000-current: Expertize in humanity behavior. Make a living selling items on eBay. Part-Time Pizza delivery, cashier at 7-11, door man at 5 star resort and volunteer for the poor.
Education: PhD of MIT University in Psychology
Available Upon Request: Relatives
Hun Sen and his pigs must go!!!
អានរក អាចម៍ឧត្ដម សម រង្ស៊ី ប្រាកដជាមិនចោលអាចម៍យួន
ហើយទៅស្រវាពលរដ្ឋខ្មែរ នោះឡើយ!
សូមខ្មែរ ប្រយ័ត្ន !!!
ពួកអាក្បត់ជាតិ CNRP,អារន្ទះបាញ់ CPP
អាឆ្កែកន្ទុយខ្វៀន នៅតែខ្វៀនអារន្ទះបាញ់សម រង្ស៊ី
អាអាចម៍ឧត្ដមស្វាយួន អារន្ទះបាញ់កឹម សុខា
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