Friday, August 09, 2013

Ms. Theary C. Seng dedicates a song to His Excellency, Minister of Interior, Sar Kheng

Seen and heard on Ms. Theary C. Seng's Facebook accounts:  

I dedicate this song to Minister of Interior Sar Kheng, who inexplicably stated that the State (i.e. his boss Hun Sen and party the CPP) known domestically, regionally, internationally for their decades of cruelty and violence and who are in charge of all the armed forces (now parading their weapons and armory on the streets of Phnom Penh and along national highways) will not be responsible for any eruption of violence against peaceful demonstrators, but the responsibility will instead be on Sam Rainsy and the CNRP who own no weapons (not even Sam Rainsy's bodyguards are armed).

Good riddance (soon!) to Hun Sen and this *BRILLIANT* "logic", the kind of "logic" that only makes sense to those groomed on violence and daily feast on the rich fare of imbecility. 


Anonymous said...

Good job Theary!
This is how dictator intimidate their citizens by using tanks and guns to scare the helpless/ gunless peaceful citizens,you can't only see in Scambodia under Nam Sen Hun regime.Nam Sen Hun was ordered by Hanoi to do these things on his own citizens (Khmers). Don't worry folk,all eyes of the world are watching Scambodia now more than ever....They want to see how thugism Nam Sen Hun will do to his own unarm civilians people.Nam Sen Hun makes a wrong move his whole families will end up like Saddam Husien Iraq or Mama Qadafi of Lybia wipe out without mercy,his legacy will be buried in the raw sew in Hanoi.

Please do not ruin your children's future for your Hanoi or Beijing's bosses.All you Cpp clans will be prosecuted by international's court as well you should aware of that Mr jungle's gooks!


Anonymous said...

Sar Kheng or Hun Sen or Chea Sim or
alike do not understand English.
They do not even know what democracy is. They think that Cambodia is owned by them. How stupid they are
They go about politic because of Vietnam, that is why we call these idiot, puppet.