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Sam Rainsy, president of the opposition Cambodia National Rescue Party (CNRP), greets supporters at Freedom Park in Phnom Phenh August 08 ,2013( REUTERS /Samrang Pring) |
By Prak Chan Thul, The Phnom Penh Post
PHNOM PENH (Reuters) - Thousands of supporters of Cambodia's main opposition party rallied on Tuesday to demand an international inquiry into the recent general election, rejecting the victory claimed by long-serving Prime Minister Hun Sen, who shows no sign of stepping aside.
The election revealed widespread unhappiness with his iron-fisted rule, and the opposition Cambodia National Rescue Party (CNRP) is trying to capitalise on that while emotion still runs high, especially among younger Cambodians eager for change.
CNRP leader Sam Rainsy, who returned from exile to galvanise the campaign of the newly merged opposition for the July 28 poll, has already said he should be prime minister and told the crowd in a Phnom Penh park he rejected the idea of a coalition.
"We won't get involved in the destruction of the nation with them," he said, addressing a demand to Hun Sen: "We just want you to step down as soon as possible."
Information Minister Khieu Kanharith said Hun Sen's Cambodian People's Party (CPP) won 68 seats and the CNRP 55. The CNRP says it won 63 and the CPP 60. The official result will not be announced until Thursday at the earliest.
The CNRP also claimed 1.3 million names were missing from electoral rolls and that Hun Sen's side stuffed ballot boxes with illegal votes.
The allegations are being investigated by the National Election Committee, a state body seen as dominated by the CPP. Sam Rainsy wants the United Nations and non-governmental bodies to take part, which the government has rejected.
"It is inconceivable to me that Hun Sen would allow any investigation that he couldn't control," said Carl Thayer, a Cambodia expert at the Australian Defence Force Academy in Canberra.
"This election result will not be the end of Hun Sen for the next five years. But his pledge to say in office until he is in his seventies looks shaky."
Sam Rainsy told the crowd, estimated by a Reuters reporter to number at least 10,000, that the people would no longer be intimidated and he promised more, bigger demonstrations.
However, in the short term, the campaign may lose momentum as he is leaving the country for his daughter's wedding in the United States.
Hun Sen, 61, has comfortably won every election since Cambodia returned to full democracy in 1998 after decades of turmoil that included the 1975-79 "Killing Fields" rule of the Khmer Rouge.
Analysts aren't writing off the chances of the politically ruthless leader extending his 28-year rule, but even by his government's count, the election represents a dismal performance by an Asian strongman viewed until now as all but invincible.
Many Cambodians feel CPP policies have enriched a select few and created a yawning poverty gap. Huge tracts of land have been granted to foreign companies while the poor fight eviction with little hope of justice from the police or courts.
CPP policies are "out of step with a more and more open society", said independent social analyst Kem Ley, adding Hun Sen's control of the media was less effective now that many people got news from the Internet.
Kem Ley believes a CNRP boycott of parliament could lead to mass protests. "It's going to be like Egypt," he said.
Frustration also festers in the civil service, analysts say, where low-ranking officials have watched their superiors grow rich while their own wages have stagnated. The CNRP had promised pay rises for civil servants and garment workers if it won.
Hun Sen has warned that if the opposition boycotts parliament, its seats will be redistributed to other parties.
In a recent speech he scorned U.S. lawmakers for their pre-election threats to cut financial assistance unless the election was deemed fair and suggested the generosity of China, Cambodia's biggest investor and close diplomatic ally, would compensate for any cut in $1 million of U.S. military aid.
But his hailing of close ties with Beijing could backfire with many Cambodians, who resent China's economic and political dominance of their tiny country.
He will focus on retaining power rather than addressing popular discontent, analyst Kem Ley said. "There is no way (the CPP) will reform to gain popularity," he said.
But CPP lawmaker Chheang Vun, who called the election result "a victory for our people", acknowledged his party must take heed of the youth.
"Their thinking is not the same as the old people like us, so we must turn to them ... and give young people what they want," he recently told journalists.
Despite a poor election result, Hun Sen will not face any leadership challenge from inside the CPP, said Lao Mong Hay, a veteran Cambodian human rights activist.
"He has centralised all power and prevented his colleagues from proving themselves and rising to prominence," he said.
(Writing by Andrew R.C. Marshall and Alan Raybould; Editing by Robert Birsel and Nick Macfie)
You put two people with the same level of education but different in ethnicity side by side. One is Chinese/Yuon and one is Khmer. Who do you think Hun Sen respects more?
Khmers have never been or should bow to any race or ethnicity. Our country is/was the riches and had the most abundant natural resources in the region. No Khmer should ever go hungry!! Time for a change, my people.
Koh Tral Island must not be forgotten
By “any patriot Khmers”
Why do Koh Tral Island, known in Vietnam as Phu Quoc, a sea and land area covering proximately over 30,000 km2 [Note: the actual land size of Koh Tral itself is 574 square kilometres (222 sq miles)] have been lost to Vietnam by whose treaty? Why don’t Cambodia government be transparent and explain to Cambodia army at front line and the whole nation about this? Why don't they include this into education system? Why?
Cambodian armies are fighting at front line for 4.6 km2 on the Thai border and what's about over 30,000km2 of Cambodia to Vietnam. Nobody dare to talk about it! Why? Cambodian armies you are decide the fate of your nation, Cambodian army as well as Cambodian people must rethink about this again and again. Is it fair?
Koh Tral Island, the sea and land area of over 30,000 square kilometres have been lost to Vietnam by the 1979 to 1985 treaties. The Cambodian army at front line as well as all Cambodian people must rethink again about these issues. Are Cambodian army fighting to protect the Cambodia Nation or protecting a very small group that own big lands, big properties or only protecting a small group but disguising as protecting the Khmer nation?
The Cambodian army at front lines suffer under rain, wind, bullets, bombs, lack of foods, lack of nutrition and their families have no health care assistance, no securities after they died but a very small group eat well, sleep well, sleep in first class hotel with air conditioning system with message from young girls, have first class medical care from oversea medical treatments, they are billionaires, millionaires who sell out the country to be rich and make the Cambodian people suffer everyday.
Who signed the treaty 1979-1985 that resulted in the loss over 30,000 km2 of Cambodia??? Why they are not being transparent and brave enough to inform all Cambodians and Cambodian army at front line about these issues? Why don't they include Koh Tral (Koh Tral size is bigger than the whole Phom Phen and bigger than Singapore [Note: Singapore's present land size is 704 km2 (271.8 sq mi)]) with heap of great natural resources, in the Cambodian education system?
Look at Hun Sen's families, relatives and friends- they are billionaires, millionaires. Where did they get the money from when we all just got out of war with empty hands [in 1979]? Hun Sen always say in his speeches that Cambodia had just risen up from the ashes of war, just got up from Year Zero with empty hands and how come they are billionaires, millionaires but 90% of innocent Cambodian people are so poor and struggling with their livelihood every day?
CNRP need to write official letter to UN, US and Security Council to intervene in recent Cambodia election as part of Paris Peace Accord
Act more, think less
ប្រសិនបើការបោះឆ្នោតនៅកម្ពុជា មានតម្លាភាពត្រឹមត្រូវ ហ៊ុនសែនមិនដែលបានជាប់ឆ្នោតម្តងណាទេ។ ការដែលគេបានកាន់អំណាចតាំងពីឆ្នាំ១៩៩៨មកនោះ គឺសុទ្ធតែបានដោយការលួចសន្លឹកឆ្នោតទាំងអស់។
ថ្ងៃ៥-៦កក្កដា១៩៩៧ (បទកាកគតិ)
ធ្វើរដ្ឋប្រហារ រៀបចំផែនការ កំចាត់ពួកស្តេច
កំចាយអ្នកខ្លាំង ទើបបានសំរេច រៀបចំឲ្យស្រេច
ដាក់សុទ្ធគ្នាអញ ធ្លាប់បានស៊ីឆ្ងាញ់ បំផ្លាញអ្នកឆោត
ឆ្នៃតាមតែចិត្ត មិនឲ្យរបូត អ្នកកាន់ចង្កូត
ស្រុកខ្មែរគឺអញ ។
ហ៊ុនសែនជាស៊ីម នៅតែញញឹម កៅអីលឿងខ្លាញ់
លក់តទៅទៀត ដីឈើត្រីអញ រួចឆ្នៃប្រវញ្ញ
រកក្បាលខ្លឹមៗ ។
ចាប់ពង្រាត់មនុស្ស ឆក់ប្លន់ស្រស់ៗ កុំអស់សង្ឃឹម
មានហុកឡងឌី រៀបចំតំរឹម ច្រឹបឲ្យស្មើត្រឹម
កុំឲ្យលូតបាន ។
ពួកក្រោមបង្គាប់ រកតាមលំដាប់ ដើរតាមលំអាន
ជិះជាន់អ្នកក្រ អារកអ្នកមាន ប្រមូលលុយឡាន
ជាស្ពានពួកយើង ។
បក្សប្រជាជន មុខក្រាស់លោភលន់តោងបុណ្យដូចឈ្លើង
ជញ្ជក់ឈាមរាស្ត្រ វិនាសចូលភ្លើង ប្រឹងច្បាមខ្លាំងឡើង
តំកើងសាច់ញាតិ ។
ពួកប្រជាជន ពូកែឆក់ប្លន់ លួចលក់ទ្រព្យជាតិ
តាំងពីកំពូល រហូតដល់បាត លាងគូដមិនស្អាត
ដើរប៉ាតគូដគេ ។
ថ្ងៃ ២៤ កញ្ញា ១៩៩៧
ខ្មែរ ត្រូវតែប្រកាន់ជំហរ របស់ខ្លួនជាដាច់ខាត មិនត្រូវរេដូចចុងស្រល់ត្រូវខ្យល់បក់បានជាដាច់ខាត!
គ្មានអ្នកណាគេជួយយើងបាន បើយើងមិនច្បាស់លាស់ខ្លួនឯង! មិនត្រូវចាញ់ល្បិចកល់ញស់ញង់ ទោះបីជាត្រូវប្រើវេលាប៉ុន្មាន ក៏ត្រូវតែតស៊ូរ ហើយអត់ធ្មត់ បើពុំដូច្នោះទេ កូនខ្មែរមិនអាចមានអនាគត ភ្លឺចិញ្ចាចដូចគេឯងទេ!
(រឿងច្បាស់ក្រឡែត កាលពីឆ្នាំ១៩៧៥ លោក លន់ ណុល បានសម្រេចចុះ ហត្ថលេខា ចុះចាញ់ ហើយប្រគល់ជ័យនះទៅឲ្យពួកខ្មែរក្រហម ព្រោះពួកគាត់នោះមិនចង់ឲ្យខ្មែរបង្ហូរឈាមតរទៅទៀត ដោយមិនបានគិតថា ខ្មែរនាំអាចធ្លាក់ចូលក្នុងរណ្ដៅលពិឃាត ដូច្នោះ ហើយ អាមេរិក ក៏គ្មានលទ្ធភាព បន្តរជំនួយ ត្បិតខ្មែរត្រូវគ្នាហើយ លុះដល់ក្រោយមកទើបពួក លន់ ណុល គិតឃើញថាខ្លួនចាញបោកចខ្មែរក្រហមទាំងស្រុង!)
ខ្ញុំមិនចង់និយាយរឿងចាស់ទេ ន័យរបស់ខ្ញុំគឺ អ្នកដែលចង់ជួយរកយុត្តិធ៌មឲ្យខ្មែរ គេមិនចង់ក្លាយខ្លួនទៅជានអ្នកឈ្លានពានខ្មែរទៅវិញ ដ៏រាបណាខ្មែរនៅតែមិនច្បាស់ខ្លួនឯង!
ក៏ប៉ុន្តែ យើងមិនអាចយល់បាន បើមិនយករឿងពីអតីតកាលមកពិចារណា ឬ មិនដឹងអតីតកាល របស់ខ្លួនច្បាស់លាស់ទេ៖ ដូចក្នុងកាលទេសៈខ្មែរធ្លាប់ឆ្លងកាត់ជាបន្តរបន្ទាប់ យើងមិនអាចដឹងបានថាត្រូវធ្វើយ៉ាងណា សម្រាប់ បច្ចុប្បន្ន នឹងអនាគត់របស់យើងឡើយ។
ដូច្នេះហើយ យើង ត្រូវតែបន្តរ(ព្យាយាមអតធ្មត់) ត្រូវតែសិក្សារ អំពីអតីតកាលរបស់យើង យកជាបទពិសោធន៍ចាស់ ជាមេរៀនមកពង្រឹងបច្ចុប្បន្នកាល ឆ្ពោះទៅកាន់អនាគត របស់យើងអោយបានរុងរឿងទាំងអស់គ្នាជាដាច់ខាត!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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