Brilliant Comet, Brighter Than Full Moon, Making Debut In 2013
Posted: December 27th, 2012
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Image Credit: Giovanni Benintende / Shutterstock |
NB: The appearance of a major comet in the night sky had
traditionally been taken to be an omen of impending end to political reigns and
the beginning of a new era. The last time the Khmer people had witnessed this
cosmic harbinger of sea changing event was just prior to the fall of the hated
Pol Pot regime in 1979 - School of Vice
The Cambodian Sun projecting its glorious, majestic aura is
also taken to be an auspicious omen for the Khmer
nation today, Sunday 15th September 2013, as though to coincide the public
demonstration for social and political change as well as a reassuring symbol of
divine will and heavenly seal of approval from above. All in all, a far, far
better sign than the tattered, insincere enfeebled 'umbrella shade' offered by
the CPP staged Royal Palace! - School of Vice
A once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to gaze upon the stars will be had next year by thousands of backyard astronomers who wish to catch a glimpse of the comet of the century.
Comet Ison has yet to earn its spotlight in the media, but
soon enough it will be the trending topic among all the search engines.
The comet, which was discovered by two Russian astronomers,
will be “the biggest star of 2013″ and “brighter than a full moon,” according
to David Whitehouse, an author and astronomer.
Ison has been traveling for millions of years from the Oort
cloud to reach Earth. The comet’s surface is very dark, and it is a few tens of
miles across.
Whitehouse says if you jumped into the air while on the
surface of the comet, you could leap 20 miles up, and it would take you over a
week to come back down.
By the end of the summer next year the comet will become
visible in small telescopes and binoculars. A few months later, by October, it
will be passing Mars and the surface will shift, with the surface of the rock
responding to thermal shock.
As the comet passes the orbit of Earth, the gas and dust
geysers will gather force, and the space around Ison will become brilliant as
the ice below the surface turns into gas and erupts. Once this happens, it will
be reflecting the light of the sun.
By late November next year [2013], the comet will be visible to the
unaided eye just after dark in the same direction as the setting Sun. The
comet’s tail could stretch like a searchlight into the sky above the horizon.
Ison will then swing rapidly around the Sun, passing within
two million miles of it, which is closer than any planet ever does. The comet
will be able to be seen to an “unaided eye” for months.
When Ison gets close in its approach to the Sun, it could
become intensely bright, but at this point it will be difficult and dangerous
to see without special instruments.
While comets can be a rare site to the backyard astronomers,
Ison will not be the only space rock that will be visible next year. According
to Whitehouse, another comet, called 2014 L4, was discovered last year and will
be making a significant appearance in the evening sky in March and April,
acting as the opening act for Ison.
Source: Lee Rannals for - Your Universe Online
Don't look at the stars the signs in th sky but to God the Creator who jugs FOR the oppressed(s). Turn our heart and our eyes and our hope to Him. Only Him is just. Only from Him we get our strength and peace
May God b with us.
It is crystal clear that our noble struggle for justice has been approved and supported by God or something beyond our reach, thanks to our compatriots heroic acts.
The traitor hun Sen and his evil master Vietnam will go to hell in this 2013.
Bun Thoeun
Alien come down to help destroys Hun sen regime.Its a sign from intelligent being out there telling democracy people to fight for your justice and fairness don't give up,don't give in,don't walk away, don't worry fight the crooks head on....Freedom isn't free,freedom cost lives,tears,sweats,and bloods....God gives all mankinds to live free but evil communist Cpp took it away from khmers people to get it back you must fight for it by any means necessary to get.
The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handy work. Psalm 19:1
The stars tell nothing of your future, but the stars do tell the mystery of God as his signs are put in the stars-the constellations.
The heathens like to twist what was intended of God as his story written with his stars to tell something different then what it was not meant to be.
What could blood moon mean when it does occur? Red is blood. There is a speculation of 4 blood moons coming in Spring of 2014-2015. Those blood moons will occur in Spring and Fall in those two years. The speculation is when the blood moons do take place as expected it will be that of God's judgment upon the nations. It means many millions of death as symbolize by blood moon (red).
In Spring of 2008 I believe as the Scriptures says that Messiah of Israel stood up in the court of heaven as written in Revelation 6. The 4 seals in Revelation 6 has been released unto the earth. Also to confirm that the Judgment of God has begun, the Constellations declared it is so in 2008. Bad omen awaits all humanity as we wait for the End of the Sixth day of creation to come to and End.
On the Jewish calendar we just passed through the Yom Kippur, day of atonement. It was 40 years ago that Israeli army captured and took control of Jerusalem. This also point toward a bad omen for the nations in 2014-2015.
2008-2014/15 - is 7 year cycle. In the Torah, every 6th year is the year of release. This could mean the year of release in 2014 is bad omen. But there is time to repent if you will. The wrath of God will fall but at the same time the door of repentance if still open for those who will call upon his name, Yeshua our righteousness.
New World Disorder Malday
ខ្មែររស់ ជាតិរស់ ព្រោះខ្មែរស្នេហារជាតិយើងបានសាម្គីគ្នា!
ជយោ មហាសាម្គីនៃភាពក្លាហានរបស់វិរជនស្នេហារជាតិខ្មែរ!
ជយោ វិរជនស្នេហារជាតិខ្មែរដ៏អង្គអាចក្លាហាន!
ជយោ ព្លឺសេរីភាពរបស់ពលរដ្ឋខ្មែរ!
ជយោ ពង្សាវតាខ្មែរអមតៈ!
ជយោ បូរណៈភាពជាតិទឹកដែខ្មែរអមតៈ!
ជយោ លទ្ធិប្រជាធិប្បតេយ្យ!
ជយោ គណបក្សសង្គ្រោះជាតិ!
Folks!! Please come down.
Comet Isan is not here YET. It will take million of years to reach Earth.
Each of us Human can live the most 100 years old but not many.
And Comet Isan has to travel million years to meet us. So we have to die and reborn million or billion or trillion times to meet face to face with Comet Isan.
I said this according to NASA.
My own opinion is that before earth reaches peace and humans can live like in paradise, earth has to wash all sins means: wars and wars, famine, earthquake and all calamities will fall upon earth. Until every soul repent and come to one path of God.
I said based on the Revelation of the Bible. Saint John, the youngest and the last Disciple of Christ was allowed to see the Revelation and to write down.
I think Comet Isan represent the judgement day when Christ returns, and I don't believe it will take million years for Comet Isan to come to earth as Human scientists said. It can come any time.
We can only pray pray for Peace.
Blind faith is dangerouses.
Blind faith is not only dangerous, but can be deadly!
It has been of one the causes of human suffering for centuries!
The prediction about Preah Bath Dharmeuk was written on the dead leaves in many pagodas five hundred years ago.
The recent Sun and Comet Star are omens of a new era for Cambodia. Of course, before the sunny day, there will be a big storm i.e. a purging phase to go through especially for the wicked and the tyrants. However, do not worry, brothers and sisters, those who are virtuous and practice Dharma will be spared from the wrath of the Supreme Being and the gods protecting Cambodia. Afterward, the future Khmer virtuous and highly educated leader with pale skin who will be recognized as world leader will lead Cambodia to compete in the 21st century, Cambodia will prosper in harmony and peace ("Chen Li Kompi Rok Neak Mean Bonn.") Let's pray that Buddha nature will shine from each Khmer soul on our motherland!
In the meantime, let's conduct an ahimsa protest (non-violence) and fight without fever for our rights to regain our freedom of expression and vote recognition, equality of becoming prosperous, liberty, and true dharma.
May we recover our once-lost true Angkorian spirit!
Without faith it is impossible to please God! There is no blind faith in what I believe! Why do we need signs for roads? God give us sign posts called, prophesies. Those who know how to read them understand what is ahead. This world is in a tizzy mode, worst yet to come when Satan is cast out from heaven forever.
God actually wrote his Gospel in the stars. Like I said, the heathen twisted to make it mean something else. Its complicated trying to explain about it. The world will be without excuse that they never knew of God on the day of Judgment.
New World Disorder Malady
Yes Blind Faith is deadly dangerous. People believe in Buddhism using Buddha statue as an object of worshiping. Million men escaping from going to work to feed the family and feed the economy of the nation, that led to weak the economy and led to the downfall of the wealthy and powerful of Khmer Empire.
Yes Blind faith is deadly dangerous when men believe in power (like Roman Empire)disregard other humans beings, so only a strong NOT Blind Faith in Christ that later defeated the Roman and later collapsed.
Blind faith is deadly dangerous when men like Hitler, Stalin, Mao and Kim Il Sung, etc.., believe that they were gods, they had no Faith in God to do good.
What I said in my post at 1:59am is not a Blind Faith, I have had a very strong Faith in God through Christ. My Strongest Faith based on many experiences in my life since I was a child, and from my many prophetic dreams and from the words of God through the many Prophets in the Bible.
Do Not Characterize and judge me that my experiences in my life is Blind Faith. In fact I have a very strong FAITH. I trust in God, and my devotion to GOD is infinite. And I am Kaun Khmer in late 1975's.
Faith is not that something one can just pretend or buy it, it is something that is unseen and comes true through the dreams, and sometimes I encountered with...
You don't know me and I don't know you, so do not judge me for what I have been through in my life since I was a child until now.
A true Faith I have. "Love one another as I have loved you" and "Feed my sheep". All of the teachings God taught I have followed, and how can it be dangerous to you?
So tell us how is yours? The one who claimed to be righteous being?
6:15 AM
No Khmer Buddhists including Monks practice Dharma this day, none whatsoever.
I don't believe practicing Dharma alone can be saved without praying directly to God asking for forgiveness.
All Indian Buddhas were Indian and we Hindu, they believed in God the creator. Not only they believed in the Creator of the Universe, they also practiced Dharma altogether.
The Khmer Buddhists believed in ghosts, preits, preay kbal 8, asorakay, Tmub-Ab, Ampeu, Snae,... and Buddhas. No Dharma. How can they be saved?
6:15 AM
If whoever wrote the prediction of "Dharmeuk" on the dead leaves in many pagodas five hundred years ago, it may be started around the year 1500's or early year 1600.
If so then Yuon (Annamite) were the main Players to write such Propaganda. Yuon were already surrounding Cambodia after took a few Cham's provinces.
Yuon knew Khmers and the geography of Cambodia like inside their closets before they sent Miss Ngoc Van to marry Jeyajettha II.
Khmers believed everything that has the name Buddha in it. Ho Chi Minh created another prophecy for Khmers to believe to like "Puth Tomneay".
Why did Buddha predicted about Cambodia, the country thousand miles away from his native land? What was the point to predict any body, since he was not a fortune teller or Prophet anything.
This makes me wonder that Buddhism may be a BAIT of foreigners such as Thai and Yuon used to weak the Khmer Empire, and so they did so perfectly.
Now this is a real Blind Faith that cost Khmers the Empire and the small Kingdom.
6:15 AM
If whoever wrote the prediction of "Dharmeuk" on the dead leaves in many pagodas five hundred years ago, it may be started around the year 1500's or early year 1600.
If so then Yuon (Annamite) were the main Players to write such Propaganda. Yuon were already surrounding Cambodia after took a few Cham's provinces.
Yuon knew Khmers and the geography of Cambodia like inside their closets before they sent Miss Ngoc Van to marry Jeyajettha II.
Khmers believed everything that has the name Buddha in it. Ho Chi Minh created another prophecy for Khmers to believe to like "Puth Tomneay".
Why did Buddha predict about Cambodia, the country thousand miles away from his native land? What was the point to predict any body, since he was not a fortune teller or Prophet anything, he was just a man who sought for Nirvana.
This makes me wonder that Buddhism may be a BAIT of foreigners such as Thai and Yuon used to weak the Khmer Empire, and so they did so perfectly.
Now this is a real Blind Faith that cost Khmers the Empire and the small Kingdom.
Why Khmer Buddhists NEVER ADMIT their Crimes against GOD, against Buddhas and against the Khmer Empire?
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