Friday, September 27, 2013

Cambodia’s Illiberal and Ill-practised Democracy

Ruling regimes in Cambodia's recent history have always claimed to represent the 'democratic' will of the Cambodian people, including Pol Pot's "Democratic Kampuchea", followed by the 'People's Republic of Kampuchea' [PRK] now renamed the "Cambodian People's Party" [CPP] to resurrect or reclaim the CPP's historical political antecedent and founder: the 'People's Party' [the Pracheachun Party] formed and intended as a political, parliamentary arm of the Indochinese Communist Party in Cambodia under the direction of the North Vietnamese to entrench Vietnamese influence and presence in the nation's political life  - School of Vice

The CPP's Vietnamese mentors and founders took full advantage of Cambodia's semi-literate and predominantly rural population as the bastion of their long term political support and recruiting base, rich with social tensions and saddled with resentment towards the traditional ruling elites throughout the post-colonial era. Sihanouk and his advisers had had a period of stability and peace in which to forge lasting public institutional foundations that could have denied the Vietnamese this opportunity but had failed to read the signs of the time. The French picked monarch had thought his cult of personality and the potent symbolism embedded in the royal throne alone would suffice to deny political rival groups competition for his subjects' allegiance, and like the hedonistic French bourgeoisie had opted to spend much of his long years at the political helm pursuing the obligatory decadence and excesses of a king in the realm of the senses instead; a penchant for which his well-publicised medical condition had been one ineluctable symptom -  School of Vice

Op-ed by XMEN

To School of Vice,

I have to agree with the point raised in this letter to the Phnom Penh Post [from Heinz Wiese] when it said that "the present upheaval in Cambodia is one of the best things that could have happened to this country".

Let's define what democracy is:

A government by the people; a form of government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised directly by the people or by their elected agents under a free electoral system. It is clearly stated that it is by the people, for the people and of the people; however, it is not so in Cambodia where both, the King and CPP violated the Constitution.

This is where the King and CPP have violated the Constitution. Article 7 reads the following:

(The King of Cambodia shall reign but shall not govern). Article 8:
(The King of Cambodia shall be a symbol of unity and eternity of the nation).

Article 9: (The King shall assume the august role of arbitrator to ensure the faithful execution of public

Article 19: (The King shall appoint the Prime Minister and the Council of Ministers
according to the procedures
stipulated in Article 100).

Article 23: (The King is the Supreme Commander of the
Royal Khmer Armed Forces. The Commander-in-Chief of the Royal Khmer Armed Forces shall be appointed to command the Armed

Article 27: (The King shall have the right to grant partial or complete amnesty). Article 38: (The law guarantees there shall be no physical abuse against any individual).

Article 39: (Khmer citizens shall have the right to denounce, make complaints or file claims against any breach of the law by state and social organs or by members of such organs committed during the course of their duties. The settlement of complaints and claims shall be the competence of the courts).

Article 41: (Khmer citizens shall have freedom of expression, press, publication and assembly. No one shall exercise this right to infringe upon the rights of others, to effect the good traditions of the society, to violate public law and order and national security).

Article 42: (Khmer Citizens shall have the right to establish associations and political parties. These rights shall be determined by law. Khmer citizens may take part in mass organizations for mutual benefit to protect national achievement and social order).

Article 49: (Every Khmer citizen shall respect the Constitution and laws).

Article 51: (The Kingdom of Cambodia adopts a policy of Liberal Democracy and Pluralism.
The Cambodian people are the master of their own country.
All powers belong to the people. The people exercise these powers through the National Assembly, the Royal Government and the Judiciary.
The Legislative, Executive, and the Judicial powers shall be separate).

An Article 76 states the following: (The National Assembly consists of at least 120 members). If you ask anyone about how Pluralistic Democracy works, they will tell you the same thing, that prior to the First Opening Ceremony of the National Assembly, you must have at least 120 members of officials which elected by the people of Cambodia. You cannot attend the Royal Palace Hall without first have the entire members of elected officials there. What CPP has done instead is clearly a blatant violation of our Constitution, thus the Upheaval and the Civil Disobedience should be the next key issue for the CNRP to consider. I have more to say, but very little of time. After reading what I have posted to this article I hope you understand my thoughts, until then, have a great day.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

គោលនយោបាយ ចត្រកោណ លើកទី៣ របស់លោក ហ៊ុន សែន ស្ដែងចេញដល់តំណាក់កាល មិនអាចលាក់បានតទៅទៀតទេ ព្រោះឥ
ល្បែងធ្វើព្យុះធ្វើភ្លៀង បង្ករឲ្យមានអសន្តិសុខ បង្កើតបងតូចបងធំ បណ្ដោយឲ្យមានអំពើឃាតកម្ម។ល។
រួចហើយចាត់កម្លាំងនគបាល ឬ កងរាជអាវុធហាត់ ឲ្យការពារក្នុងន័យបង្ក្រាប ចាប់ចង សម្លាប់ ជារឿងរ៉ាវដែល ព្រៀងទុកជាមុនគួរឲ្យកត់សម្គាល់ជាបន្តរបន្ទាប់រហូតមក ថាតើពេលណាខ្លះ គេត្រូវប្រើ​ខ្លះ ឬ ចំណាយអ្វីខ្លះ ហេតុនេះហើយ គេមាន(ចិញ្ចឹមទុកសម្រាប់ប្រើពេលត្រូវការចំណាយ) នឹង (ចាប់បង្ការទុក)

ពីមុនគេទិញទឹកចិត្តរាស្ដ្រនឹងលុយ! ក្រោយមកនេះ គេកំពុងតែទិញទឹកចិត្តរាស្ដ្រដោយចាយ ចិត្តសាស្ដ្រ វិញហើយ!

ក្នុងគ្រា បោះឆ្នោតតជាតិ និតិកាល ទី៥នេះ គេចំណាយប្រើ មន្ត្រី គជប ថ្នាក់ក្រោមឲ្យទទួលកំហុសថា៖ បានប្រព្រឹតខុស ពេលឆែកឆេរឃើញមានភាពមិនប្រក្រតី ហើយឲ្យពួកនោះចេញសម្ណង​ (ក្នុងន័យថ្នាក់លើគេនៅតែល្អ គឺថ្នាក់ក្រោមទេដែលអាក្រក់ តាមពិតពួកអាក្រក់គ្រ័គ្គៗនូវដដែល)!
តមកទៀតគេបានផ្លាស់ប្ដូរ ថ្នាក់ដឹកនាំតាមប្រព័ន្ធផ្សេងៗ ហើយផ្ដល់ដំណឹងជាសាធារណៈ!
ពេលជាមួយគ្នានេះដែរ​ គេឲ្យកែប្រព័ន្ធក្រុមប្រឹក្សាធម្មនុញ្ញ បង្ហាញពលរដ្ឋថាគេល្អណាស់បានកែប្រែហើយ!

មួយទៀតនេះ វាជារឿងស៊ាំទៅហើយដែលថាគេចាប់ ទ្រង់ នរោត្តមសីហមនី បង្ការទុកនុះ!
រឿងមួយថ្មីកើតចេញពីរឿងចាស់ ដែលធ្វើឲ្យ​ សាធារណៈជនខ្មែរ នឹង បរទេសទាក់ត្រចៀកនោះគឺ គេបានដោះលែង ពិរុទ្ធិកជន សុប្បនិមិត្ត សុខ សំអឿន នឹង​ ប៊ន សំណាង បង្ហាញឲ្រប្រជាពរដ្ឋ ឃើញថា តុលាការ​ នៃរដ្ឋាភិបាលជាប់ឆ្នោតថ្មី យុត្តិធម៌ណាស់!

ត្រូវហើយ លោក សូ ណារ៉ូ រឿងដែលយើងព្រួយបារម្មនោះ គឹនៅមានពលរដ្ឋខ្លះឈ្លក់វង្វេងក្នុងនយោបាយប្ដូរផ្លាស់របស់ លោក ហ៊ុន សែន ទៀត រួមផ្សំនឹងតម្រូវរស់នៅប្រចាំថ្ងៃរបស់ប្រជាបរដ្ឋខ្មែរក្រីក្រ ជាចំណុចខ្សោយផង!

ក៏ប៉ុន្តែ ខ្មែរគួរតែមានមេរៀនគ្រប់គ្រាន់ហើយ ដែល លោក ហ៊ុន សែន​ កាន់តែមាន​ភាពផ្អែមល្ហែម ក៏អាចមានល្បិចយ៉ាងពិសពុល ទ្រៀមរងចាំថ្ងៃខ្មែរភ្លេចខ្លួនបន្តិចម្ដងៗ សម្រាប់ផែនការណ៍បន្តររបស់មេយួនគេ!

សូមបងប្អូនខ្មែរយើងទាំងអស់បន្តររួបរួមគ្នាទាមទាយកអ្វីជារបស់យើង កុំភ្លេចខ្លួនឲ្យសោះ!