Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Failure to meet opposition's demand for parliament presidency causes Cambodia's political impasse: PM

E-motion-ally Depressed Hun Sen

Prime Minister Hun Sen (L) attends a meeting
at the National Assembly in central Phnom Penh
 September 24, 2013. Hun Sen is approved on
Tuesday by Cambodia's parliament for a new 5-year term.
REUTERS/Samrang Pring

English.news.cn   2013-09-24 16:28:25

PHNOM PENH, Sept. 24 (Xinhua) -- Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen said Tuesday that the opposition boycotted parliament because its demand for the position of the parliament president had not been met.

Speaking to reporters at the National Assembly, Hun Sen said that, in talks last week, the opposition Cambodia National Rescue Party had not pressed its demand for an independent investigation committee into alleged vote fraud during the July 28 election, but had sought the position of parliament president.

"Have you ever seen any country in the world that a minority party holds the position of the parliament president?" the premier asked.

Hun Sen said that if he agreed to give the parliament chairmanship to the opposition in talks last week, the opposition would definitely not boycott the parliament opening session on Monday.

The door was still open for the opposition party to get some parliament leadership positions, the premier said, adding that his party could provide the opposition party one position of parliament's deputy president, four positions of parliament's commission chairmen, and five positions of parliament's commission vice-chairmen.

The parliament on Tuesday voted for Hun Sen as prime minister for a new five-year-term government even though the opposition boycotted the session since it refused to accept the results of the election that gave victory to Hun Sen's ruling party.

The ruling party's 68 lawmakers unanimously approved the formation of the new government under the Hun Sen's leadership.

Hun Sen, 61, who has been in power for 28 years, will be sworn in for another five-year term on Tuesday afternoon at the Royal Palace.

Editor: Luan


Anonymous said...

The thieves in Khmer house of common!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

It's been reported that Hun Sen is dead of stroke already!!!

Anonymous said...

It is time for Ah Hun Sen Vietcong slave to use his twisted Vietcong logic and to lie in a straight face....

Anonymous said...

I would like sending these massages to the people around the world and to Cambodian people in Cambodia.

This Hun Sen Government is illegal government, 75 per cents of people are not agreed with this government. The King joins Parliamentary because Hun Sen force him, bear in mind Hun Sen hijacking the King.

Hun Sen cannot form this government because CPP lost the people votes, the truth result is CNRP 63 seats and CPP 60 seats after stole the votes from CNRP.

This government only one party that is very wrong, Cambodia is not communist country.

Around the world they are not recognize this Hun Sen Government, only two countries recognized are Vietnam and China. These two countries are robbing Cambodia right now.

This Hun Sen government is useless; the same people the same idea don’t know how to run the country, everyone looking for good opportunity to rub-off people lands and country resource.

In the past 28 years CPP government turned Cambodia upside down, lost their territory, people cannot fine the jobs, high rank government people rub-off people lands, throw people in jail because they speaks for their right.
Today Cambodian people are living under International poverty line.

We are now living in the modern world; we don’t need this kind of abuse from government.

The bottom line is CPP government cannot run the country.

Cambodian people need new government.

Anonymous said...

ចុយោ!អាយួនអង្គ​គ្រាប់​ខ្សាច់ សម រង្សី !

Anonymous said...

ចុយោ!អាយួនអង្គ​គ្រាប់​ខ្សាច់ សម រង្សី !

ចុយោ!អាយួនអង្គ​គ្រាប់​ខ្សាច់ កឹម សុខា !

Anonymous said...

ចុយោ!អាយួនអង្គ​គ្រាប់​​សំណរ សម រង្សី !

ចុយោ!អាយួនអង្គ​គ្រាប់​​សំណរ កឹម សុខា !

Anonymous said...


Thank you Dr. Hun Sen I will make a football team in Cambodia within 5 years under your leadership. All my families will spread all over Cambodia until your terms are end.

Anonymous said...

Cambodia 9-25-2013

Democracy was kidnapped from the Freedom Park on July 28, 2013 and raped in the Royal Palace on September 23, 2013 by group of CPP thugs.

80%Are left to bleed without representation
