Monday, September 30, 2013

Latest ELC plan draws scepticism

A local rights group member photographs the aftermath of a fire that was started to clear the forest for a rubber plantation in an economic land concession in Kratie province’s Snuol district in March. HENG CHIVOAN

PPP - Fri, 27 September 2013
May Titthara

The government’s latest five-year strategy calls for a complete halt to economic land concessions (ELCs) and an inquiry into those still in the pipeline.

But the plan has drawn scepticism from conservationists and rights groups, who pointed out that loopholes have been liberally applied after the issuance of similar moratoriums in the past.

In the directive, issued on Wednesday as part of the five-year plan governing the next mandate, the government vows to strengthen how ELCs are awarded and regulated in order to “eliminate of all kinds of illegal rampant land grabs, prevent the collection of land without use … [and] resolve land disputes with justice and transparency”.

Similarly, it promises to improve crackdowns on forest crimes and put a renewed focus on the protection of forestry resources.

Kingdom of Water - wholesale deforestation undermines nature's natural defense mechanism against annual floodings and heatwaves among other environmental side-effects, or its in-built natural checks and balances - School of Vice

But many said yesterday that they doubted that the announcement – though promising on paper – would entail any true reform.

“I absolutely don’t believe it, because previously, [Prime MInister Hun Sen] promised to cut his head off if he couldn’t prevent forestry destruction. But, today, he still has his head and continues to offer economic land concessions that affect people throughout the country,” said Kuch Veng, a community activist from Pursat who was sentenced in 2012 to more than three months in prison after staging a series of strikes against powerful developer Pheapimex.

In May 2012, Hun Sen issued a complete moratorium on ELCs, saying the human cost had become far too high. But the directive allowed those already approved but not yet begun to move forward – even while refusing to say how many were in the pipeline.

The failures of that ban, said Licadho director Naly Pilorge, gave little hope for the newest directive.

“It will take more than words to be optimistic on the actual chances of seeing promise becoming reality for thousands of affected families,” she said.

Last year, more than 380,000 hectares of land was granted as ELCs or reclassified from state public to private land (a frequent first step toward an ELC grant). The vast majority of it – 71.5 per cent – was pulled from forests and wildlife sanctuaries that are meant to be protected under the law.

Conservationist Marcus Hardtke pointed to the willingness of government officials to flout the laws when it came to the granting of concessions as a reason for suspicion over the latest ban.

“Most of these concessions are already illegal under Cambodian law.… There is basically a giant timber and land grab going on. If the government wants to be serious at all, there needs to be a complete moratorium on these existing concessions. Short of that, we will not see any improvements,” he said.

While cutting down on ELCs, the government strategy, meanwhile, talks about upping the number of social land concessions.

Ostensibly aimed at providing land to the nation’s poorest, they, too, have proven easily abused in recent years. In a report issued by Adhoc earlier this year, researchers found that 13 of 38 SLCs granted in the past year had led to conflicts.

Barring a thorough review of existing concessions, Adhoc senior investigator Chan Soveth said, it was unlikely new bans would improve the situation.

“The government must review the companies receiving ELCs and explain how action will be taken when they deviate from the contract,” he said.

Over the past years, however, few – if any – have been punished for incursions and land grabbing, even as lawsuits among villagers who fight back stack up.

With little enforcement of existing laws, there could be scant hope that any directive would be followed, pointed out opposition party whip Son Chhay.

“If they want to prevent illegal ELCs they need a mechanism that arrests bad officials and punishes them [for continuing to grant them],” he said. “Giving ELCs for 99 years never gives any benefits; it just destroys the nation.”


Anonymous said...

good to see Khmer underwater!!!
Let them suffer for ever...

Anonymous said...

This is the result of destruction of forests in the whole country and burying of Beng Kork.

Anonymous said...

That may be one of the problem.
But according to other sources, The Viets had dug up and plundered everything underground including the plumbing, pipes, sewage systems and so on so forth and trucked them out to Vietnam when they were forced to withdraw by the U.N. At the same time most of them never went anywhere but dispersed and scattered around among the Cambodian population in other words they had never left Cambodia except stealing, robbing, plundering, and killing Khmer people more. That's also what became part of ah Hun Sen's legacy for all the years that follow!!!

Hang in there.

Jendhamuni said...

Dear School of Vice,

Wow, this is a very nice and neat post. Very inviting. I read the entire story :)


Anonymous said...

NCRP needs to take leadership in helping flooding victims out of dispare NOW. This is your chance to prove your leadership skills. Do it now! People vote for NCRP. They need NCRP help now.

Anonymous said...

What happen to all AH HUN SEN Vietcong slave armies, policy, and okhnas? Where is the floating tank, the floating APCs, and the flying helicopters and boats to rescue Cambodian people? Where Bun Rany Hun Sen Red Cross to help dirt poor Cambodian people? ahhaha

I will never stop laughing!

As for 4:13 AM and nobody ask you and your mother for help so this for your mother!

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

The people who steal the vote from the people are responsible to take care the flood water. Where are they? Where did all the donation money go for the road infracture? Who steal them? Hello can you hear and see the suffering of the people?

Anonymous said...

Hah! hah! how to design to prevent flooding system in the cuty Mr. P.h.d?

Anonymous said...

តាមពិកខ្មែរយើងទាំងអស់គ្នា មិនចាំបាច់ស្ដាប់អ្នកណា ញុះញង់អ្វីទាំងអស់ ព្រោះយើងទាំងអស់គ្នា បានយល់ដឹងអំពីដំណើរជីវិត្តរបស់យើងកន្លងមក ហើយនឹង តទៅមុខដោយខ្លួនឯង យើងត្រូវតែបន្តរតស៊ូរធ្វើអ្វី ដែលប្រជាជាតិមួយ រស់នៅក្នុងប្រទេសប្រធិប្បតេយ្យអាចមានតែប៉ុណ្ណោះ យើងត្រូវតែទាមទាយកអ្វីៗ ដែលជារបស់យើងសម្រាប់បច្ចុប្បន្ន នឹង អនាគត របស់យើង ទើបជាមធ្យោបាយ!

អ្នកដែលពូកកែតែព្រុះ ហើយមិនបានជួយធ្វើអ្វីនោះទៅវិញទេ ដែលជាអ្នកញុះញង់ពិតប្រាកដ! ពួកអស់លោកពិតជាពុំធ្លាប់ឆ្លងកាត់ការរស់ក្នុងរបបប្រជាធិប្បតេយ្យ ក្លែងក្លាយ ដូចប្រទេសកម្ពុជាទេ!

យើងត្រូវតែយល់ថា៖​ ការកែប្រែរបប​ ដែលពោពេញទៅដោយ អំពើពុករលួយ ផ្ដាច់ការណ៍ ហ៊ឹង្សា ឃោឃៅ អោយទៅជារបប មួយមាន យុត្តិធម៌ សព្វបែបសព្វយ៉ាង មានយើងទាំងអស់គ្នាប្រកាន់យកអ្វីដែលយើងកំពុងធ្វើអោយជាប់ទើបអាចសម្រេចបានដូចបំណង!​ បងប្អូនប្រយ័ត្នចាញ់បោកពួកអស់ទាំងនោះ ហើយជម្រុញឲ្យអ្នកដែលខំតស៊ូរសម្រាប់ខ្មែរពិតប្រាកដឲ្យធ្វើខុស!

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Right Cambodia is the only country with flood. Check Hurricane Katrina in U.S first.

Anonymous said...

I appeal all Cambodian, if you want to live with freedom, democracy, justice and good future for your family you must join the big mass demonstration to kick Hun Xen out from the power, if you will not do the mass demonstration you will live under Hun Xen regime without freedom, justice, democracy and poverty remember when we lived under HUN XEN in 1982,83,.....

Anonymous said...

My analysis scenario

Sam rainsy the blackmailer vs Hun Sen the former soldier Khmer rouge

*The current stand-off between MM Sam Rainsy and Hun Sen would be: a
* I bet that everything will sort out in the near future, and Mr Sam Rainsy will take up position as the President of the National Assembly of Cambodia to legalise Hun Sen government. * Sooner or later, Mr Sam Rainsy will be stripped of his parliamentary immunity and will flee in self-imposed exile as he get used to it.

* Finally, he would have a luxurious retirement surrounded by young and beautiful girls.
It would be a happy ending for him.

Preah Bat Theurmeuk predictions.