Thursday, September 26, 2013

Pissed Off: Stop having closed-door meeting with the CPP...

Do I look more pleased than he does?

School of Vice: I believe the senior leaders of the CNRP will benefit more from adhering to a  collective decision making approach. It is well noted by all observers of Cambodia that 'personalities' tend to cast an unhealthy shadow over state affairs and national decision making throughout modern history. We have well-known former colleagues of Pol Pot today who claim not to have much sway in day to day decision-making during those years of frenzied killings and madness, from Ieng Sary [deceased], Nuon Chea, Khieu Samphan, Keat Chuon [Finance Minister in today's CPP government] and even 'Duch' [director of the notorious S21 incarceration centre]. It is the kind of Asian 'clubability' that otherwise can be embraced as part and parcel of the prevailing 'Asian culture'; and beside Cambodia other countries in the region such as Malaysia and Indonesia have also made this culture part of their pretext by which to consolidate and entrench their political exclusiveness and nepotism. "We like to run things cooperatively like a family runs its affairs; without opposition or divisions", said one Indonesian politician, which in this part of the world often means running public affairs without political opposition or pluralism, wider public consensus or consultation with other non-governmental bodies and interested stake-holders, except those deemed 'safe' within this narrow exclusive family circle or those who are unlikely to rock the boat! To have true democracy, Cambodians must demand, and beware of the need to overcome this culture of 'yes men' and of following my leader without conditions! 

Through its grassroots support, activists, rank and file members, the leadership as a group already has a fairly good idea of what is expected of it; thus senior party leaders must of necessity 'defer' to those below them for their views and feelings on important matters, particularly before entering any such critical negotiations with another party. In the end, the senior leaders will make their judgements based upon their convictions and knowledge if necessary, but more crucially the consultation process enables the leadership to build trust and transparency within and across the party ranks down to the grassroots, and at the same time, allows it to enlarge its scope of vision needed in terms of forward planning through collective consensus and shared wisdom.

When we look at this apparatus of people and personalities who form the core organs of the current Hun Sen regime from the executive, judiciary, military, police, and even the wholly paralysed monarchy, in other words, the people and individuals who are willingly allowing themselves to be used as the regime's cannon fodders we can almost forgive ourselves in thinking that Cambodia's tragic history is repeating itself; that at some point in the foreseeable future many of these willing tools and instruments of this equally detestable regime will have claimed their innocence and lack of involvement under it just like Ieng Sary, Khieu Samphan, Noun Chea, Keat Chuon et al have already claimed theirs from Pol Pot's apocalyptic legacy before them.


by Pissed Off

CNRP has made a serious mistake in its strategy by negotiating in a closed-door meeting with Hun Sen. Now it is Hun Sen's words against CNRP when he said that CNRP had not negotiated primarily for the creation of an independent committee. The time is now ripe for Hun Sen to start his division game of which he is the master!

CNRP needs to be reminded that they represent the people and their (people's) interests and not the party or any individual in the party so from now on stop having any closed-door meeting! Let us hear what the negotiation is all about! At least allow the presence of independent NGOs in the meeting so they can independently report to the public who are politically well oriented and informed.

What is the main issue here? Well, it is an election fraud that needs independent investigation! So stick with the demand. Don't beat about the bush; ask the voters what they want to do and just do it! Paralyze the whole country if you need to, there is no other way to deal with Hun Sen, but stand firm with your demand of investigating election fraud and not the position of the president of the NA.

Stop calling on the King to do anything. It is a waste of time! His Majesty has not what it takes to be a King, neither education, experiences, nor courage, wisdom and instinct.

So far the CNRP has made it possible, because of its vague objective and strategy, for a lot of people, including those in the security forces who want to help change the country wonder if they should put their lives and jobs at stake by sticking with it!

Sam Rainsy's answer to Mr. Chun Chan Bot, the moderator of RFA with respect to the negotiations to share power with the government is quite evasive and not making much sense to me!

Stick with the original demand, CNRP! I am watching you for every move you are making. For God's sake don't disappoint your supporters or you will die with no hope of being resurrected.

Pissed Off


Anonymous said...

What I see here that Rainsy cannot be trusted. He want power for him self, he did not care for the poor khmer at all.

Anonymous said...

hey, wise up already, cnrp! your constituents picked on your side your party to represent them in government of cambodia. by you not participating in government, there's not much anyone can do to change or make a difference. in democracy, the people start the the demand, but the effective changes take place in government and by government action only, unless you guys choose to go the jungle law way. so, stop boycotting and start participating in government and start putting trust back on your constituents. changes and reforms in cambodia cannot take place outside of the government, so stand by and participate in government if you guys really want changes and making a difference for all, not just for your party only. plus, your boycotting tactic is not working with cambodian government as they have other ways to deal with you using the existing law. so wise up and stop boycotting for the good of all of cambodia and its people.

boycot tactic is a new concept to cambodia. what works in the western world is not necessarily work for cambodia. so stop shoving it down cambodian throat. dialogue and participation in government is way better and key out of this mess you guy are creating for yourself and your constituents.

Anonymous said...

From the past and now on WHOM SHOULD WE TRUST? Politician always zigzags and lies. Those are the politician's jobs. Most of them when they got a job they don't know you it's different from when they need a job but if they works for the country( Cambodia) and the needs of the people( Khmer) yes we can accept that.

Anonymous said...

i think it's only wise and smart for cnrp to participation in government; that's how they can help to change and reform. cnrp can still listen to their constituents' concern, but it is still up to cnrp leadership to make the right decision to participation in government. cnrp can explain to their constituents that is is necessary to participate in government because in government is where changes and reforms can take place, not outside of government by law.

understand that the strength of democracy is in the mass of people, but this mass of people is also the weakness of democracy as well because the mass is not the competent authority. it is in the school of thought and school of ethics that good people are selected to run and lead in government, so if you allow too much of the mass to sabotage the government, the government cannot do its job. so have your say but let competent authorities(those leaders you selected to represent you) do their job in the right place, that is in government, so much needed changes and reforms can take place in government. we all want the rule of law, not the jungle law. do your part in checks and balances in government. of coure, cambodia wants all parties to participate in government. stop boycotting because it only hurts your constituents.

Anonymous said...

Talk to a Dog is better then talk to Communist CPP & VNP

Anonymous said...

Mr. Rainsy, don't forget your words at the beginning that you're not negociating for sharing power with Ah Traitor Hun Sen. Therefore, stop having closed door meeting with traitor. Or else you'll be one of them. Don't disgust me!!!

Bo said...

Pissed off i agreed with you 100%. I believe Rainsy need to step down.

Anonymous said...

Having passion for politics, it not enough to be an effective leader. So far, I have seen CNRP leaders have great emotional leaders, the sort of things that are good for political campaign.

The campaign is over. It is time for CNRP leaders (if they are capable) to transition from emotional leaders to change agents (leaders).

To be leaders for changes, they need to have a clear vision by which their behaviors and practices are testimonial to the changes.
Although time is an essence here, they are almost out of the game. They have, thus far, acted and behaved as politics is business as usual. I have listened to RFA interview after the second meeting. Mr. Kem Sokha chuckled as he answered the moderator about the issues they discussed. What was he thinking? CPP and their negotiators are experienced and crafty. People are deadly serious about this. This is not a laughing matter.

As a person of a younger generation, I almost lose my respect for these leaders. Now the news is out.

Leave our people alone, they have sacrificed too much already. Have the integrity to be straight with your constituents. CPP already admitted that they are willing to gives positions and responsibilities to members of CNRP in the government. This means the issue of forming independent committee to investigate electoral irregularities is dead.

One of the ways that CNRP can be effective is to lobby for a change on voting requirement on major legislations from a simple majority (50+1) to a super majority (3/4). This issue may be alive because CPP also have to demonstrate their willingness to change to.

Anonymous said...

Dear Pissed off,

I think it is more effective if you could write directly about roles of the King to Dr. Julio A.Jeldres, counsellor to the Cabinet of HM. The King of Cambodia, with the rank of minister of State.

I already briefed article 1, which is obligated the king to implement the constitution. Also some social roles he has to fulfil under the articles 8&9. Some of scholars already expressed these obligations , and we should continue to do so.

And thank for your view on some issues concerned.


Anonymous said...

I agree!
CNRP Leaders:

Stop negotiating with Hoon Xen!
Stop asking Dumb Robot King for help! Don't trust this king and his mother. She was/is a big crook, did business with Viet Cong in the '60. She served Yourn's interest.

Bring 1,000,000 people to the street and protest and demand for Independent Investigation Committee including UN.

You can see Hoon Xen's face. He is the killer with Khmer's blood in his hands. He did not feel comfortable while sitting in the NA because he knew that he robbed and stole election and people hate him since 1993.

Honn Xen and his clans must go!

Anonymous said...

Pissed Off,

Thank you for speaking for most of us as CNRP's supporters and also for maintaining your professionalism as a writer.

Teuk Phnek Khmers.

Anonymous said...

4:59 AM = 5:19 AM, same person as Mr. ok, really, etc.

The key point you have failed to understand is the fact that Hun Sen stole people's votes. Until there is an independent committee formed to look into the election fraud, no government is legal and nor can it represent the true aspiration of the Cambodians.

Anonymous said...

Bo, NEANG SA, 6:52 AM, Teuk Phnek Khmers and Mr. School of Vice,

Thank you for your support and sharing of ideas!

Together we shall continue to do what we can for the good sake of our beloved Cambodia and her average people!

Pissed Off

Anonymous said...

Wow...Only one word from Hun Sen and everyone is assuming that what he said is the truth. Shouldn't we just wait to hear Sam Rainsy side of the the story and the reason--if there is one--behind it? Knowing how manipulative Hun Sen is, I am going to wait and see.

Karl [Kalonh] Chuck said...

I wholeheartedly agree with you 7:26 AM. Maybe someone on KI-team including but not limited to "School of Vice" and/or Jendhamuni can post your comment up there on the main page. Thanks a lot for your comment.

Anonymous said...

Pissed Off is Theory Seng in hiding. I love you. I think you are the best Khmer ever. Kick Sam Rainsy out if he's found to be incompetent, indecisive and uncaring. You should take his place. The king is really a piece of shit - forgive me for saying it. He is nothing but a tool for Hun San to use and a fool to the Khmer nation. Never rely on this gay stupid king. He's better as a dancer than anything else. He just cares about his throne and not about his subjects - the Khmer people. Soon he will go to China again to be with his in the closet lover. Hun San is currently wounded, at least mentally. He's been rejected by his people. He is thinking a lot these days of all the dictators that were killed by their own people. He knows that he will be next. Take this opportunity to kill the dog when he is down. Negotiation only gives him more time and time will heal his wounds and then he will come back to close the door and beat up the people again. This can't be repeated. Sam Rainsy, if you can't bring down Hun San, leave. Don't waste time as time will save Hun San. The time is now and the opportunity is here, what are you waiting for?

Anonymous said...

This is a debate in public between us.
When it comes to bargaining, it is better off to do it close door, nobody can predict the outcome of the bargain.
We all know Hun Sen, it could not be a surprise when he discloses the contents of the discussion, he is a master of this method and he did it in the past with Ranaridh and Sokha himself regarding his phone conversation with him. To tell you the truth, when we heard this from Hun Sen, my wife just told me in French "Ça y est, il sort la même connerie comme d'habitude".
As far as the bargain itself is concerned, I think that Rainsy team was right to ask for the House presidency. We are pretty sure that they are not going to allow the independent commission to be created, it will be for sure the end of his government. You and I know very well that this bloke will do everything, including coup d'Etat, to cling to the power. So, the least from the bargaining table should be this presidency,having this we can undertake during this 5 years to come, all reforms to reward our country and our people the real democracy and prosperous life.
Now Hun Sen snatched the presidency of the Parliament, it does not make sense at all. How can he do with less than 2 third to vote the law? So, do not make mistake, he is going to govern the country by decree, which mean that he will govern the country by "coup d'Etat permanent". This is what we should try to circumvent his demonic project.
To me, keep going on bargaining at high price (no less), if failed we stay outside and stick together as opposition party.

Militant de base

Anonymous said...

Ah Stupid Mice!
Shut up ah lop jol ma'shit!...No one understand your stupid way of writting english,can you fuckin'writting in Khmer or Yuon,your native's language? May it better for you fuckin'idiot of Cpp HANOI'S dog!

Spirit of MaoSokjan.

Anonymous said...

6:55am, sometimes i think the cnrp is using the cheating vote by some bad individual as too big a deal as if that's going to make them win. the cheat part is so tiny, people can still see the cpp wins. exploiting this and using it as a pretext is not the best of cambodia's national interest. even the king said so. and now the cnrp blamed the king for siding with cpp. cnrp is always using more excuses as pretext to right their wrong. they don't they all debate and explain to the whole cambodia and the world to understand on national tv. hearing only from one side is like bias and discriminating. and the thing i see too is that cnrp rarely ever talk about finding solution to all this conflict, instead, they try to go outside of government by calling the UN involvement and so on... the cnrp always say they have to find justice for their voters. sometimes, i wonder and khmer people in general too would wonder who are these voters the cnrp referred to when they say find justice for their voters? who are their so-called voters and how many of them? are they saying some bad individual cheated all of the cnrp voters by rigging all of their voters or only a tiny amount that wouldn't even make a huge impact to the outcome of winning? you see, to me, it sounded more and more like exploitation, abuse and unfounded accusation by the cnrp because they are too humiliated and concede they lost since they have high hope to beginning with. what you are think?

and what did the cpp say about the cnrp's wanting to put in place a UN joint investigation on this so-called election irregularities? the last i read, the cpp was using the constitution to justify their refusal and action, what law did the cnrp use to justify theirs allegation and action they take now? don't tell me, they use the UN law and the international law to tell cambodia to agree. the cpp said its an internal affairs of cambodia and they use the khmer constitution to back them up. is the cnrp saying the khmer constitution is wrong? what is the real problem? wanting to win? can't win all. have to wait until the next election by doing and planning better, i guess. if violence is out of the question, they i wonder what is the next step cambodia is taking to settle this disagreement. can anybody give a better or different solution to help solve this election crisis? show cambodia your problem solving skill. or forever hold your peace.

Anonymous said...

You cannot go straight with politics. to reach the peak of mountain, we have to try all different ways. The CNRP deserves the president post of the parliament. Without this power the CNRP cannot make any reform in the new government. We need check and balance.
the talker is alway right when the doer always wrong. But I still believe the doer than the talker.

Anonymous said...

His name is ah lop jol ma'shit Mice,his broken's ass english learning from Hanoi's dog Cpp seven Makara kid can't read or writting Khmer nor Yuon because he was a little thug run around screwing hookers or rape innocent girls from countryside you'll see every KARAOKE bars in Phenom penh city.He was/is doggy of Hun's thug sen.

Spirit of Mao sokjan

Anonymous said...


Democracy was kidnapped from the Freedom Park on July 28, 2013 and raped in the Royal Palace on September 23, 2013 by group of CPP thugs.

Son of Farmer said...

We still always have problems?

Why these highest educated folks above giving HunXen too much credits, which he absolutely does nothing? Hun Xen ain't the man who could successfully accomplish all the past or recent poliSick, his master, Youn, is Da One!

Stop give Hun Xen too much credit, like Xihanouk...Da King did nothing, suddenly becoming Da Father of Independence?

Not only to beat Hun Xen, but who is exactly behind him!

Bo said...

8:11am and others: Worst case scenarios just let CPP go alone in the government. CNRP cannot join Gov/Parliament period. Show the world CPP/thugs government. CPP cannot survive without donation and loans which most of its are from Western nations to run this thugs government. The government have budget of about 3 billions and the thugs government can only produce 1 billion and need to find 2 billions to pay for the government function likes paying salary for soldiers, policemen,teachers and others. CNRP should do real protest like Egypt because some people are willing to sacrifice everything for the causes but not for dancing and sitting in the park and I blame this on Rainsy. As we all know that there are lots of Khmer that are without jobs, homes and nowhere to go and some are evicted from their land and homes. We are in 2013 and if we don't fight now, it will be the same-thing for 2018. One thing all protester don't listen to Rainsy/Soka for the ways you protest. You all follow Rainsy when he calls for protest only but you need to take over when at destination. I calls on all students/landless/ and all others (patriots) to go with your heart and remember Egypt or Libya because Hun Sen and all his thugs will not leave without blood. Real Khmer outside and inside the country are with you.


Anonymous said...

Hun Sen is a master of manipulation. He will not negotiate in good faith. He will not give anything substantial to the CNRP so that it can be used to block his move. He will only allow any reforms that will not undermine his grip on power. The man has been in power for so many years and is not going to be fooled by what the CNRP wants in power sharing. If one were him , one would have done the same.

It is important to ask or solicit the opinions from the rank and file of the CNRP and its supporters as to what to do in this political stalemate or crossroad. Consultation at all levels is very important and needs to be done decisively and quickly as time is on Hun Sen‘s side; the longer it takes the CNRP to make a decisive move, the more difficult the battle ahead will be.

Enthusiasm among supporters will not last forever or even long; disillusion can creep in as uncertainty of CNRP's move against Hun Sen and the CPP lingers. Time and war of attrition work in Hun Sen's favor and it only takes a small crack on unity for the whole building to collapse!

The CNRP needs to work with its supporters and people who want changes to find out how far they want to go in their fight for what is theirs! If they don't want the risky fight, then negotiate for whatever Hun Sen can drop off his dining table.

Pissed Off

Anonymous said...

To all CNRP members and supporters,

Please think carefully and hard to find winning strategies in order to help the Cambodian people fight for their FREEDOM. I would hope that you can learn from past efforts that have been in placed. Those were NOT effective strategies against Hun Sen and the useless King. I hope that you can get some ideas from reading some of the blogs here and especially by pissed off. We are all watching you, CNRP.
PLEASE HEAR THE CAMBODIAN PEOPLE VOICES. You have been elected to represent the CAMBODIAN PEOPLE and the country.

Anonymous said...

ខ្មែរមួយចំនួនខ្លះបានដឹងជាមុនហើយថា មិនយូរទេពួក
សម រង្ស៊ី និង កឹមសុខា នេះនិង
ចូលក្នុង បន្ទប់បិទទ្វារចរចារបែងចែកអំណាចនិងកៅអីអង្គុយហើយ .....

Anonymous said...

សម រង្ស៊ី និង កឹមសុខា!


សំរាប់ ចម្លងភក់យួន!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Pissed Off is an idiot. As politician, Sam Rainsy has to be a politician. He got killer instinct. He knows who is enemy is. How strong his enemy is. He does not have the same leverage like the one-eye pirate Hun Sen, with the military backing him. Pissed Off, you shut your mouth, that's the best you can do for us.
- Forever rooting for Sam Rainsy.

Anonymous said...

It too late for Rainsy to do anything now, and all been done for this time. Rainsy may use poor khmer to protest again, but with out any result they will not support him any longer. If Rainsy keep doing the same thing over and over again, he will weaker his position for the next election. Khmer people will not support weak leader for ever, Rainsy need to change course now.

Anonymous said...

CNRP needs to find a strategy to get help from interanational force. Without international intevention, we Cambodian people don't have much hope. Those CPP mother fuckers will never listen to voice of the people. They will never care about the future of cambodian people. All they care about is making more money and pass on the powers to their children before they are going to hell.

Finally, I personally would like pay respect to CPP leaders by saying: Fuck you Ah Crazy Dog Hun Sen, Fuck you Ah ignorant Heng Samrin, Fuck you Snhinh Chea Sim, Fuck you Ah retarted Sar Kheng, Fuck you Ah Hor Nam Hong, and Fuck you all in the illegal government cabinet. You're all Traitors.

Anonymous said...

1:22am, calm down, my dear. god forgive you for your hate and heal you. embrace our him.

Anonymous said...

គោលនយោបាយ ចត្រកោណ លើកទី៣ របស់លោក ហ៊ុន សែន ស្ដែងចេញដល់តំណាក់កាល មិនអាចលាក់បានតទៅទៀតទេ ព្រោះឥ
ល្បែងធ្វើព្យុះធ្វើភ្លៀង បង្ករឲ្យមានអសន្តិសុខ បង្កើតបងតូចបងធំ បណ្ដោយឲ្យមានអំពើឃាតកម្ម។ល។
រួចហើយចាត់កម្លាំងនគបាល ឬ កងរាជអាវុធហាត់ ឲ្យការពារក្នុងន័យបង្ក្រាប ចាប់ចង សម្លាប់ ជារឿងរ៉ាវដែល ព្រៀងទុកជាមុនគួរឲ្យកត់សម្គាល់ជាបន្តរបន្ទាប់រហូតមក ថាតើពេលណាខ្លះ គេត្រូវប្រើ​ខ្លះ ឬ ចំណាយអ្វីខ្លះ ហេតុនេះហើយ គេមាន(ចិញ្ចឹមទុកសម្រាប់ប្រើពេលត្រូវការចំណាយ) នឹង (ចាប់បង្ការទុក)

ពីមុនគេទិញទឹកចិត្តរាស្ដ្រនឹងលុយ! ក្រោយមកនេះ គេកំពុងតែទិញទឹកចិត្តរាស្ដ្រដោយចាយ ចិត្តសាស្ដ្រ វិញហើយ!

ក្នុងគ្រា បោះឆ្នោតតជាតិ និតិកាល ទី៥នេះ គេចំណាយប្រើ មន្ត្រី គជប ថ្នាក់ក្រោមឲ្យទទួលកំហុសថា៖ បានប្រព្រឹតខុស ពេលឆែកឆេរឃើញមានភាពមិនប្រក្រតី ហើយឲ្យពួកនោះចេញសម្ណង​ (ក្នុងន័យថ្នាក់លើគេនៅតែល្អ គឺថ្នាក់ក្រោមទេដែលអាក្រក់ តាមពិតពួកអាក្រក់គ្រ័គ្គៗនូវដដែល)!
តមកទៀតគេបានផ្លាស់ប្ដូរ ថ្នាក់ដឹកនាំតាមប្រព័ន្ធផ្សេងៗ ហើយផ្ដល់ដំណឹងជាសាធារណៈ!
ពេលជាមួយគ្នានេះដែរ​ គេឲ្យកែប្រព័ន្ធក្រុមប្រឹក្សាធម្មនុញ្ញ បង្ហាញពលរដ្ឋថាគេល្អណាស់បានកែប្រែហើយ!

មួយទៀតនេះ វាជារឿងស៊ាំទៅហើយដែលថាគេចាប់ ទ្រង់ នរោត្តមសីហមនី បង្ការទុកនុះ!
រឿងមួយថ្មីកើតចេញពីរឿងចាស់ ដែលធ្វើឲ្យ​ សាធារណៈជនខ្មែរ នឹង បរទេសទាក់ត្រចៀកនោះគឺ គេបានដោះលែង ពិរុទ្ធិកជន សុប្បនិមិត្ត សុខ សំអឿន នឹង​ ប៊ន សំណាង បង្ហាញឲ្រប្រជាពរដ្ឋ ឃើញថា តុលាការ​ នៃរដ្ឋាភិបាលជាប់ឆ្នោតថ្មី យុត្តិធម៌ណាស់!

ត្រូវហើយ លោក សូ ណារ៉ូ រឿងដែលយើងព្រួយបារម្មនោះ គឹនៅមានពលរដ្ឋខ្លះឈ្លក់វង្វេងក្នុងនយោបាយប្ដូរផ្លាស់របស់ លោក ហ៊ុន សែន ទៀត រួមផ្សំនឹងតម្រូវរស់នៅប្រចាំថ្ងៃរបស់ប្រជាបរដ្ឋខ្មែរក្រីក្រ ជាចំណុចខ្សោយផង!

ក៏ប៉ុន្តែ ខ្មែរគួរតែមានមេរៀនគ្រប់គ្រាន់ហើយ ដែល លោក ហ៊ុន សែន​ កាន់តែមាន​ភាពផ្អែមល្ហែម ក៏អាចមានល្បិចយ៉ាងពិសពុល ទ្រៀមរងចាំថ្ងៃខ្មែរភ្លេចខ្លួនបន្តិចម្ដងៗ សម្រាប់ផែនការណ៍បន្តររបស់មេយួនគេ!

សូមបងប្អូនខ្មែរយើងទាំងអស់បន្តររួបរួមគ្នាទាមទាយកអ្វីជារបស់យើង កុំភ្លេចខ្លួនឲ្យសោះ!