Thursday, September 26, 2013

Prime Minister-elect Sam Rainsy: We do not recognize the Constitutional coup.

២៥ កញ្ញា ២០១៣
នៅព្រឹកថ្ងៃនេះ ថ្នាក់ដឹកនាំ គណបក្ស សង្រ្គោះជាតិ កំពុងធ្វើ សន្និសីទកាសែត នៅទីស្នាក់ការ កណ្តាល គណបក្ស សង្រ្គោះជាតិ, សង្កាត់ ចាក់អង្រែ លើ, រាជធានី ភ្នំពេញ, ស្តីពី ការថ្កោលទោស រដ្ឋប្រហារ រដ្ឋធម្មនុញ្ញ។
សម រង្ស៊ី / Sam Rainsy


Anonymous said...

Bravo CNRP!

Stand firm on protecting the votes of the people!

The US and EU so far have not recognized what Hun Sen, the CPP and the King have done as far as creation of a new government is concerned. They have urged Hun Sen to create an independent committee to investigate the election fraud; so continue to stick with your demand for justice for the people.

Pissed Off

Anonymous said...

I would like sending these massages to the people around the world and to Cambodian people in Cambodia.

This Hun Sen Government is illegal government, 75 per cents of people are not agreed with this government. The King joins Parliamentary because Hun Sen force him, bear in mind Hun Sen hijacking the King.

Hun Sen cannot form this government because CPP lost the people votes, the truth result is CNRP 63 seats and CPP 60 seats after stole the votes from CNRP.

This government only one party that is very wrong, Cambodia is not communist country.

Around the world they are not recognize this Hun Sen Government, only two countries recognized are Vietnam and China. These two countries are robbing Cambodia right now.

This Hun Sen government is useless; the same people the same idea don’t know how to run the country, everyone looking for good opportunity to rub-off people lands and country resource.

In the past 28 years CPP government turned Cambodia upside down, lost their territory, people cannot fine the jobs, high rank government people rub-off people lands, throw people in jail because they speaks for their right.
Today Cambodian people are living under International poverty line.

We are now living in the modern world; we don’t need this kind of abuse from government.

The bottom line is CPP government cannot run the country.

Cambodian people need new government.

Anonymous said...

My hat off to your thinking out of the box!

Anonymous said...

i got to wonder is this so-called independent joint committee a permanent committee or is it just a temporary committee to solve this election conflict? what about the future election conflict? who will take care of it? when i read something someone write, a lot of time, they are vague and not to the point if as they are have bias toward the ruling cpp. perhaps that's why the cpp don't trust them either. the cpp can say they are bias from their observation. again, i think the party that uses the law will prevail.

Anonymous said...

All Cambodian outside MUST support CNRP to fight for freedom and democracy in Cambodia.

Anonymous said...

AH HUN SEN Vietcong slave had been stealing Cambodian people vote since UNTAC (December 1993)! The opposition must demand a change now and independent inquiry into voter fraud! The change must come now! No tomorrow change! No future change!

AH HUN SEN can lie to himself but he can't lie to Cambodian people!

Anonymous said...

Yes..change now ...khmer people..enough is enough...

Anonymous said...

Yes..use the law will win..that men tank and kill your own people..what a good law...I like to move back..soon..we don.t have laws like that in america..for protesting..

Anonymous said...

My opinion: Cambodia can fall in the civil war very soon if the CPP puppet viet as loser election on 28 July 2013 will try to do like today.

Anonymous said...

លោកសម រង្សី និងកិម សុខា! សុំលោកកុំបំបែក
កំឡាំងអ្នកស្នេហាជាតិ លោកត្រូវតែធ្វើកិច្ចការជាតិ
ឲ្យត្រូវក្នុងបាវចនា(សង្គ្រោះ+បំរើ+ការពារ)។ ប្រសិនបើលោកមើលឃើញពលរដ្ឋរងរបួសដោយ ការវាយដំពីកងកំឡាំងប្រដាប់អាវុធ សុំលោកកុំថា ពួកនេះមិនមែនជាក្រុមលោកទេ
តាមលោក ព្រោះជាកាតព្វកិច្ច ពលរដ្ឋផងដែរ។
ធ្វើត្រូវ និយាយត្រូវ វាជាជោគជ័យទាំងអស់គ្នា

Anonymous said...

Again, the question is: Does Cambodia need to have dek cho and his CPP clans to hi-jack the country forever, even after 30 years of control by way of killing, threats of violence, cheats, and corruption?

Cambodia deserves democracy and true rules of laws, now! It does not need someone to outdo dictators like Marcos, Hussein, or Kadafy!

Anonymous said...

Good for all Cambodian and CNRP for not joining with a Criminal People's Party (CPP). CNRP must never negotiate or reconciliation with CPP. All Cambodian wanted CHANGE now. All the Cambodian historian said "CHANGE" is the only answer for democracy in Cambodia.


A cheater and traitor CPP must go.

Anonymous said...

Now, the Cnrp has to negotiat to negotiate with Hun sen? I thought this was supposed to be done before the govt formed? Three things that Cnrp and the Cpp agreed on: 1, to keep peace during protest. 2, reform the notorious NEC. 3, to continue negotiation. Where is the negotiation? The problem of voting irregularities have not been resolved to form the govt , the Cpp already formed the govt. Clearly, there is a problem of legitimacy but to the Cpp, this is how things are done. I know it very very frustrated but to get the ignorant to do something it takes time. Keep on the pressure!!!

Anonymous said...

In Australia votes counting by volunteers and have has no connection of working in any party group. Their names are fully registed once they turn 17 and once they turn 18 they are in the draw to vote. We don't use any finger print whatsoever. I just tell them our name and our address. Once type our id on the computer, it come up as nil, which mean she/he is yet to vote, they then put a tick on their name. The white and green paper then given to people e.g. white paper is for house of representation from Labor, Liberal, green, one nation party, independent party etc. or they can just tick 1 in one box only. Whereas the green paper it is for local reprentative of that particular house, e,g John (liberal) or Marry (labor) etc. Therefore, in future Cambodia should learn from Aust, which fair and square.

Anonymous said...

Once a looser, always a looser.

Anonymous said...

Rainsy still favored his Sdach! Do not insult Khmer Soldier life and lots of heroic students who sacrificed life against VietCong aggressors allowed to occupy Cambodia secretly by Sdach Ta in 1970. 1970 lon nol put tanks during coup to counter those corrupt soldiers who support Sdach Ta! C'mon Rainsy don't twig the History and don't compare to today it was totally different. That's one thing that I don't like you Rainsy, all these Sdach they don't give a damn about Khmer people and you still preach them! Look at present King now, you are not still awake are you?

Anonymous said...

Rainsy is not for real! he enjoy being popular than to make it happen! every move he makes is surface touch up only Khmer called Louk Min Chreuv, if you wait for Rainsy wait 'till sky is falling! Guaranteed! he needs to step down or else forget it!

Anonymous said...

Once a looser, always a looser.

Anonymous said...

Compromises is the way to move country foward. Democracy cannot work like light switch, it has to change step by step. We need to learn how to crawl, walk and run.

Anonymous said...

Dear lauk protheans,
Could you both do me a favor. Please THINK WISELY FIRST before you SAY and do what you SAY NOT WHAT you WANTED. We are people getting more confused to what you SAY and what you DO. One more thing do not follow Khmer proverb chhke prous min del khmam. Your right action count.

Anonymous said...

those who want overnight change don't really understand the khmer mentality, culture, tradition, religion, language, etc. it's like they want all of these changed, too. that's why these is resistance in cambodia because people in cambodia perceive that as a threat to khmer existence. cambodia don't need unruly people to call for changes, they want changes, especially in the standard of living, development and some other government system to take place so cambodia and its people aren't being threatened or their life is not in peril. that's the changes they want and need in cambodia. if the political party like cnrp don't understand that and only use their phobia to force changes, they will always meet resistence in cambodia. and if they don't understand that by now, they are not wise, smart and informed. using threat is the worst way you can do to take over cambodia. trust me, it's going to boil down to dialogue and peace-making at the end. and stop saying cambodia is using jungle law or what because some suggestion from the cnrp is no better than people in cambodia. i bet people didn't know that. if the cnrp uses the superiority complex against cambodia, you will meet resistence. this is why i kept saying no discrimination or bias, it is very unethical and unprofessional because you want to work in government, right? if you see the cpp do wrong, why don't you correct and educate them? why try to do like them. they say two wrongs don't make it right. people don't really understand that meaning. and stop being hypocritical - what you accuse the other of doing, your party is not that better than them. that's why you never let the voters dictate to you the leaders, the leaders always make the decision, not the voters, democracy or not, the leaders always make the decision using the rule of law. so, you guys don't want to use the rule of law, and if you do, let me ask you what or whose rule of law are you using?

Anonymous said...

Lauk prothean Sam Rainsy had maked a big mistake by changing the constitution with Hun Sen from 2/3 to 50+1.

Anonymous said...

Do you think Mr. Hun Sen will listen to you or listen to the Vietnamese?

Anonymous said...

ខ្មែរមួយចំនួនខ្លះបានដឹងជាមុនហើយថា មិនយូរទេពួក
សម រង្ស៊ី និង កឹមសុខា នេះនិង
ចូលក្នុង បន្ទប់បិទទ្វារចរចារបែងចែកអំណាចនិងកៅអីអង្គុយហើយ .....

Anonymous said...

when they use bad khmer proverb like dog bark but don't bite, etc, it then become personal altercation. thus, all of them lose focus on the national interest and only their argument become more and more personal. that's they cambodia must always stick with the code of conduct in government and punish those you deviate from it. it's very unprofessional and unethical given you work in government, not a private business or what have you. i told you and say all along, most of the time, it's the khmer attitude or bad mentality that gets in the way of professionalism and good ethical conduct in government and other professional jobs out there in cambodia. that needs to change also or you won't fix the problem.

part of reforms in cambodia is that they should require government and professional to get regular trainingn on the code of ethics or code of conduct as part of being professional in their job, especially that that affect people's lives and public services, etc. sometimes a bit of education can help correct that problem unless they are really bad, then punish them.

Anonymous said...

remember too that most elder khmers or those old enough to experienced and lived through civil war, pol pot era, etc are traumatized people. they don't trust you that easily, cnrp. they need time to adjust changes in cambodia. if cnrp want to rush changes in cambodia, you guys have to wait until those generation of people grow too old to care and pass on. then the new generation of khmer people will easily embraces fast changes like you wanted. i'm telling you, this is cambodia, not america or europe, thus changes in cambodia require patience and time to adjust. can't force it on them in cambodia. yes, you can say they don't understand, but you're right, they don't. so when in rome do what the romans do - adjust! that's part of being smart and wise.

Anonymous said...

don't always quote the US and the EU, most of them never even been to cambodia, so they don't really know cambodia that well.

Anonymous said...

sometimes, i think both parties don't even know or have skills to negotiate or compromise something so things don't get out of hand. all they both know all their lives is using violence as they experience violence and seen violence. they should know that there are other ways beside using violence to achieve something they want. both of them! so, would anyone take side if they both are bad to their bone?

Anonymous said...

The CNRP supporters have to change what they are thinking and doing right now. More demonstration is not the answer but civil disobedience is the real answer to Hun Sen steadfast.
1- CNRP and its suport can send the MPs to sit in the offices of National Assembly. Although they can choose to swear in to the king or just move themselves there. they can join the meeting but walk out after five minutes gathering and back to the office again. They can put sign of the seat showing their discontent at the National Assembly.
As Hu Sen said, CRNP MPs can choose to call in the miniters to answer question, CNRP can make those ministers shaken their heads by calling them consistently and expose their soft spot to public. Use the poewr of MPS to make Hun Sen feels warm face and unseasy feeling and make him angry, so he can make mistake. Yes there is risk involved but not fatal that what you can take. He can scream and yell through media but he wil lrealize he makes mistake doing so.
2. People can refuse to pay taxes, but facing arrest. Yes they will be arrested but if 100,000 plus to be arresrest where they are gonig to put them and feed them.
3.People can put up sign in their car's bumper sticker expressing their discontentof the government. Will be stopped and harrassed by by the police and face arrest and prison. Yes absolutely! but Many thousands people doing, then it become headaches for the authority.
4. Choose not to respect certain laws and ignore the regulation, yes facing arrest and prison. The same may thousand become a nightmare for the Government.

All these things require a great deal of sacrifice and commitment, almost like demonstration but more effective than screaming and yelling but less fatal incident. It also require good network of coordination and efforts.

Anonymous said...

សុំសម រង្ស៊ី និង កឹមសុខា!


សំរាប់ ចម្លងភក់យួន!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

យើងត្រូវចូលរួមទាមទារឲ្យបានផុសផុល នោះជនផ្តាច់ការប្រាកដជាបរាជ័យ

Anonymous said...

well, disobey the law or whatever, but don't call those law as jungle law. you break the law, they can arrest you. and you can go back to calling your human rights people to rescue you for breaking the law. so, you say every law in cambodia is jungle law when you break the law? shame on you!

Anonymous said...

sometimes, too, i wonder, do cambodian people really understand democracy and how it works? or people just go with the flow when they react to it? perhaps, some people can't learn to think for themself.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Sam Rainsy and Kem Sokha appear to work very hard and they also appear to have any clues as to what to do next. Keep protesting to make CPP look bad is the weakest strategy. And Accusing CPP of constitutional coup is like spitting against the wind because CNRP was the one who decided to boycott the opening session (we now knew the truth) due to failed negotiation.

According to the Cambodia Daily report on September 21st, CPP’s ‘White Paper’ already anticipated all the political maneuvers by CNRP. Calling CPP a ‘communist’ is like bloggers here called those who disagreed with them as ‘youn.’ It simply satisfies the emotional burst temporarily. It does not solve any problem or present any contents for any meaningful discussions.

What are CNRP’s proposals? Or what do you want that are palatable to both sides? Remember that you are doing for the country and CPP knows that they are being watched by the world too.

Please abandon your silly outbursts. Quit the political maneuvering; just be truthful to the issue. Put everything in the open. Be calm.

Win or lose, you want to do it with integrity. Otherwise, you look just like the other side.

More than pissed off

Anonymous said...


The CNRP must remember that its mission is to save Cambodia from the expansionist Vietnam.

The CNRP's leaders must have a solid and "flexible plan", which adjust smoothly to any events that came up during its journey to save Cambodia.

For instance, before the election and before Sam Rainsy's return to Cambodia, the CNRP had requested for the NEC's reform, but the CPP refused. The CNRP did not make a follow up on its demand.

After Sam Rainsy returned to Cambodia, the support for the CNRP was skyrocketing. In my opinion, the CNRP should seize that opportunity and switch its tactic from campaigning to demanding that NEC's reform again, and the CNRP should have won that NEC's reform easily, thanks to the overwhelming support of the people. That is the power of the RIGHT TIMING..
( I wrote in KI everyday after Sam Rainsy return to make this switch from campaigning to getting the NEC’s overhaul before the election.).

Had the NEC been reformed before the election, the CNRP would have been officially the winner today,

But the CPP would not have transferred the power to the CNRP or the CPP with its master Vietnam might have used the force to crush the CNRP. That’s what I kept saying that Vietnam is not going to give up Cambodia without a big fight.

Likewise, if the CNRP won in 2018, we will have the same problem, the CPP will not transfer the power to the CNRP – the CPP will find some stupid argument not to relinquish the power.

It is imperative that the CNRP launches a nationwide peaceful demonstration WITHOUT HESITATION, firmly demanding that inquiry about the electoral irregularities. No other choice.

The CPP does what it needs to do by forming a government against the vast majority of Khmer people’s wills.

While the CNRP does what it needs to do: launch a nationwide peaceful demonstration demanding for justice for Khmer people, whose vote was stolen by the CPP..

Notice that the CPP is 100% wrong, and the CNRP is 100% right.
So, who will prevail at the end?

I say one more time, Vietnam is not going to give up Cambodia easily. It is a tough battle that the CNRP must endure and Khmer people are ready to make their ultimate sacrifice to back the CNRP up.

The CNRP cannot delay this fight to the next generation because it will not work.
In effect, Vietnam grip is getting tighter and tighter as the number of the Vietnamese inside Cambodia is growing, making Khmer people to win the national election again impossible.
At that time, when the MINORITY Khmer people made a demonstration denouncing that the vote was not reflecting the REAL Khmer’s wills, the international community will not support us, Tey will consider us as racist.

That’s why the time to act is now while Khmer people are ready to sacrifice every thing to support our just cause and stop following Preah Reach Damress Sdach Ting Moung Sihamoni.

Bun Thoeun

If some CNRP’s members were not clear about the event of 18th March 1970, they should consult other members who knew well. When you said something wrong, it would alienate people and weaken the CNRP.

Anonymous said...

win/win, everybody wins; win/lose, one side wins and one side loses; lose/lose, all loses and the constituents lose. choose wisely!

Anonymous said...

By hook or by crook, HUN SEN will have to be eliminated!!!

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately, the dictatorship like
To use jungle law to threatining the people. It recently use the swing shots against berng kak demonstrators at wat phnom

Anonymous said...

Who elected this monkey? 55 seats is not greater than 68 seats so they are loserzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
all of the cnrp has to accept this result, because the people of cambodia has spoken. The cpp is clearly the winner of the 2013 election. Ah rainsy should be calm, and smart about this issue he is a winner also bcus 55 seats is a big jump for his party and be good to their voters don't ask for too much. Accept it and move on the next election is coming soon so prepare yourself for the next one. don't try to chase a passing taxi wait for the next one to come.

sith phila, pa

Anonymous said...

បុកគល់(ស៊ីផោមយួន) សម រង្ស៊ី និង
បុកគល់(អាបានស៊ី)កឹម សុខា!


សំរាប់ ចម្លងភក់យួន!
ដើម្បី ទៅដណ្ដើមអំណាច!
ច្បាមដុល្លារ! ​បុណ្យសក្ដិ!ស្រី!ស្រា! ស៊ីឆ្កែយួន!!!

Anonymous said...

sith phila, pa

7:51 PM

Chbab Chor is about to end in Cambodia.
OK Asshole !!

Anonymous said...

We all human, we all make mistake please people don't insult other too much. We all need to change the way we do and think because the world not stay the same all the time. Don't hate other too much, because hatered can destroy you own self. If you are who love mother land, please work to unite all khmer, do not blam other work together. We all khmer who love khmer and we have to unite for greater good for all. I still have hope and belive in all khmer.
Good luck..

Anonymous said...

គោលនយោបាយ ចត្រកោណ លើកទី៣ របស់លោក ហ៊ុន សែន ស្ដែងចេញដល់តំណាក់កាល មិនអាចលាក់បានតទៅទៀតទេ ព្រោះឥ
ល្បែងធ្វើព្យុះធ្វើភ្លៀង បង្ករឲ្យមានអសន្តិសុខ បង្កើតបងតូចបងធំ បណ្ដោយឲ្យមានអំពើឃាតកម្ម។ល។
រួចហើយចាត់កម្លាំងនគបាល ឬ កងរាជអាវុធហាត់ ឲ្យការពារក្នុងន័យបង្ក្រាប ចាប់ចង សម្លាប់ ជារឿងរ៉ាវដែល ព្រៀងទុកជាមុនគួរឲ្យកត់សម្គាល់ជាបន្តរបន្ទាប់រហូតមក ថាតើពេលណាខ្លះ គេត្រូវប្រើ​ខ្លះ ឬ ចំណាយអ្វីខ្លះ ហេតុនេះហើយ គេមាន(ចិញ្ចឹមទុកសម្រាប់ប្រើពេលត្រូវការចំណាយ) នឹង (ចាប់បង្ការទុក)

ពីមុនគេទិញទឹកចិត្តរាស្ដ្រនឹងលុយ! ក្រោយមកនេះ គេកំពុងតែទិញទឹកចិត្តរាស្ដ្រដោយចាយ ចិត្តសាស្ដ្រ វិញហើយ!

ក្នុងគ្រា បោះឆ្នោតតជាតិ និតិកាល ទី៥នេះ គេចំណាយប្រើ មន្ត្រី គជប ថ្នាក់ក្រោមឲ្យទទួលកំហុសថា៖ បានប្រព្រឹតខុស ពេលឆែកឆេរឃើញមានភាពមិនប្រក្រតី ហើយឲ្យពួកនោះចេញសម្ណង​ (ក្នុងន័យថ្នាក់លើគេនៅតែល្អ គឺថ្នាក់ក្រោមទេដែលអាក្រក់ តាមពិតពួកអាក្រក់គ្រ័គ្គៗនូវដដែល)!
តមកទៀតគេបានផ្លាស់ប្ដូរ ថ្នាក់ដឹកនាំតាមប្រព័ន្ធផ្សេងៗ ហើយផ្ដល់ដំណឹងជាសាធារណៈ!
ពេលជាមួយគ្នានេះដែរ​ គេឲ្យកែប្រព័ន្ធក្រុមប្រឹក្សាធម្មនុញ្ញ បង្ហាញពលរដ្ឋថាគេល្អណាស់បានកែប្រែហើយ!

មួយទៀតនេះ វាជារឿងស៊ាំទៅហើយដែលថាគេចាប់ ទ្រង់ នរោត្តមសីហមនី បង្ការទុកនុះ!
រឿងមួយថ្មីកើតចេញពីរឿងចាស់ ដែលធ្វើឲ្យ​ សាធារណៈជនខ្មែរ នឹង បរទេសទាក់ត្រចៀកនោះគឺ គេបានដោះលែង ពិរុទ្ធិកជន សុប្បនិមិត្ត សុខ សំអឿន នឹង​ ប៊ន សំណាង បង្ហាញឲ្រប្រជាពរដ្ឋ ឃើញថា តុលាការ​ នៃរដ្ឋាភិបាលជាប់ឆ្នោតថ្មី យុត្តិធម៌ណាស់!

ត្រូវហើយ លោក សូ ណារ៉ូ រឿងដែលយើងព្រួយបារម្មនោះ គឹនៅមានពលរដ្ឋខ្លះឈ្លក់វង្វេងក្នុងនយោបាយប្ដូរផ្លាស់របស់ លោក ហ៊ុន សែន ទៀត រួមផ្សំនឹងតម្រូវរស់នៅប្រចាំថ្ងៃរបស់ប្រជាបរដ្ឋខ្មែរក្រីក្រ ជាចំណុចខ្សោយផង!

ក៏ប៉ុន្តែ ខ្មែរគួរតែមានមេរៀនគ្រប់គ្រាន់ហើយ ដែល លោក ហ៊ុន សែន​ កាន់តែមាន​ភាពផ្អែមល្ហែម ក៏អាចមានល្បិចយ៉ាងពិសពុល ទ្រៀមរងចាំថ្ងៃខ្មែរភ្លេចខ្លួនបន្តិចម្ដងៗ សម្រាប់ផែនការណ៍បន្តររបស់មេយួនគេ!

សូមបងប្អូនខ្មែរយើងទាំងអស់បន្តររួបរួមគ្នាទាមទាយកអ្វីជារបស់យើង កុំភ្លេចខ្លួនឲ្យសោះ!