Monday, September 09, 2013

Scott Neeson at TEDx

An inspirational and informative story of an ex-President of 20th Century Fox International, that took a mini-sabbatical through Asia, when a two-day stop-over in Phnom Penh became a four week mission that started him on the path to establishing the Cambodian Children's Fund.


Anonymous said...

No Khmer Buddhists say THANKS to Mr. Scott Neeson, I would like to be the first.

"Thank you Lord Jesus Christ who works through Scott Neeson". And "Thank you, Mr. Scott Neeson, you are an angel for the poor. May GOD Keep you for a long time and Bless you until the end". Amen

Anonymous said...

Mr. Scott Neeson,

Thanks for your attention on our poor Khmer!

All poor people in Cambodia need help , but the help reaching out is not yet shaking hand with it!
The international seams taking the average report from being manipulated:
Careless report by some NGO
Viewing how Khmer entertain themselves in the area, of which the Cambodian government blocks the reality from seeing actual millions poor lives! All Khmer shall die by the perspective of the today's calm genocide death gradually!

Therefore, I would like the United Nation to pay precisely attention for help rescuing Khmer on time!