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Cambodian police gear up for the opposition protest, Sept. 3, 2013. RFA |
2013-09-05 RFA
Cambodia's top court has ordered staff of the government-appointed national election body to be punished for mishandling secured ballot records but dismissed opposition complaints of irregularities in the July 28 national polls.
The decision by the Constitutional Council of Cambodia (CCC) on Thursday came as the opposition Cambodia National Rescue Party (CNRP) planned mass weekend protests after the authorities rejected calls for an independent group to investigate the irregularities.
The court ordered the government-appointed National Election Committee (NEC), which conducted the polls, to punish its staff for unsealing election security packages in Siem Reap province, according to a statement.
The CNRP has questioned preliminary results showing a victory for Prime Minister Hun Sen's Cambodian People's Party (CPP) by citing suspected tampering of election records in at least three provinces.
“The NEC must be responsible before the law [and has to take action] against NEC officials at seven polling stations who were careless in doing their election work,” the court statement said, without elaborating on the form of punishment.
But the Constitutional Council dismissed CNRP’s complaint questioning the accuracy of the preliminary election result in Siem Reap province based on the ballot mishandling.
Verdict questioned
CNRP lawmaker Ke Sovannaroth protested the court's verdict, saying it is "unacceptable" that the election results are endorsed despite ballot security packages being found tampered with in six of 12 polling stations in Siem Reap province.
She also said that the court should mete out the punishment to the NEC staff directly instead of asking the election body to take such action.
Ou Virak, director of the Cambodian Center for Human Rights (CCHR), also criticized the Constitutional Council's ruling.
“CCHR doesn’t believe the CCC can independently resolve complaints with justice,” he said. "People will lose confidence in the CCC in the future."
Neutral and Impartial Committee for Free and Fair Elections in Cambodia (NICFEC) Director Hang Puthea also slammed the court, saying it has not judged the election complaints with transparency.
“CCC hasn’t fulfilled its job yet. CNRP has produced many complaints but CCC has reviewed only a few cases,” he said.
Following CNRP's complaints, secured ballot records from polling stations in the Kratie and Battambang provinces had also been found tampered with. NEC officials blamed the irregularities on poor training and educational levels of polling station staff.
Protest boost
CNRP chief Sam Rainsy meanwhile rallied supporters Thursday to participate in the mass protest in the capital Phnom Penh on Saturday.
“The more supporters we have, the better result we will have," he said while visiting post-election violence-hit areas, Stung Meanchey market and Stung Meanchey pagoda, in the the outskirts of the capital.
Hundreds of angry mobs from the areas had on election day attacked military police officers and burned two trucks after they found their names missing from the electoral rolls.
The protest, which the opposition expects at least 20,000 people to attend, is set to take place a day before the expected announcement of official election results endorsing a victory for the ruling CPP.
Preliminary results from the NEC announced last month support the CPP’s claims that it won 68 parliamentary seats to the CNRP’s 55.
The CNRP claims it has won at least 63 seats and has accused the NEC of stealing votes from the opposition and giving them to the CPP.
Meanwhile, members of Cambodia's Youth for Peace Movement planned to distribute on Friday 500 jasmine garlands and lotuses to police and military personnel who have been deployed in the capital ahead of the protest.
“We will sing and dance for peace ... we will give flowers to soldiers to remind them that any violence between Khmer and Khmer must be stopped,” group member Moung Sony said.
Cambodia’s Free Trade Union (FTU), one of the biggest unions in the country which threw its weight behind the CNRP, has urged its 100,000 supporters to not accept any overtime work in the run-up to the Saturday protest.
It said the workers have the right to decide whether to join the demonstration.
“This is a message that voters want justice,” FTU President Chea Mony said. “Workers want to have better living standards and dignity. To achieve these goals we can only rely on the CNRP,” he said.
The FTU represents workers in the garment industry, the country's biggest employer and key export earner.
In March, the CNRP proposed a minimum monthly wage of U.S. $150 for garment workers and U.S. $250 for civil servants.
Kem San, a factory worker, said he supported the FTU move. “Even though I will lose my benefit [by not working overtime] my living standards will be better in the future [by backing the CNRP].”
Military police spokesman Kheng Tito said security checks are being conducted along roads leading to the capital from the provinces but pointed out that they were not linked to the protest.
Police spokesman Kirth Chantharith told RFA that police would be at Freedom Park where the protest will be held to provide security and not to crack down on the demonstrators.
“We have already prepared a large number of forces but I can’t tell the exact number,” he said. “We are prepared to deal with any type of scenario."
Reported by RFA's Khmer Service. Translated by Samean Yun. Written in English by Parameswaran Ponnudurai.
To all Cambodians please join together create the biggies protest to remove Hun Sen out from the government.
If Hun Sen still in government keep continuous protests until International ask him to get out.
Cambodian people need new government new idea new technology and the real democracy, real human right.
The truth is CNRP is the winner this election not CPP.
I am urging all police; military including garment worker please stands up joint with protesters on this coming Saturday September 7.
Freedom and Democracy will not happen until you all make it happen.
ការដាក់ទណ្ឌកម្មបុគ្គលិក គជប គឺ ជាល្បែងហួស
សម័យមួយ ដែលភាពយន្តចិនតែងតែសម្តែងអំពី
មេប្រព្រឹត្ត ដល់បែកការក៍ទម្លាក់កំហុសទៅលើកូន
ចៅ ឲទទួលទោសជំនួស ហើយ ចាំពួកអាមេ ៗ លួចជួយតាមក្រោយ ។ គួរឲអស់សំណើចណាស់
មិននឹកស្មានសោះថា ពួករដ្ឋាភិបាលទាសករ យួន
ចិនមួយនេះ យកក្បួនពីចិនបែបហ្នឹងមកគ្រប់គ្រង
ប្រទេសខ្មែរនាបុច្ចុប្បន្ន ។
ក្បួននេះ សូម្បីតែកូនក្មេងក៍ដឹងដែរ ព្រោះពួកគេ
មើលភាពយ្តចិនរាល់ថ្ងៃ សូមអស់លោកប្រឹក្សា
ធម្មនុញ្ញកុំយកមកអនុវត្តពេលនេះអី វាគ្មានប្រសិទ្ធិ
ភាពឡើយ សូមជ្រាបផង ។
បំផុតនោះ វាមានតែពីរខប៉ុណ្ណោះ គឺ មួយ ត្រូវ
បង្កើតគណៈកម្មការចម្រុះឯករាជ្យមួយ ពីរ ត្រូវ
ផ្លាស់ប្តូរ គជប មួយនេះចេញ ហើយ រើសសាជា
ថ្មី ។ ច្បាប់បានចែងយ៉ាងច្បាស់ថា ស្ថាប័ន គជប ត្រូវតែឯករាជ្យ តែ គជប បច្ចុប្បន្នមិនមែន
ឯករាជ្យ ហើយ ថែមទាំងពេលនេះបានធ្វើខុស
យ៉ាងធ្ងន់ធ្ងរទៀតផង ត្រូវរំលាយចេញ ហើយ ប្តូរ គជប ថ្មីមួយទៀតជាដាច់ខាត ។ គ្មានមាត្រាណា
មួយដែលចែងថា មិនឲផ្លាស់ប្តូរ ស្ថាប័ន គជប បាននោះឡើយ សូមមើលច្បាប់ឡើងវិញផង កុំចេះតែថា ខ្លួនធ្វើតាមច្បាប់ តែល្មើសច្បាប់តែ
រហូត ។ ពួកអាសំដីមិនបានការ គ្មានអ្នកណាគោ
រពឡើយ ។
កុំចេះតែចង់បានគ្រប់មុខពេក ចង់ឈ្នះឆ្នោតផង ចង់មិនឲមានគណៈកម្មការចម្រុះឯករាជ្យធ្វើការ
ត្រួតពិនិត្យផង ចង់មិនឲមានការផ្លាស់ប្តូរ គជប ផង ហើយ ក៍ចង់មិនឲមានមហាបាតុកម្មផង ។
ពួកឯងហ្នឹងវាស្អីទៅ ម៉ាអាត្រឹមទាសករគេសោះ
ពួកអាខ្ញុំគេវាលោភលន់អញ្ចឹង ។
Fuck Cambodia Monkey Court
បុគ្គលិក គជប គួតែមានចិត្តក្លាហាន ហ៊ានចេញមក ចូលរួមបញ្ហាញការពិត ដើម្បីមានចំណែកជួយរកយុត្តិធ៌ម ជូនជាតិខ្លួន!ជឿជាក់ថាបើមានការបញ្ជាក់ការពិតហើយ ប្រជាពលរដ្ឋខ្មែរយល់ណាស់ នឹង មិនប្រកាន់នឹងអ្នកធ្វើក្រោមបង្គាបគេទេ!
សូមភ្ញាក់ខ្លួនទៅ ឈប់បម្រើផលប្រយោជ ឲ្យជនផ្ដាច់ទៀតទៅ!
ខ្មែរមានជីវភាពនយោបាយ ស្ថិតក្នុងសភាព ត្រូវតែបន្តររួបរួមគ្នា បង្ហាញស្នាដៃរ ក្នុងការទាមទារកយុត្តិធ៌មឲ្យខ្លួនឯង ឲ្យពិភពលោកឃើញ! សូមបញ្ជាក់ថា បើត្រូវការឲ្យអន្ដរជាតិជួយ មិនត្រូវ ប្ដូរជំហររបស់ខ្លួនជាដាច់ខាត!
ធ្វើអ្វីៗដើម្បីជាតិមិនមែនស្រួលដូចបកចេកទេ! សូមកុំធ្វើអ្វីដូចបរទេសធ្លាប់ដៀលយើងថា៖
"ខ្មែរធ្វើអ្វីឆេះតែមួយឆាវដូចភ្លើងចម្បើង រួចរលត់បាត់យើងចាំតែទទួលផលទៅ"
យើងមិននិយាយ តម្រង់លើបុគ្គលណាទេ! គឺយើងតម្រង់ទាមទា៖
ខ្មែរត្រូវរស់សមជាមនុស្សក្នុងប្រទេស មានលទ្ធិប្រជាធិប្បតេយ្យពិតប្រាកដ!
មាន រដ្ឋធម្មនុញ្ញ ត្រូវបដិបត្តិ!
បញ្ឈប់ ការហូរចូលនឹងផ្ទុក ជនបរទេសខុសច្បាប់ អោយជិះជាន់ខ្មែរ!
ខ្មែរត្រូវរស់ជាប្រជាជាតិមួយ ដែលមាន សុវឌ្ឍិកម្មនឹងសុវត្ថិភាព ក្នុងបច្ចុប្បន្ននឹងអនាគត របស់ខ្លួន!
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