Thursday, September 26, 2013

CNRP TV LIVE streaming -- Watch LIVE the CNRP press conference this Wednesday morning, Sept. 25 at 9 a.m.

SRP Senator Hong Sok Hour, the selfless technician tireless working behind the scene to keep Cambodians and Cambodia watchers around the world connected in real time, here at the 3-day mass demonstration working away in his makeshift office (Democracy Square Phnom Penh, Sept. 2013.  Photo: Theary C. Seng)

Follow the activities of Prime Minister-elect Sam Rainsy and of CNRP at:

Cambodia National Rescue Party / គណបក្ស សង្រ្គោះជាតិ
សូម ទស្សនា ការផ្សាយផ្ទាល់ សន្និសីទសារព័ត៌មាន ស្តីពី គោលជំហរ របស់ គណបក្ស ជុំវិញស្ថានការណ៍ នយោបាយ បច្ចុប្បន្ន នៅចាប់ ពីវេលា ម៉ោង៩ព្រឹក ថ្ងៃទី២៥ ខែកញ្ញា ឆ្នាំ២០១៣ នេះ។


Anonymous said...

if i were the government, i say let them protest to their heart content but no violence is allowed, period. sometimes, too, gov't needs to listen to what the other side have to say as well. that's how you start solving problem, you listen to both sides of the story. let them all have their god given freedom to protest and so on because this cnrp group might win next election, then it's would be the cpp's turn to protest... get wise and be experienced! it takes two to tango.

Anonymous said...

The one holding Ipad to take picture is the stupidest person. Why on earth you want to use it taking picture when you have a small phone or camera? You're not the only one who can afford an ipad come on. It becomes a trend in Cambodia. No need to show off. Srae pek huey ah oun.

Anonymous said...

That why I don.t send money to khmer anymore..I don.t even have Ipad...good luck..

William said...

To be honest some times he can t afford to get both (smart phone and I pad) why bother to think negative about a small thing. why don t we just get along?
thai Ning youn ke ott dauch young te

Anonymous said...

To 1:04 PM

Why are you so fucken stupid to criticize the man for using his I pad to take a picture? First of all... how do you know if the man has a small phone or camera with him? Of course you don't! I don't give a fuck what he want to use to take a picture! What is more important is his patriotism for Cambodian democracy!

If I pad has a camera for taking picture and why not using it? Let me are dirt poor to afford an I pad and you are so stupid to use an I pad even if you have one!

Stop being a jackass!

Anonymous said...

No..just to buzy fuck

Anonymous said...

To 2:32PM Fucken ghetto people!

Cambodian democracy need ghetto people like you to make life interesting ahahahah...So fucken ghetto people! The fucken problem with ghetto people is that they are out there to compete with a complete stranger, with their neighbors, with the friends in term of material things... such as my car better than your car? My dress better than your dress. My house is bigger and better than your house...What the ghetto didn't know is that it is the big companies that make more money off them by selling them more expensive, more expensive jewelry, more expensive the end and these ghetto people don't even have a penny in the pocket!

You don't need to think about other people mother beside your own mother! Don't tell me you leech off your mother again!ahahhah

Anonymous said...

ខ្មែរមួយចំនួនខ្លះបានដឹងជាមុនហើយថា មិនយូរទេពួក
សម រង្ស៊ី និង កឹមសុខា នេះនិង
ចូលក្នុង បន្ទប់បិទទ្វារចរចារបែងចែកអំណាចនិងកៅអីអង្គុយហើយ .....

Anonymous said...

សុំសម រង្ស៊ី និង កឹមសុខា!


សំរាប់ ចម្លងភក់យួន!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

there are a lot of manus cho, that' why!

Anonymous said...


The CNRP must remember that its mission is to save Cambodia from the expansionist Vietnam.

The CNRP's leaders must have a solid and "flexible plan", which adjust smoothly to any events that came up during its journey to save Cambodia.

For instance, before the election and before Sam Rainsy's return to Cambodia, the CNRP had requested for the NEC's reform, but the CPP refused. The CNRP did not make a follow up on its demand.

After Sam Rainsy returned to Cambodia, the support for the CNRP was skyrocketing. In my opinion, the CNRP should seize that opportunity and switch its tactic from campaigning to demanding that NEC's reform again, and the CNRP should have won that NEC's reform easily, thanks to the overwhelming support of the people. That is the power of the RIGHT TIMING..
( I wrote in KI everyday after Sam Rainsy return to make this switch from campaigning to getting the NEC’s overhaul before the election.).

Had the NEC been reformed before the election, the CNRP would have been officially the winner today,

But the CPP would not have transferred the power to the CNRP or the CPP with its master Vietnam might have used the force to crush the CNRP. That’s what I kept saying that Vietnam is not going to give up Cambodia without a big fight.

Likewise, if the CNRP won in 2018, we will have the same problem, the CPP will not transfer the power to the CNRP – the CPP will find some stupid argument not to relinquish the power.

It is imperative that the CNRP launches a nationwide peaceful demonstration WITHOUT HESITATION, firmly demanding that inquiry about the electoral irregularities. No other choice.

The CPP does what it needs to do by forming a government against the vast majority of Khmer people’s wills.

While the CNRP does what it needs to do: launch a nationwide peaceful demonstration demanding for justice for Khmer people, whose vote was stolen by the CPP..

Notice that the CPP is 100% wrong, and the CNRP is 100% right.
So, who will prevail at the end?

I say one more time, Vietnam is not going to give up Cambodia easily. It is a tough battle that the CNRP must endure and Khmer people are ready to make their ultimate sacrifice to back the CNRP up.

The CNRP cannot delay this fight to the next generation because it will not work.
In effect, Vietnam grip is getting tighter and tighter as the number of the Vietnamese inside Cambodia is growing, making Khmer people to win the national election again impossible.
At that time, when the MINORITY Khmer people made a demonstration denouncing that the vote was not reflecting the REAL Khmer’s wills, the international community will not support us, Tey will consider us as racist.

That’s why the time to act is now while Khmer people are ready to sacrifice every thing to support our just cause and stop following Preah Reach Damress Sdach Ting Moung Sihamoni.

Bun Thoeun

If some CNRP’s members were not clear about the event of 18th March 1970, they should consult other members who knew well. When you said something wrong, it would alienate people and weaken the CNRP.

Anonymous said...

the event of march 1970, the power-greedy sihanouk left the country, so it was easy for coup attempt, face to face, it's not that easy. please know the difference.

Anonymous said...

In effort to support our cause and standing together, I'm proposing to all Khmer people and cnrp supporters to skip one meal a week (yes..just one meal a week) and pool all the money together to help support our people in the front line.

In US, on average, a meal costs about ~$10 (decent meal). I'm estimating we can find 5000 people. 5000 x 10 = $50,000/week.

50,000 x 52 = $2.6 million dollars a year should be able to resolve the major issue.