Tuesday, September 24, 2013

You're the winner!


Anonymous said...

be a man be responsible, if you lose it must be something completely wrong, identified what is it?, who to blam,? stop talking about cpp, we must chang, rainsy, things to changes we must change ourselves by changing rainsy your flaws leader, isn't that true. mike

Anonymous said...

be a man be responsible, if you lose it must be something completely wrong, identified what is it?, who to blam,? stop talking about cpp, we must chang, rainsy, things to changes we must change ourselves by changing rainsy your flaws leader, isn't that true. mike

Anonymous said...

Post តែម្ដងបានទេ?

Anonymous said...

Im Sousdey, you are the mother fuck. You are the fucking son of the bitch asshole. You are the idiot. I want to smash your head with my shoes, you mother fuck.

Anonymous said...

Im Soursdey is a man without principles!

There are too many of those in the CPP club. The King has just recently received full membership in the club after having performed so well for the club since His coronation.

Pissed Off

Anonymous said...

This game that Hoon Xhen has been playing since 1993.

Crook Hoon Xhen ordered Crook Im Soursdey to do what he wants.

Crook Im Soursdey followed order, stealing, and robbed election.

Hoon Xhen has Khmer's blood in his hands.

People must stand up and fight for justice and people's will.

Dictator will not give up power and give justice and people's will to his own people without bloodshed.

Sdech is Hoon Xhen's robot king and follows hoon xhen's program.

Robot Sihakmonkey and his Crook mother care about throne, NOT Khmer people's will.

Go to hell Hoon Xhen, his clan, sdech and his mother!

Anonymous said...

Personal opinion:


The CNRP must remember that its mission is to save Cambodia from the expansionist Vietnam.

The CNRP's leaders must have a solid and "flexible plan", which adjust smoothly to any events that came up during its journey to save Cambodia.

For instance, before the election and before Sam Rainsy's return to Cambodia, the CNRP had requested for the NEC's reform, but the CPP refused. The CNRP did not make a follow up on its demand.

After Sam Rainsy returned to Cambodia, the support for the CNRP was skyrocketing. In my opinion, the CNRP should seize that opportunity and switch its tactic from campaigning to demanding that NEC's reform again, and the CNRP should have won that NEC's reform easily, thanks to the overwhelming support of the people. That is the power of the right timing.

Had the NEC been reformed before the election, the CNRP would have been officially the winner today, but the CPP would not have transferred the power to the CNRP or the CPP with its master the evil Vietnam might have used the force to crush the CNRP.

So, the problem that is facing the CNRP is almost the same, with or without the NEC's overhaul before the election - the evil Vietnam and its slave Hun Sen will NEVER transfer the power to the CNRP.

The CNRP must recognize this very important point that Hun Sen and Vietnam will NEVER transfer the power to the CNRP, and the CNRP must find the solution.

My assessment was based on the fact that in 1993, with the presence of the UN, Hun Sen and Vietnam did not transfer the power to the FUNCINPEK.
Therefore, what factor that makes people think that Hun Sen and Vietnam will transfer the power to the CNRP after ANY election?

In effect, this July 2013 election, the CPP had lost but it just said it won. What will the CNRP do ?

Here is my suggestion:

The CNRP has inquired about the election's irregularities, it must stick with it because the CPP had cheated Khmer people by stolen their vote.
This inquiry is the solid foundation that is strongly supported by both Khmer people and the international community.

The CNRP's job is: how to MAKE the CPP accepts its demand ?

The CNRP has the right plan by mounting the demonstration, but it let the CPP impede its process by " following Preah Reach Damress Maha Ksath Ting Moung Sihamoni." The CNRP must correct this mistake by avoiding to connect itself in the future with the King, who has been using by Hun Sen and Vietnam as a tool to legitimize Vietnam's absorption of Cambodia.

The CNRP must acknowledge that this may be the only time that it could save Cambodia from Vietnam because Khmer people understood the danger posed by Vietnam and are willing to make the ultimate sacrifice to support the CNRP.

When the CNRP launches the peaceful demonstration, it should adhere with the words perseverance, consistency, determination, and the firm conviction that this demonstration will grow and intensify steadily as time goes by until the CPP accept its demand about the electoral inquiry. It will be a tough battle, but no back down.

I would like to reiterate that Vietnam is not going to give up Cambodia without a big fight.

I firmly believe the CNRP will win at the end after the big battle - through peaceful demonstration - with Vietnam and its slave Hun Sen, because this neocolonialist Vietnam cannot survive the massive sanction from the international community.

We have to help ourselves first before the international community can help us. We have to show them how desperate we wanted to save our motherland.
And Cambodia has always have problems because of this evil Vietnam's determination to swallow Cambodia and some Khmer traitors such as Hun Sen who has facilitated its goal.

Bun Thoeun

Anonymous said...

your days is counting ah traitor thief Im Soursdey and Tep Nithey.

Anonymous said...

If in Arabic World people Kat Kor Vear Tan pi you mork heuy. Most CPP are like this.

Anonymous said...