Wednesday, October 02, 2013

សេចក្តីអំពា​វនាវរបស់គណ​បក្សសង្រ្គោះ​ជាតិ ថ្ងៃទី០១ ខែតុលា ឆ្នាំ២០១៣

CNRP issues its appeal to help the victims of this year's
and ongoing flooding in Cambodia. 


Anonymous said...

ចំពោះខ្មែរទាំងអស់គ្នា សូមខ្មែរទាំងអស់ស្វាងឡើង..! ភ្ញាក់រលឹកឡើង..!
ឈប់រស់ក្រោមការបោកប្រាស់ ញុះញង់ធ្វើមហាបាតុកម្ម របស់ គណបក្សសង្គ្រោះជាតិ
ស្អីគេ ដែលមានសម រង្ស៊ី ជាមេដឹកនាំតទៅទៀតទៅ ពួកនេះ បានបោកប្រាស់អ្នកទាំងអស់គ្នាជាង២0ឆ្នាំមកហើយ។

"គណបក្សសង្គ្រោះជាតិ" និង ក្លាយទៅជា "គណបក្សសង្គ្រោះចោរ" គណបក្សសង្គ្រោះជាតិយួន ពួកនេះ
និងបណ្ដើរគ្នាទៅអង្គុយបង្គ្រប់កៅអី ជាសមាជិកសភាអាណត្តិទី៥ ទាំងអស់គ្នា នាពេលឆាប់ឆាប់ខាងមុខ នេះហើយ។

បើមិនជឿ ចាំមើលចុះ!!

Anonymous said...

Sorry..can.t help them that not hun sen friends an family..he flooded with money..can.t get out..

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

The recents meeting between CPP and CNRP for the negociation about sharing power(secret meeting).
Who were males and who were females?

Khmer donor said...

Don't be quick to give. I donated online at their CNRP website with my hard earned money they were slow to response. Here's the letter I wrote to Kim Ly Chea, President of North American CNRP. And I heard nothing from him.

After nearly two months I was wondering whether the donation have been received. I wish you'd responded at the latest within a week after receiving the fund.

I wouldn't be hesitate to give if the acknowledgment is responded in a timely manner.

Anonymous said...

The bastard just want your money. I hate that. Even if you buy stuffs online, you would get an acknowledgement thank you purchase order or invoice right away.

Here you give them a donation and they don't even bother ackknowledge right away. Shame on them.

Anonymous said...


Sihakmoni is female, Rainsy is male.


Anonymous said...

hun sen got billion dollar..why should.he help..that like give the money back to the same people he stole it from..hell it been flooding every years..why this years any.difference..for 28 years..

Anonymous said...

1:15 AM

You are so right.
I donated to the CNRP but I have never received any acknowledgement of receipt from them.

Is it too difficult to send a receipt to a donor?

I know that their works are volunteered, but if they decided to help, please help correctly.

Because of that, I simply lost interest to send any more money to the CNRP.

Bun Thoeun

Anonymous said...

The evil-minded Sam rainsy is blackmailing Hun Sen the former soldier Khmer rouge

*The current stand-off between MM Sam Rainsy and Hun Sen would be: a
* I bet that everything will sort out in the near future, and Mr Sam Rainsy will take up position as the President of the National Assembly of Cambodia to legalise Hun Sen government. * Sooner or later, Mr Sam Rainsy will be stripped of his parliamentary immunity and will flee in self-imposed exile as he get used to it.

* Finally, he would have a luxurious retirement surrounded by young and beautiful girls.
It would be a happy ending for him.

Preah Bat Theurmeuk predictions.

Anonymous said...

I sent $120 to CNRP via its website through PayPal. I don't want any recognition or CNRP TO publicly broadcast my name. A private thank you acknowlegment email would be sufficient. I never got any email from them. I wanted to call my credit card to reverse the charge then I decided not to. My hard lesson to be learned is that CNRP can have my money once, BUT NOT TWICE !!

Anonymous said...

f You want to help Khmer flood victim, please make donation to the venerables LUON SOVATH or But Buntech. instead of to CNRP.

The two monks are really compassionate, patriotic, disinterested and spend their time tirelessly and at their own risks to help poor Khmers.

Anonymous said...

Calm down please
Do you want CNRP to return email to say thank during the election time
I think cnrp not enough people work and not well organize
I beg you not to up set, your mother land and your KHMER PEOPLE not that cheap not one two three hundred dollars .I donated to MU SOC HUOT via website through PayPal she return the word thank ,but not during the election time

Anonymous said...

5:21 AM

When people complained, you should look at their complaints and make correction.

Concerning the donation, I am asking the persons who handle that fund to always make acknowledgement of receipt.

Send to every donor a receipt with a piece of paper containing the CNRP's logo along with the word Thank You.

Bun Thoeun

Anonymous said...

1:15AM wrote a letter to CNRP North America president Kim Ly Chea and never receive any response from him. Yeah right, he's too busy !

Anonymous said...

One bee can not make all the honey
That's why who proud born ask KHMER please joint, share the work and keep eye on each other

that is big mistake do some thing with out receipt or return the word thank

Anonymous said...

It up to cnrp to thank you. They need to organise better next time. I agree with 5:21 that election time is very short and rus h. Especial mr rainsy arrive only one week time to run the election in cambodia. Cnrp provide food and water to people for three days demonstration . And I believe those supplies come from donation money from you guys. Pay pal is a processing center. Once they get the money, you should receive the confirmation automaticly.

Anonymous said...

If 8:01 and 5:21 is right then it's like saying want your donation but we are too busy to write a thank you note. Just give us the money !

Anonymous said...

Oh Lord Jesus Christ, please save us all from evils!!!


Anonymous said...

It is not hard to do to return a thank you throgh the emails. But through mail can cost more donation money. Cnrp need better organizer.

Anonymous said...

I appeal all Khmer must be patient and UNITY, and solidarity, this is time for all of us to rescue our country from Vietnam, there are 4 million Vietnamese living in Cambodia, they can write and speak Cambodian well, so please do not read or listen to any one who want to stir up Cambodian situation and making Cambodian people hate Sam Rain Sy, because Vietnamese know that if Sam Rain Sy will be on the power, they will be killed and sent back to their country. Please help Cambodian now, otherwise it will be too late like Kam Pu Chea Krom today,

Anonymous said...

HUN XEN has never wished to give up or step down from the power, HUN XEN know that if he step down, the International Court of Justice will invite him to answer who killed Chea Vie Chea, Pe Set Pe Leka, Chut Vuthy and thousand Cambodian ? HUN XEN supporters are billionaire now such as CHeang Von, Cheamm YEAP, Chom Praset, Sok An, so they always wish HUN XEN stay on the power so they will earn more money

Anonymous said...

I appeal all Cambodian stand up and Unity and solidarity please join the big protest and big mass demonstration this is the way to liberate our country from Vietnam, please cone on stand up now if you want to live with peace, full democracy, justice, and freedom come on stand up together now