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PHNOM PENH, Oct. 25 (Xinhua) -- Cambodia has seen a trade
deficit of 1.48 billion U.S. dollars in the first nine months of 2013,
according to the Commerce Ministry's data on Friday.
The total import and export volume was valued at 11.82
billion U.S. dollars during the January-September period this year, up 20
percent from the 9.88 billion U.S. dollars over the same period last year, the
data said.
Export rose by 28 percent to 5.17 billion U.S. dollars,
while import went up by 16 percent to 6.65 billion U.S. dollars, leading the
trade deficit of 1.48 billion U.S. dollars.
The country's main trading partners are the United States,
European countries, China, South Korea, Japan, Thailand, Vietnam, Singapore and
Cambodia exports mainly garments and shoes, dry rubber,
milled rice and cassava as it ships in garment raw materials, petroleum,
construction materials, automobiles and motorcycles, and pharmaceutical products
and cosmetics.
The Southeast Asian nation's economy is supported by garment
exports, tourism, agriculture and construction. Garment sector accounted for
more than 80 percent of the country's total exports.
I think it is trade surplus. Cambodia export more to the U.S.
Global Export US$ 5.17 billion
Global Import US$ 6.65 billion =
Negative (-) US$ 1.48 billion in Red
= Deficit of US$ 1.48 billion
First of all, we must know Vietnam’s determination to hold on to Cambodia.
If we look back at the history, we would clearly see that Vietnam never abode or complied with all the treaties it had signed.
For instance:
1- Vietnam promised that it would not attack the US and its allies during the Vietnamese new year in 1968.
2- Vietnam did not comply with the 1973 peace treaty it signed with the US.
3- Vietnam did not comply with the 1991 Paris peace accord and instead implement all the bilateral treaties it had signed with Cambodia during its occupation.
Nobody wants Khmer people to die, but we must prepare to face this evil Vietnam
with the right attitude.
Now, the CNRP thought that it won because there was no violence during the demonstration. That is 100% wrong because Khmer people have the right to walk peacefully.
The CNRP must realize that TIME is on Hun Sen and Vietnam’s side. If Vietnam were able to drag this process longer, Khmer people and the international community will lose interest, and the CNRP will go nowhere but a certain defeat.
I suggest that the CNRP does not let up its demonstration after 3 days. KEEP GOING.
The election is 3 months old already. The CPP knew already that with the independent committee, it will become the loser. So, the CPP’s strategy is to drag the process and let TIME kill the CNRP.
To counter effectively Vietnam’s strategy, the CNRP must Intensify its demonstration.
I am not an extremist, but I will consider a great victory for Cambodia and Khmer people if we lost 100,000 people or less during our crusade to liberate Cambodia from Vietnam. It looks like I am the only one who kept saying this.
But I am saying one more time, no lost life, no fruitful result for the CNRP.
My ulterior motive was that Khmer people need help from the international community, especially the UN. The international community will be able to intervene only when Vietnam and Hun Sen committed a huge crime by killing so many people.
Knowing our enemy’s strength and determination is the key for us to win.
No lost life, No result. Keep dreaming. It will never work with this evil Vietnam.
Bun Thoeun
Hun Sen and CPP is the gangster. When CNRP use none violent to dealing with this gangster is not going to work at all.
To all Khmer people use people power to do just like Libyan did to Dictator Gaddafi.
Imports : Hammer, Lexus, Toyota et Gros cylindrés, et des produits de luxe pour les Chumtivs.
Exports : Le BOIS et d'autres ...
Pour un paysan khmer il lui faut 2000 vies de labeur pour pouvoir acheter un 2cv.
A remarquer que le pays ne peut même pas fabriquer une aiguille à coudre mais on roule en limousine.
On voit 1000 fois plus de lexus à Phnom Penh qu'à Paris; la France est un pays très pauvre par rapport au Cambodge de sèn taon hann !
Vietnamese Coffee Shop in Cambodia
by Freedom
July 18, 2009
Nowadays there are many Vietnamese Coffee Shops in Cambodia when Cambodian people seem never drink it before. During the Vietnamese immigrants move to live in Cambodia, it seems Cambodian people are going to be lack job, lose job and have no more chance like before.
When you drive around the Toul Tompong, Kirirom, Olympec and other places in Phnom Penh location, you will see more and more the Vietnamese Coffee Shops with many Vietnamese immigrations.
Vietnamese young girl with her short skirt which is attracted Cambodian people including the students who never like drinking Coffee before here.
A young girl is from South Vietnam. She can not speak Cambodian language including counting Cambodian money, but she could live and run a shop to attract many Cambodian people to drink everyday.
A Vietnamese young girl whom run the Coffee Shop near Human Resources University said, "I do not know how many people come perday, but i have income 500 000 Riel/day."
You could see, she just runs a small Coffee Shop, but she and her family could earn more money. In accordance her incoming, 500 000 Riel is equal around 120$. It is just aday. So how she can earn per month, and year?
I have presented in this Vietnamese Coffee Shop one hour. I see the most of coffee drinking are Cambodian people whom are attracted by her short skirt and white skin.
It is so hard when Vietnamese Coffee Shops increasing from day to day, and Cambodian people still have no job, but they must spend time for coffee drinking and to see Vietnamese young girls.
ល្ខោនសំដែងអាចមានជាឈុតឆាក ល្ខោនជីវិត្តក៏ត្រូវតែមានឈុតឆាកឲ្យបន្តររស់មានន័យ៖
បើគេកាន់តែបំបិតសិទ្ធសេរីភាព យើងក៏មិនត្រូវសំកុកយំទ្រជ័យជំនះរបស់គេដែរ! ត្រូវតែតបទៅវិញនូវភាពក្លាហានទាមទារកយុត្តិធម៌ឲ្យខ្លួនឯង ហើយសប្បាយរីករាយចេញមកពីមោតនៈភាពនៃថ្វីដៃររបស់យើង!
បើយើងមិនងើបឈរតស៊ូរប្រឆាំងនឹងរបបផ្ដាច់ការណ៍ទេ គ្មាននណា៎ប្រគល់សិទ្ធសេរីភាពឲ្យយើងដោយងាយៗទេ ព្រោះឥពួកគេមិនចេះស្កប់ស្កល់ យកតែប្រយោជន៍ពីរាស្ដ្រ ទៅស៊ីស្រួលដេកស្រួលតកូនចៅតែគ្នាវាហ្នឹង!
បើយើងរស់គ្មានន័យដូច្នេះ គង់តែមានថ្ងៃស្លាប់គ្មានន័យដូចតែគ្នា ណ្ហើយចុះយើងតស៊ូរឲ្យជីវិត្តមានន័យ យកជ័យជុំនះលើភាពអយុត្តិធម៌ដល់ទីបំផុត!
អាសម រង្សី ក្បាលយួន ខ្លួនឆ្កែ!
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