Chheang Von, a senior CPP lawmaker, rejected the demands
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AFP phtoo |
Prime Minister Hun Sen’s Cambodian People’s Party (CPP) and the opposition are debating prospects of new talks aimed at ending their political deadlock three months after disputed national elections thrust the country into a crisis.
But chances of a fresh meeting between the two sides following the collapse of their September talks appear slim as opposition leader Sam Rainsy’s Cambodia National Rescue Party (CNRP) continues to call for an independent investigation into the July 28 polls as a precondition for ending its parliamentary boycott.
The CPP has rejected calls for the investigation, insisting that CNRP members elected to the National Assembly—Cambodia’s parliament—based on the election’s official results must be sworn in as lawmakers before any negotiations can take place.
On Monday, Sam Rainsy, CNRP deputy president Kem Sokha, and other senior party members discussed the possibility of resuming the talks with the CPP, after wrapping up a three-day mass protest in Phnom Penh last week against the poll results declared by the government-appointed National Election Committee (NEC).
During the meeting CNRP members named three demands for the CPP to meet before opposition members agree to join parliament, spokesman Nhem Ponharith told RFA’s Khmer Service.
“The three points that the CNRP is still demanding are, first, the establishment of a committee to investigate into the election, second, reform of the NEC—which the CPP also recognizes has problems—and third, government must implement the recommendations from the U.N. and NGOs on electoral and other reforms,” he said.
Without those conditions, there can be no talks and CNRP members are not prepared to be sworn in to the National Assembly, he said.
Demands rejected
National Assembly chairman Chheang Von, a senior CPP lawmaker, rejected the demands, saying the opposition should be open to talks before setting any conditions for joining parliament.
“The conditions they set must come out of the talks,” he told RFA, saying the CNRP members must take their seats in the National Assembly if they want to carry out reforms.
“All reforms must be done through the National Assembly,” he said.
Several rounds of talks between Sam Rainsy and Hun Sen held last month before the National Assembly convened for the first time since the elections have ended in failure.
Without any opposition lawmakers in parliament, CPP lawmakers voted unanimously to form a new government and reappoint Hun Sen—who has led Cambodia for 28 years—to another five-year term as prime minister.
'We can't accept it'
Chheang Von said that the CNRP’s current insistence on the establishment of a committee to probe the polls was a step backward since in the earlier talks Sam Rainsy had dropped that demand.
“We can’t accept it. We won’t talk about establishing the committee,” he said.
Nor would the CPP accept the CNRP demand to carry out recommendations from U.N. and civil society groups for electoral or other reforms, unless the proposals were made through the National Assembly, he said.
“If we complied with all the recommendations, what would be the use of the National Assembly and political platforms? All we would need to do would be to implement recommendations,” he said.
In response to the CNRP call for electoral reform, he said the CPP was committed to carrying out its own “deep reforms” of the NEC, which manages the country’s polls.
Election dispute
The CNRP claims it was robbed of victory in the elections due to widespread poll irregularities, including the removal of one million voters from the electoral rolls, and has called for the NEC to reform the country’s voting process.
Official results from the NEC gave the CPP 68 National Assembly seats and the CNRP 55, but the CNRP claimed it should have won at least 63 seats.
Last week, tens of thousands of supporters joined the CNRP’s rally in Phom Penh’s Freedom Park to back calls for an independent probe into election fraud.
Demonstrators delivered petitions to the missions of the U.N. and foreign embassies in Cambodia demanding international intervention in the election crisis.
សមេ្តចជាព្រះអាទិត្យតែមួយ រះលើផែនដីនេះ...។
ជយោ! សមេ្តចបណ្ឌិតអគ្គមហាសេនាបតីតេជោ ហ៊ុន សែន វរ្ម័នទី១ ជាទេវតានៃកម្ពុជា!!!
as leaders of both parties, you have to dialogue, the decision is up to you, not your constituents. i know, your constituents might advice you not to talk with the other party because they think it cheap or conceding to the other or whatever, but as the leaders, you have to be on top and talk; that's how you solve problem, you discuss it with the others. when it comes to the sake of national reconciliation, national rebuilding, etc, there is no shame to talk to each other in order to find a sound, agreeable solution so all can benefit and cambodia can benefit. leaders do listens to their constituents, when the leaders also make their own decision, too, not the constituents making the decision for the them. be smart, wise and enlightened. don't be ashame, as leaders, you have to have courage and be strong for the people of cambodia is looking up to you both for guidance and making final decision, not the people making decision for you. not everybody can be leaders, so if you have that capability or ability or potential to be the leaders of cambodia, act that way. in other words, stand out from the rest and act professionally and live by the ethical code of conduct. that's how you stand out from the rest. be brave and courageous and keep using the law of the land for reference when dialoguing. as a khmer person, i want the best for cambodia and i do expect my leaders to do that!
Talks with ah Chheang Vun [Ah phnorng Chheang Vun] will make you lop!...lop! him,therefore,ah Chheang Vun phnorng lives in prey lang,we all should avoid him at all cost!....ah Phnorng muy nis lop lop beyond my comprehension...! Was he a France educator? Well,pol pot Eng Sary and its clans all France's educators had gone wacko during killingfield era with the helped of Hanoi & Beijing.Now the trio's Hun,Chea and Heng will repeated the story of killingfield because they all associated with Hanoi & Beijing again.
khmer leaders must stop depend on foreign help. this is too outdated already. start thinking khmer and help our khmer nation for a change, stop depend too much on foreign help, especially in politics! that said, of course, we want america and europe and australia and japan's help, especially to build cambodian infrastructure and improve way of life in our country cambodia. that kind of foreign help is ok by khmer people, but not political help. khmer people in the whole cambodia and the whole world don't need foreign help in politics, only in development and better standard of living for khmer people, that's all!
What is wrong with the sworn in? The CNRP must sworn in with 63, instead of
ឣា 7:15 AM ឯងលប់សត្តិទេដឹង?
8:26am, stop playing with the number, stick with 55 seats this election. perhaps, next election you guy might win by majority. so, think about it, smart and wise and experienced people always say wait for the next election if you lost this election. don't hold grudges, it's nothing personal about the election. it
s time to come together and work and getting along together until next election. listen, too, for a change, don't just oppose everything anybody said. just because your party's name is oppositon, doesn't mean you have to oppose all the time with everything in cambodia. camobida is not that bad, so calm down already! think cambodia, not personal!
ពួកចោរមិនចេះមិនស្គាល់ពាក្យថា៖ "ទទួលខុសត្រូវ" ទេ! មានតែតុលាកាអន្តរជាតិតែប៉ុណ្ណោះ!
កោតតែពួករណបឥតកេរ្ដិ៍ខ្មាស នូវតែស្រែកជ័យឃោសឲ្យវាដោយប្រើខួរលាមកថែមទៀត! បើនូវតែមានកំពូជខ្មែរឈាមថោកមិនដឹងខុសត្រូវយ៉ាងនេះ វាពិតជាលាបពណ៌ឲ្យអាក្រក់ដល់ខ្មែរផងគ្នា!
បរាជយ ពួកកាប់សម្លាប់ខ្មែរបំផ្លាញជាតិបម្រើបរទេស!
the picture above, action speaks louder than words. it sends a strong signal, subtle message that may confuse others, but very symbol for agreement. handshake is one of the international symbols for friendly.
តាមការយល់ឃើញ និង តាមការធ្លាប់ដឹងគន្លង
មក ការចរចារវាគ្មានប្រយោជន៍អ្វីទាំងអស់ នេះ
កុម្មុយនិស្តយួនតែប៉ុណ្ណោះ ។ ការពន្យាពេល
របស់ពួកវាគន្លងមក បានត្រូវទុកពេលឲពួកវារក
គ្រប់វិធីសាស្រ្ត យុទ្ធសាស្រ្ត និង ល្បិចខ្មៅក្រខ្វក់
មកប្រឆាំងជាមួយប្រជាពលរដ្ឋយ៉ាងខ្លាំងក្លា ។
ពួកវៀតកុងធ្លាប់ប្រើយុទ្ធសាស្រ្ត ដកថយដើម្បីវាយ
របស់ពួកវាគន្លងមក ។
ពួកវាមិនដែលធ្វើអ្វីដោយសុទ្ធចិត្តឡើយ សុទ្ធតែ
បោកប្រាស់ទាំងអស់ ដូច្នេះការចរចារវាអាចទៅរួច
ទេ សូមកុំខ្ជះខ្ជាយពេលវេលាអី ។ ព្រោះថា តើ
ចរចារជាមួយពួកវាពីរឿងអ្វីដែរ បើរកមិនទាន់
ឃើញថា គណៈបក្សណាមួយ ជាអ្នកឈ្នះឆ្នោត
ផង ។ បើរបៀបវារ៖នៃការជួបចរចារគ្នានោះមានបញ្ចូល
ការបង្កើតគណៈកម្មការចម្រុះ ឯករាជ្យមួយដើម្បី
សើុបអង្កេតរកការពិតនៃភាពមិនប្រក្រតី នោះ
សង្ឃឹមថាអាចទៅមុខរួច ។ បើពួកវានៅតែបដិ
សេធ នៅតែរឹងទទឹងមិនព្រមទទួលយកការទាម
ទារនោះទេ ទោះការចរចារបានប្រព្រឹត្តឡើង
ប៉ុន្មានសិបដងទៀត ក៍វានៅតែមិនអាចទៅរួចដែរ សូមកុំសង្ឃឹមអី ។
គេថា បណ្ឌិតពិតប្រាកដប្រើសំដី ជនអប្រិយប្រើ
ដៃ ដូច្នេះ ពួកអស់នេះជាជនអប្រិយមិនអាចប្រើ
សំដីជាមួយពួកវាបានទេ ត្រូវប្រើដំបងទើបបាន។
សូមសហគមអន្តរៈជាតិ សហរដ្ឋអាមេរិក និង អង្គការសហប្រជាជាតិ មេត្តាពិចារណាឡើងវិញ
ទៅ តើឲគណៈបក្សទាំងពីរហ្នឹងចរចារអំពីប្រធាន
បទអ្វីដែរ ? ។ ចរចារអំពីការបែងចែកអំណាចគ្នា ឬ អំពីការរកឲឃើញថា មួយណាឈ្នះឆ្នោតពិត
ប្រកដ ? ។ បើជជែកពីការបែងចែកអំណាចគ្នា ប្រជាពលរដ្ឋមិនព្រមជាដាច់ខាត ។ បើជជែកពី
ការបង្កើតគណកម្មការសើុបអង្កេតរកយុត្តិធម៌ជូនប្រជាពលរដ្ឋដែលជាម្ចាស់ឆ្នោត ពួកគណៈបក្ស
ប្រជាជនដែលជាអាយ៉ងយួនមិនព្រម ។ សុំសួរ
ថា តើការចរចាររបៀបហ្នឹងអាចទៅមុខរួចទេ ។
Mr. Chheang Voun, Phay siphan, Chheam yiep, Sar Keng, Tea Binh and Mr. Hun Blind Sight, Now they are not knowing what to talk, this morning Mr. Chheang Youn answer the wrong question from Mr. Boun ChanBoth at the RFA. Maybe I do have a very low education to understand what he said, and likely come from University of Prey Long with youn professor come from Hanoi.
អាតិរិច្ឆានជាម យៀបនិងអាសត្វធាតុឈាងវុននឹងត្រូវរន្ទះបាញ់ងាប់ធ្លាក់នរកទាំងពូជនៅពេលឆាប់ៗនេះហើយ ដូច្នេះកុំប្រកាន់សំដីឆ្កួតរបស់វាអី ម្យាងទៀតក្រុមបក្សពួកលួចបន្លំសន្លឹកឆ្នោតប្លន់ឆន្ទះរាស្រ្ត និងមេកើយរបស់វា កនឹងមានវាសនាដូចវាអព្ចាឹងដែរគឺត្រូវរន្ទះបាញ់ងាប់និងក្រឡាប់ឡានងាប់តៃហោងទាំងពូជ
Some of the Rainsy supporter are so blind with hatred, they are don't want to see the light at then end of tunnel.
in the west, if you are caught cheated, you are out!!! but in this case, CPP cheated CNRP of 68/55, so we have to reverse this by giving CNRP 68 and CPP 55, not to mention of 55 based on CPP's fraudulance e,g ghost votes, duplicated votes, buying votes and illegal immigrants' votes. HUN NAL/HUN SEN/HAI PHUC has to go and it has to be now! and oh and why does he have so many names? Because he is a traitor, who committed treason. in VN and China, this kind of a person would be shot in the head or be jailed for the rest of his life, but why didn't he? because these two nations of the VN and China keeping him for their national interests, why? because they have too many population and can't feed them without stealing from our poor ones like, e,g Burma, Laos and Cambodia.
When is HUN/CPP going to wake up? I don't think they can because, they are too intoxecated with their drugs of power and blood money. If these people don't wake up now, it will be too late. So, it is time for Hun/CPP to wake up and say to the outsiders that, enough is enoug! that their game of robbing from our poor is over! It is time to change hands of power. Just let our brothers Sam and Kem do their job and stop devaluing them because they are out brothers. Please, be like Moas and Chaing Kai Shak between the communists and nationalists, these two parties have conformed in order to destroy the Jap invasion. In the end, they won the war with the Jap and then, Chaing Kai Shak went of the Taiwan to form a new colony away from Mainland China.
So, it is time for our two parties CNRP and CPP to do the same, ok.
HUN SEN must be charged with Criminal court one day because he has committed many crimes and sold Cambodian forestry and gave Cambodian land to Vietnam and let Vietnamese refugees living in Cambodia
To the 1st poster @ 7:15 am
ឣា 7:15 AM ហ្ឣែង លប់សត្តិទេដឹង?
បានជា ហ្ឣែង ឃើញប្រែត ថាជាទេវតាទៅវិញ?
Currently our country is not the same as before!
ទោះជាពួកអាអស់ឯងខំប្រឹងស្រែក ធ្វើមហាតបាតុកម្ម ឬ មហាតបាតុកម្មសូត្រធម៌,,,,, មហាតបាតុកម្មស្មូត្រ, មហាតបាតុកម្មភាវនា, មហាតបាតុកម្មសមាធិ, លុតជង្គុង ក្រាបទូល
ក្រោមល្អងធូលីព្រះបាទ, ប្តឹងទៅតុលាការ ឬ ចង់ប្តឹងទៅអង្គការសហប្រជាជាតិជាមួយស្នាមមេដៃ ឲ្យបែកមេឃ រញ្ជួយផែនដីទៀត
ក៍ផែនដីនេះមិនទាន់ដល់វេនពួកអាអស់ឯងដែរ នៅមានឯកឧត្ដមបណ្ឌិត
ហ៊ុន ម៉ាណែត ហ៊ុន ម៉ានិត ទៀត ។ល។ និង។ល។
ផែនដីនេះមិនអាចមាន ព្រះអាទិត្យពីររះលើផែនដីតែមួយបានឡើយ។
ចេះច្បាប់បោះឆ្នោតទេ? ចេះគណិតសាស្ដ្រទេ? ៥០+១ = ១២៣/២=៦១.៥+១=៦២.៥
លេខចេញយ៉ាងច្បាស់ចាញ់ហើយ មិនព្រមចាញ់ទៀត
ត្រូវចាំណា សមេ្តចបណ្ឌិតអគ្គមហាសេនាបតីតេជោ ហ៊ុន សែន វរ្ម័នទី១ មិនមែនជាមនុស្សលោកទេ សមេ្តចជាព្រះបាទ ហ៊ុន ទៀន ចាប់ជាតិ សមេ្តចជាព្រះបាទធម្មិក សមេ្តចជាព្រះអាទិទេព សមេ្តចជាទេវតារស់មកសង្គ្រោះប្រជាជនកម្ពុជា និងប្រទេសកម្ពុជាឱ្យ សម្បូរសប្បាយ រង់រឿង និងសុខក្សេមក្សាន្ដ!!!
សមេ្តចជាព្រះអាទិត្យតែមួយ រះលើផែនដីនេះ...។
ជយោ! សមេ្តចបណ្ឌិតអគ្គមហាសេនាបតីតេជោ ហ៊ុន សែន វរ្ម័នទី១ ជាទេវតានៃកម្ពុជា!!!
AH 5:47 PM ហ្ឣែង លប់សត្តិទេដឹង? ហ្ឣែង ឃើញប្រែត ថាជាទេវតាទៅវិញ?
និយាយត្រូវតែអែងលោកឈាងវុននេះ ចេះតែអែងម្តង ច្បាប់នៅលើបបូរមាត់។
លោកឈាងវុនអត់ចេះពិសារនំប៉ុ័ងទេមើលទៅ ទាស់តែគាត់ចេះចងក្រវាត់កនិងជិះឡានដូចជនបរទេស ពិបាកដែរ។
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