Thursday, October 03, 2013

wikipedia on Bun Rany

Courtesy ទាមទាររក យុត្តិធ៌ម


Anonymous said...

Yes it is try BURANEE ,the first Cambodian lady is Veitnamese and her first husband name was LE DEOUC THOR, the top Vietnamese Army in Cambodia from 1979-1991

Anonymous said...

Lee Duc Tho the Nobel peace rejector! He didn't deserves Nobel peace prize,it was good that he rejected because he was a monster,a war monger a evil-doer! He helped Ho chi Minh's dreams come true by molding ah kwak to be a ruthless killer and serving his govt of Hanoi to these days, Lee Duc Tho was a master mind behind all the Indochina after Ho chi Minh died.

Anonymous said...

Bun Rany the killer, she murdered video actor Peseth Peleka.

Anonymous said...

Now she is looking like pig her face getting bigger and bigger.

Anonymous said...

Wow? Now I know. She is a spy. Why a Hun Sen produce so many kids?

Anonymous said...

you people have no clue how Wikipedia works? I can change her to be Obama's wife there if I want. I can change Sam Rainsy's age to 2 years old on Wikipedia if I want. Anyone can change anything there. I can even edit Theary Seng's spouse to Hun Sen.

Anonymous said...

ខ្ញុំអាយុ៨០ឆ្នាំហើយ បើអាណត្តិនេះដូរហុ៊ន សែនមិនបានទេ ខ្ញុំអស់សង្ឃឹម ហើយខ្ញុំផ្តែផ្តាំកូនចៅ
ឲរកអាចារ្យថៃ ដើម្បីឲខ្ញុំកើតនៅស្រុកថៃ ព្រោះគេមិនធ្វើបាបខ្មែរដូចយួន អាពត និងអាសែនទេ ។

Anonymous said...

Not true.Bun ranee born Bunheang was the daugther of Mr SA BUN prominent khmer vietminh and Thbaung khmunm District chief (Prathean dambann )She met HUN SEN (SOM BUN NAL)at Trapeang russei?BOTH are khmer and BUN HEANG was born at ROKAR KHNOR Kg.Cham.neay khchao can tell you spme more if you need.

Anonymous said...

Bun Rany is a nurse? What school she attended? And what year? KR nursing school? LoL

No wonder, khmer health care is under substandard.

Anonymous said...

If she is Yuon just bad but if she is she is a Khmer Viet Minh's daughter that is even worst because she and her family sold their soul to the Khmer historic enemy. Her family and her husband's are all trators and killers who have been killing Khmers for yuon and chen. We are
Cambodians can not tolerate them
we have to condemn them until the end.