Thursday, October 03, 2013

Planned rally too large, city officials say

Meas Sokchea Wed, 2 October 2013

City Hall yesterday rejected the opposition party’s request to hold a Sunday rally with 20,000 supporters, saying it was unable to provide security for participants.

The opposition Cambodia National Rescue Party has scheduled a “party congress” to be held in Freedom Park on Sunday, with a mass demonstration scheduled for later this month.

Speaking after a meeting held between the municipality and the opposition, City Hall spokesman Long Dimanche said officials had deemed they could allow a maximum of 10,000 protesters and that the party must request permission from the Interior Ministry if it planned to exceed that number.

“At the rally, they must not use [the] forum to attack the King or the royal government,” Dimanche said, adding that the party was instructed not to march.

CNRP spokesman Yem Ponharith said it would be impossible to limit the number as “people participate at their will”.

And, he added, while the party had no desire to attack the King, it was within their rights to criticise the government during a public forum.

The party was now preparing a letter to send to the Ministry of Interior, he said.

Khieu Sopheak, spokesman of the Ministry of Interior, said he could not comment until he had received the note.

Party president Sam Rainsy is set to return today from a two-day diplomatic mission to several Asean countries aimed at solving the ongoing political crisis, a CNRP spokesman said.


Anonymous said...

My analysis scenario would be:

The evil-minded Sam rainsy is blackmailing Hun Sen the former soldier Khmer rouge

The current stand-off between MM Sam Rainsy and Hun Sen would be: a

* I bet that everything will sort out in the near future, and Mr Sam Rainsy will take up position as the President of the National Assembly of Cambodia to legalise Hun Sen government. * Sooner or later, Mr Sam Rainsy will be stripped of his parliamentary immunity and will flee in self-imposed exile as he get used to it.

* Finally, he would have a luxurious retirement surrounded by young and beautiful girls.
It would be a happy ending for him.

Preah Bat Theurmeuk predictions.

Anonymous said...

Sam rainsy is trading, not for the status of President of National Assembly which he does not mind, but for the best profit.
Sam Rainsy and Hun sen are well aware that the status of President of Natonal Assembly will not prevent Hun Sen to strip his parliamentary immunity at anytime, to govern the country as he has been doing so far, as the police and military forces are on his hands. Moreover after the CNRP enters the parliament, and legalises internationally the Hun Sen Government, Hun Sen will not need CNRP anymore, as he could govern with only 51% of votes from the parliamentary members. What HunSen needs now is Sam Rainsy and CNRP join the National Assembly to legalise internationally his government.
Why has he kept on begging for this position despite Hun Sen refusal , ignoring the twill of Khmer People that the crucial matter would be to claim for the independent and international committee to investigate the irregularities of the 28th July 20013 election, that all and nothing else.
Moreover, it's strange that opposition always asks authorisation from authority to make protests.
In my opinion, since the 1997 grenade attack, Mr Sam Rainsy has changed his mind.

Anonymous said...

The CNRP wanted to catch the thief who have stolen people's votes.

Does the CNRP really need the permission from the thief first ?

If the CNRP did this, the CNRP will catch the thief in 300 years.

In this world, I have never seen a movement or a political party that successfully liberated a country without losing any combatants.

On the contrary, people have always seen the heroes who emerged from that noble struggle.

The CNRP must be realistic about what it is doing.

Your recent mistake about adopting Preah Reach Damress Sdach Ting Moung Sihamoni have alienated many CNRP's supporters and thus weakened the CNRP.

The CNRP is the winner, and the CPP is the loser and the thief.
Offer this thief a new election is the most that the CNRP should do.

Bun Thoeun

Anonymous said...

Bun Thoeun

Even the layman from the street understands what need to be done better than Sam Rainsy!

Anonymous said...

This the first one made by Rainsy, I have never seen any strike against dictator around the globe, has to have permission from the dictator first...Stop wasting time with Rainsy he is not for REAL!

Anonymous said...

2:28 AM

What is YOUR solution, Mr. Big Shot ?

Anonymous said...

First Mr 1.11AM. Your year is 18000 years ahead.
To the CNRP leader we are still want to find out which Party want the election on the 28th July 2013.

Anonymous said...

A simple note to all the idiotic big shots out there. I would not and million would not have followed the leadership of CNRP if anyone of you can gather a few mediocre supporters on your own. Can you win a seat, at all, if you are so full of yourself? I will be more than happier to donate my money to you, your political campaign. Such a croc and full of shit.

Anonymous said...

Keep talking big. You will get somewhere in your lifetime, absolutely.

Anonymous said...

2:28 AM,

What A CHEAP shot!

It's another blame game from communist Vietcong barbarian mindset, as alway.

Anonymous said...

អស់លោក ដឹងទេនេះហើយ ជា រាជកាល៖

ឃ្លោកលិចអំបែងអណ្ដែត ពួកប្រែថឡើងបុណ្យ កោះសមុត្រទ្រព្យធនខ្មែរអស់ ដីព្រៃភ្នំខ្មែររលាយ គេបញ្ញវន្ដនិម៉ឺនមន្ត្រី បានម្នាក់មួយសម្ពាយ ចាំថ្ងៃតៃហោង មានស្ដេចមែនពិតត្បិតជាប់ទ្រុង!

រាស្ដ្រខ្មែរមានមនសិការ រួបរួមគ្នាដើរតាមអ្នកជា លែងងាកក្រោយហើយ!

Anonymous said...

Il faut être très prudent et réservé avec Sam Rainsy.
 Certes, Il est courageux et il a la volonté. Il a une bonne démarche pour son pays. Mais il est une personnalité mystérieuse et prétentieuse.
Il peut tourner la veste (changer radicalement d'opinion, de camp pour son propre profit)si l’occasion le permet. Il peut changer d’un camp à un autre, s’il y aura un grand intérêt pour lui. C’est une personnalité qui aime les pouvoirs sans partage.
Il peut laisser tomber ses supporteurs et ses militants (jeunes, hommes ou femmes) si le roi Norodom Sihamoni le nomme comme premier Ministre.

HUN SEN est seulement son rival pour le poste premier Ministre.
Il a dit «  Il vaut mieux trahir les amis plutôt que de trahir la nation « .La question se pose « la personne est capable de trahir ses propres amis. Peut on croire qu’il ne va pas trahir sa propre nation ? « 
 Ses actes et ses paroles prouvent ainsi :
1)      Lors de la création, le parti CNPR, il est nommé président du parti, il a donné une condition préalable c’est que le parti CNPR peut participer aux élections 2013 lorsqu’il peut se représenter puisqu’il savait qu’il était condamné .Sans moi,rien n’est permis !.
2)      CNPR a finalement participé aux élections 2013, il a déclaré à l’avance de ne pas reconnaître le résultat issu de ces élections .Puisqu’il n’a pas pu lui-même participer aux élections.
3)      NEC a proclamé les résultats de votes (un résultat truqué ou frauduleux), Sam Rainsy a tenté négocier avec le parti de HUN SEN pour avoir certains postes alors que devant ses militants, il a déclaré haut et fort qu’il réclame le justice de votes. Il sait qu’il n’est pas élu, il ne peut pas assister à l’assemblée. Il y en a des doutes dans ses intentions.
4)      La prochaine étape pour lui c’est probablement de chercher l’annulation partielle ou totale des élections pour qu’il puisse se présenter. Si les élections auront lieux dans 5 ans, il est trop tard pour lui. Il sera 68 ans ! il est un vieux monsieur,il le sait..
L’histoire montre que le DESTIN D’UN PAYS est toujours lié à la SURPRISE ;
La Surprise est toujours créée par un INCONNU et elle n’est jamais créée par un personnage célébré qui est CONNU auparavant car il s’est bien adapté bien avec le système pour être célébré. Le personnage célébré a ses habitudes et ses pensés qui sont toujours correspondantes avec le même système où il a vécu et où il est issu. » de la famille des fonctionnaires…..)
 Le changement est loin être assuré.
Le personnage célébré trace le chemin, Mais l’inconnu incarne le vrai changement.

Anonymous said...

It is necessary to be very cautious and reserved with Sam Rainsy .

Certainly, He is brave and he will. He has a good a good move for his country. But He is a mysterious and pretentious personality.
He can turn the jacket ( radically change opinion, camp for his own benefit ) if the opportunity allows. He can change from one camp to another , if there will be of great interest to him. He is a personality who loves power unchallenged .

He may drop its supporters and activists ( young men or women) if King Norodom Sihamoni appointed as prime minister .

HUN SEN is only rival for the prime minister post .

He said "It is better to betray friends rather than betray the nation " . The question is " the person is capable of betraying his own friends . Can we believe that he will not betray his own nation? "

His actions and his words proved as follows:

1) When creating the CNRP party , he was appointed chairman of the party , he gave a prerequisite is that the CNRP party can participate in the elections in 2013 when it can be represented as he knew he was condemned . Without me, nothing is allowed! .

2 ) CNRP finally participated in the elections in 2013 , he said in advance not to recognize the results from these elections. Since it could not himself participate in elections.

3 ) NEC announced the results of votes ( a fake or fraudulent result) , Sam Rainsy has tried to negotiate with Hun Sen 's party for some positions while before his supporters , he said loud and clear that the demands justice votes. He knows he is not elected , he can not attend the meeting . There are doubts in his intentions.
4) The next step for him is likely to seek partial or total cancellation of the elections so he could stand . If the elections are places in 5 years , it is too late for him . He will be 68 years old ! he is an old man , he knows ..

History shows that the FATE OF A COUNTRY is always linked to the SURPRISE ;

Surprise is always created by an UNKNOWN and it is never created a character that is celebrated before KNOWN because He is well suited well with the system to be celebrated. The character has celebrated its habits and thought that are still corresponding with the same system where he lived and where he comes from. " Family officials ..... )

The change is far from assured.

The character celebrated traces the way , but the unknown represents real change .