Thursday, October 03, 2013

Quote of the day from The Phnom Penh Post

Looks like the Communist Corrupted Party (CPP) does not want to make Khmers angry anymore, afraid number of supporter from Khmers will be down to zero. In this case, they should change the name of their party to something else, since Khmers from around the world are now in favor of the CNRP. ~Jendhamuni

 "We will not question or arrest any villagers, because there were about 500 and that’s simply too many. We cannot question them all. We are afraid the villagers would react angrily if we investigated." 

Kampong Cham provincial police chief Chhay Kimson: On not investigating the mob killing of a man accused of killing his wife and stepdaughter.


Anonymous said...

Prosecute the killer/killers regardless of the party affiliation with Cpp or CNRP it doesn't matter,no one is above the laws,no one can takes some one life.Killer/killers must be brought to justice period.Please enough of Khmer kills Khmer!.....Please united kick Hanoi congchor out of Khmer's soil once and for ALL....


Anonymous said...

If he murdered a human being he must be brought to justice no matter how influence this person. For a nation to exist & survive RULES OF LAWS MUST BE FOLLOW.

Anonymous said...

We should learn from the mob who killed the killer. All Cambodians should use this scenario as a way of challenging with the killers like CPP. Together we can win. Don't let the killer/killers get away from such crimes being committed and say enough is enough.

If we don't kill them, they will continue to kill us. So, we have to make them pay e,g if you committed the crime, you have to pay the price. No more tolerance because of our tolerance 3million of our innocents are gone, dead. Therefore, lesson learned. COME ON EVERYONE, from now on, we stick together and watch out and will watch each others' back. Together we are strong. Khmers no longer afraid of these scumbags. Time has come to an end for them. We will not allow them to continue to kill us no more, because enough is enough.

To the scumbag, GO TO HELL! you son of a B...

Anonymous said...

Keep talking big. You will get somewhere in your lifetime, absolutely.

Anonymous said...

I agree with you 4:48 AM.

Anonymous said...

I agree with you 4:48 AM.

Anonymous said...

I agree with you 4:48 AM.

Anonymous said...

you've got it all wrong. How can you win when you don't know your enemy? it's not the Communist Corrupted Party. It's the Crooks & Crims Party of Cambodia you' talking about. GET IT RIGHT!