Thursday, October 03, 2013

Red Prince or Prince of Darkness? A legacy that still casts its uneasy shadow over Cambodia today

Image reproduced

Sihanouk [right] welcomed Chinese Premier and respected statesman Zou En Lay on his official state visit to Cambodia during Sihanouk's Popular Socialist regime heyday [the Sangkum Reastr Niyum]. Also a founding member of the Non-Aligned movement Sihanouk needed the political and diplomatic support of socialist countries to offset his break in diplomacy with Washington and its allies and to cement his country's historical reliance upon and entanglement with China as a means of counterbalancing what he perceived as Vietnam's threat and over-ambitious designs over his small country, but his stratagems and manoeuvrings had come at a heavy price, particularly, for the "little people" of Cambodia whom he claimed to have loved as he was pressured into making sacrifices to both Beijing and Hanoi in later years as both these communist powers found their common ground in resisting the US's ill fated involvement and crusade in Indochina. Perhaps, on this very visit that Zhou and Sihanouk enjoyed their retreat at the seaside resort of Kep when Zhou pointed to the island of Koh Tral and tentatively offered to help him and Cambodia regain the island from Vietnam by - in Sihanouk's words - saying: 'You can have the island back if you want [to]', to which Sihanouk politely responded: 'Thank you. We would be just happy to hold on to what we have'; a sentiment echoed by his son Rannariddh when he became First PM of Cambodia, and by other Cambodian analysts whom I need not name here - School of Vice

KI Media reader:

'នយោបាយ សម្តេចសីហនុ ដូរចុះ ដូរឡើង ពិបាកនឹង ស៊ូរស់ ស៊ូស្លាប់ ជាមួយព្រះឣង្គណាស់ !!! បង ប្ឣូនណា ដែលស្ឣប់ កុម្មុនិស គួរគិត … He died in China !

ខ្ញុំបាទឣានសៀវភៅពេលថ្មីៗនេះ… មិត្តរបស់ សម្តេចសីហនុ ភាគច្រើនសុទ្ធតែ Communism មាន ៖

Abder Gamel Nasser (Egypt): ?
Haile Sellasia (Ethiopia ) : ?
Léonid Brejnev (Russia) : Communism
Nicola Ciaucescu (Romania) : Communism
Josip Broz Tito (Yugoslavia ) : Communism
Kim Il Sung (North Korea) : Communism
Mao Zedong (China) : Communism
Chou En-lai (China) : Communism
Ho Chi Ming (North Vietnam) : Communism
And so on… The last one
HUN Sen CPP : the former Communist Party created in 1951 by Yuon !!!

សូមឣស់លោកទាំងឣស់គ្នាជួយពិភាក្សា ខ្ញុំបាទផង … បើមិនពិតសូមជួយកែ ! គឹមានតែ ម៉ែ ឪ បងប្ឣូន យើងទេ ! ដែលរួមសុខ រួមទុក្ខ ជាមួយយើង…'


Anonymous said...

Sihanouk carried his name to the grave as a traitor of the khmer nation. He killed and murdered khmer people directly and in directly.
Millions of khmer lives were killed and murdered by him under his stupidity, craziness, incapability, selfishness leadership.

Anonymous said...

ខ្ញុំគាំទ្រការវិភាគនេះ តាមពិតទាំងអន្តរៈជាតិ និង ជាតិ ភាគច្រើនសុទ្ធតែដឹងថា ស្តេចសីហនុ បាន
ឆ្នាំ ១៩៥៧ មកម្ល៉េះ ។ គាត់ចាប់ផ្តើមចាប់ដៃធ្វើ
សម្ព័ន្ទមិត្តជាមួយចិនតាំងពីឆ្នាំ ១៩៥៥​ បន្ទាប់មក
ជាមួយយួនហាណូយទៀត ។

បន្ទាប់មកចិន​ និង យួនកុម្មុយនិស្តបានញុះញង់
គាត់ឲផ្តាច់ចំណងមិត្តភាពជាមួយប្រទេសប្លុកសេរី ម្តងមួយ ៗ ទុកប្រទេសសេរីជាបច្ចារមិត្ត រហូតដល់
ហាវទៀតផង ។ ក្រោយមកគាត់ក៍បង្កើតចលនា
និស្តទៀតផង ។ មិនតែប៉ុណ្ណោះគាត់ថែមទាំង
ចង់ធ្វើការរំលំរាជបល្ល័ងរបស់ព្រះមាតាគាត់ ដើម្បីឲប្រទេសកម្ពុជាក្លាយជាប្រទេសកុម្មុយនិស្ត
ទៀតផង ។​ តែជាសំណាងល្អរបស់ប្រទេសខ្មែរ
យើង ដែលគាត់កាលណោះធ្វើមិនបានសម្រេច ។
នេះគ្រាន់តែជាការរៀបរាប់សង្ខេបប៉ុណ្ណោះ ជាស
វាងកុំឲវែងពេក ក្រែង អ្នកអានមានការធុញ
ទ្រាន់ ។

​​មានសំនួរខ្លះបានសួរថា ហេតុអ្វីបានជាគាត់ជា
ពួជពង្សស្តេច ហេតុអ្វីបានជាគាត់ចូលចិត្តកុម្មុយ
និស្ត ហើយ ទៅចូលដៃជាមួយពួកកុម្មុយនិស្ត ចង់កាន់លទ្ថិកុម្មុយនិស្តទៅវិញ ? ។ សូមឆ្លើយ
ថា មកពីគាត់លោភលន់ចង់កាន់កាប់អំណាចអស់
មួយជីវិត ហើយ អាចតកូនតចៅរហូតតរៀងទៅ គ្មាននរណាផ្សេងអាចដណ្តើមយកបាន ។ ​​មាន
ហើយ មានតែពួកចិន និង យួនកុម្មុយនិស្តទេ ដែល
អាចជួយគាំទ្រ ទប់ទល់ និង រក្សាអំណាចឲគាត់
បាន ។ បើកាន់លទ្ធិសេរី មិនអាចកាន់អំណាច
បានរហូត ត្រូវមានការបោះឆ្នោត រាល់ ៤ ឬ ៥​ ឆ្នាំម្តង ។

តែបើនៅជារាជានិយម ពួកកុម្មុយនិស្តមិនចូល
ចិត្ត ពួកវានឹងមិនជួយគាំទ្រ មិនជួយទប់ជើងគ្រែ
ឲ ។ ម្យ៉ាងវិញទៀត បើនៅជាលទ្ថិរាជានិយម គាត់ខ្លាច ខាងខ្សែស្រឡាយពូជ្ សីុសុវ័ត្ថ និង
ដណ្តើមរាជ ឬ អំណាចជាមួយគាត់ ។ ព្រោះពូជ សីុសុវ័ត្ថ ក៍អាចមានលទ្ធភាពក្នុងការដណ្តើមរាជ ឬ អំណាចដែរ ។ ជាពិសេស កាលណោះទ្រង់ សីុសុវ័ត្ថ សីុរីមតៈ គឺជាបន្លាក្នុងភ្នែករបស់
គាត់ជានិច្ច ។

ដូច្នេះហើយ ភាពលោភលន់ និង ភាពល្ងង់ខ្លៅ របស់គាត់បានជម្រុញឲគាត់លើករាជវង្សទាំងពូជ
នេះ មិនអាចរើខ្លួនរួច តកូនតចៅ ។ ធម្មតា ពួក
កាន់លទ្ធិកុម្មុយនិស្តនាបច្ចុប្បន្ន ក៍ ដូចពួកបក្សបី
សាច ឬ បក្សទុច្ចរិត ក្នុងរឿងភាពយន្តចិនបុរាណ
ដែរ ។ អ្នកណាក៏ដោយឲតែចូលបក្សពួកវា គឺ
ត្រូវធ្វើពិធីសច្ចារប្រណិធាន និង​ ផឹកទឹកសម្បថ។ បន្ទាប់មកនៅត្រូវផឹកថ្នាំពឹសផ្តាច់ពោះវៀន ឬ ថ្នាំ
ពឺសអ្វីមួយដែលពួកវាតម្រូវ ដើម្បីបញជាក់ពីការ
ស្មោះត្រង់ និង​ស្តាប់បង្គាប់ ។

បើមិនស្តាប់បង្គាប់ មិនធ្វើតាមបទបញ្ជារ ពួកវាមិន
ឲឆ្នាំបន្សាប នោះនឹងក្ស័យជីវ៉ាមិនខាន ។ ដូច្នេះ
ហើយ ទើបស្តេច សីហនុ ត្រូវនៅស្រុកចិនតាម
ការដាក់កំណត់របស់ចិន មិនហ៊ានប្រកែក ហ៊ាន
តែប្រកែកគឺស្លាប់ ។ នៅក្នុងពិភពលោកនេះដែល
ធ្លាប់មានស្តេចណា ស្រុកខ្លួនឯងមានមិននៅ ទៅ
នៅតែឯស្រុកគេ ហើយ ជាប្រទេសកុម្មុយនិស្ត
ទៀតផង ។

ឥឡូវត្រូវតមកដល់កូន និង​រាជវង្សមួយចំនួន
ទៀត សូម្បីតែពិនិត្យជំងឺ ក៍ត្រូវទៅពិនិត្យ ឬ ព្យា
បាលជំងឺនៅប្រទេសចិនដែរ មិនអាចទៅប្រទេស
ណាផ្សេងបានឡើយ គឺគ្មានសិទ្ធ ។ បើរឹងទទឹងគឺ
ស្លាប់ សូម្បីតែពួករាចវង្សមួយចំនួនមានសញ្ជាតិជា
បារាំង ក៍មិនអាចទៅព្យាបាល ឬ ពិនិត្យជំងឺឯប្រ
ទេសបារាំងដែរ ដែលធ្លាប់មានទេនៅក្នុងពិភព
លោកនេះ ។​​​
នេះហើយប្រវត្តិរបស់ស្តេចខ្មែរ និង វាសនាខ្មៅល្ងិត
របស់ស្រុកខ្មែរ ។ ពេលនេះពួក ឃាតករកំណាច
ហ៊ុនសែន ក៍ធ្វើដូចគ្នាដែរ យកចិន​ និង យួនមក
អមតៈ ។ ពួកវាសុខចិត្តធ្វើខ្ញុំគេ ធ្វើតាមបញ្ជារគេ
រហូត ។

ល្មមដល់ពេលដែលត្រូវកំចាត់ពួកខ្ញុំកុម្មុយនិស្តទាំងអស់ហ្នឹងចេញពីកម្ពុជាបន្ទាន់ហើយ បើពុំនោះទេ មិនអង្កាល់ទើបពលរដ្ខខ្មែររួចផុតពីកម្មអកុសល
ទាំងនេះបាន ។

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Ah Sdach Sinorook has no crave,he turned to be dusts will be forgotten by the winds and rains!...


Anonymous said...

Young people of new generation khmers please listen to me, you'all don't needs loser king/monarchy because they serve only their families and cronies,they serve the one who has power not their SUBJECTS (all Khmers) Please don't be anyone subjects.....King destroyed our mother land for powers and wealth also king's families were LEECHES OR VAMPIRES!!!
You don't need them,China and Yieknam abolished all of them,because they were useless.


Jendhamuni said...

Dear School of Vice,

I'm here, because the headline is catchy: "Red Prince or Prince of Darkness?"

Well, reminds me of the "Evil Prince" lyric....

I don't think I will read this. My IQ level is very low.


Anonymous said...

We need to change our government.

Anonymous said...

Abder Gamel Nasser(Egypt):Muslim Brotherhood.
Haile Sellasia(Ethiopie):Emperor.

You forget:

Kim Yong Il:(Nord Korea)

Anonymous said...

Ah Sihanouk is Ah Sdachh Chkuot.

Anonymous said...

Suggestion to the CNRP:

1- Common sense:

When the CPP ignored the Khmer people’s wills on the election day by NOT even counting their vote, and simply made up the numbers of the seats that they got 68 and the CNRP got 55, did the CPP ask the CNRP and Khmer people’ permission?

2- The CNRP will never achieve its ultimate goal if it kept acting always one step behind the CPP. The CNRP must execute its plan by using RIGHTEOUSNESS as the base for its decision. You cannot follow the law of the traitor Hun Sen and won.

3- The CNRP must know when to concede when not to.

For instance, before the election, you could not win without the new NEC. The solution for that, you made the nationwide demonstration after Sam Rainsy’s return demanding the NEC’s overhaul, and the CPP had no choice but to accept your demand because the movement of the people was so overwhelming favoring the CNRP. The CNRP must know how to take advantage of the momentum.

I had suggested in KI every day (after Sam Rainsy’s return) urging the CNRP to switch from campaigning to demanding the NEC’s reform until the election day, making the election impossible so that the CPP could not proclaim itself as the winner. Some readers in KI made comments saying that they have never thought about that and suggested to KI and the CNRP to adopt my idea.

After the election, you must stick firmly with your original demand: the inquiry about the election’s irregularities. Nothing else. Only after you have finished this step that you proceed to other areas. If the CPP refused, that would be the starting point of the fight. And the CNRP will be the winner because the vast majority of Khmer people and the international community support the CNRP.

The CNRP needs to strengthen Khmer people’s morale by stop saying that we don’t want people to die during the demonstration.
In effect, we make peaceful demonstration to demand for justice to find the thief who stole Khmer people’s votes. If the CPP violently suppressed the people, that would be good for the CNRP because the international community will intervene to help Khmer people and enforce the 1991 Paris peace accord.

On the contrary, the CNRP should inform Tea Ter Banh, Hun Sen, and the evil Vietnam that at least 100,000 Khmer people are willing to sacrifice their life to save Cambodia. And 100,000 is absolutely the psychological winning number over the traitor Hun Sen and Vietnam.

4- Personally, I do not want Sam Rainsy and Kem Sokha to march with the people in the field during the demonstration for security reason. We need these 2 leaders to lead the country after the fight with the traitor Hun Sen and the evil Vietnam is over. Can the CNRP ask the gathering in this October 6th about this idea? If the demonstration can go well without these 2 leaders, why should we risk their life?
The new technology has dramatically changed the way people do thing, we should
take advantage of it. Besides, we don’t know how the CNRP survive without these 2 leaders. The CNRP will be so vulnerable to the CPP’s attack.

Bun Thoeun

Anonymous said...

To School of Vice,

Why National Election Committee, Council of Ministers and above all Cambodian People Party must reform?

The whole world knows the truth about January 7th, 1979 and how it happens. Dr. Martin Luther King once said, “the truth shall set you free.” Those who are living outside of Cambodia and have access to free information will know the truth about January 7th of 1979. “The Cambodian People Party did not save Cambodia and its people from the Khmer Rouge”, it was the agreements between China and the former Soviet Union that led to the Vietnam invasion into Cambodia approved by the Soviet Union Foreign Policy toward Indochina. Anyone who has access to the internet will find these information available online. Anyone who can read English would find it to be much easier since most of the articles are written in English. There are many US institutions as well as institutions throughout the world have information about the Sino-Soviet quarrels over Vietnam. This would allow Vietnam to prepare its force to take on new responsibilities over Indochina.

I do not propagate hatred toward any race, but I think Cambodia as a country ought to move away from China and Vietnam. I do not hate Chinese or Vietnamese as people, but I dislike what their government is doing in Cambodia. Either China or Vietnam, both countries cannot be trusted. These two countries only look for opportunities and interests after their own nations. These two nations care not about Cambodia or Cambodian people. I have not reiterated myself enough when I said,”during the Chinese Great Leap Forward and their Cultural Revolution, China under Mao’s influence has killed close to 78 million of its people.”

Cambodia prior to the Khmer Rouge taking over, our population was about 6.9 million in 1975, so if China killed its citizens of close to 78 million, do you think for a moment that China cares about Cambodia of less than 7 million people? China wants to have Cambodia as its satellite state to challenge Vietnamese Expansion toward the South since Vietnam cannot expand to North.

To Be Continued...

Anonymous said...

To School of Vice,

To challenge Russia, China needs to position herself in Cambodia; likewise, to challenge China, Russia needs to have access to Cam Ranh Bay in Vietnam. For this reason and this reason alone, Russia has forced Vietnam to betray China and on June 27-29, 1978 in Bucharest, Vietnam was admitted to the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance or COMECON and on December 2, 1978 Vietnam invaded Cambodia, two weeks later Vietnam installed its puppet government known as the Heng Samrin government. A majority of COMECON members was not informed in advance of the Vietnamese application. At the end of September 1978, for the first time, Vietnam has attended the eighty-seventh session of the Comecon Executive Committee, held in Ulan Bator, Mongolia. Whatever the relative economic advantages to Vietnam by joining Comecon, it is clear that Vietnam’s entry, in the context of Vietnam’s loss of Chinese aid, posed an enormous economic burden upon the Soviet bloc. The advantage to the Soviet Union and its like-minded allies within Comecon of having Vietnam’s membership was clearly not economic but political. It was a step in bringing Hanoi closer to Moscow’s political control.

It was the Paris Peace Agreement that led to the creation of the Supreme National Council whose President was King Norodom Sihanouk with other four factions which helped Cambodia to end the civil war that created an atrocious and murderous regime that killed close to two million lives.

Cambodia was a peaceful nation until foreign nationals interested in our natural resources. Which nations seem to intervene into Cambodian affairs? Is it China, Vietnam, Laos or Thailand? You will all be the judge of that. Although Laos shares the same border to the north of Cambodia, but Laos has always been a friendly neighbor to Cambodia, while other three nations have always been troublesome to Cambodia; although China does not share the same border as Thailand on the West and Vietnam in the East, but China has indirectly intervened in Cambodian Affairs. Between these three nations, Cambodia is being pulled in three directions, not that they wanted to save Cambodia, but to erase Cambodia from the world map.

In twenty first century warfare and political strategy, war is a very last resort and if it must be fought, it had to be fought from the best approach and swift of actions in order to reduce the lost of life, save resources when possible, and to win a war without having to go to the battlefield. Know your enemies and strike them where it hurts most.



Anonymous said...

School of Vice
KI Media reader: 8:45 PM,​10:21 PM​, 10:28 PM​, 11:17 PM​, 11:26 PM​, Bun Thoeun​, 1:38 AM​, XMEN cte...

ពួកឯងកំពុងវង្វេងក្នុងប្រវត្តិសាស្ត្រ !

ពួកឯងមាននាមជាជនអានាមឹកកំពុងពុលទឹកមាត់និយាយបង្វែងការពិតទាំងស្រុង !

ពួកឯងកំពុងស្រវឹងឈ្លក់និយាយរឿងដែលសែនទាន់ហន់ចង់៎ឲ្យនិយាយ !

ប្រាសចាកប្រវត្តិសាស្ត្រ !

Anonymous said...

ពេលដែលសម្ដេចស៊ីហនុចងមិត្តភាពជាមួយ De Gaulle, Néru, Nassère etc... les GRANDS de ce Monde ជីតាឯងមិនទាន់កើតផង!

Anonymous said...

My dad had been hunt by this king 1954 to 1970 blame to him said Khmer serey Seun GNoc Thanh.He escape to live hiding place near border Vietnam.Do I supporte or agree with this King mean no made my life so dificult in study poorvety untill my age 23 year old.KRANHUN EASAN

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Not sure whether the readers want to see the poster's picture in their face all the time just as Theary Seng's picture is annoying them?
Maybe there is still a chance to spare KI-Media from its sudden state of defunct/demise yet?

Anonymous said...

To 2:49 AM,

Prove us wrong and make sure you provide facts, evidences and historical records which constitute the lying of which we are being accused, if you do not have them, please learn to research and read more, perhaps you will come to understand that Cambodia as a country has a cancerous disease which must be eradicated.

ប្រសិនណាបើលោកមិនយល់ពីនយោបាយទេ មេត្តាលោកខិតខំរៀនថែមទៀត ដើម្បីកុំដើរជាន់



Anonymous said...

This weird king brought china and vietnam to destroy Cambodia and kill millions of khmer
people since 1970.
stupid khmer people still
worship him as god.

Anonymous said...

Ah Sihanouk is a prostitute pig. He fucked women with his 2 inches penis indiscriminately. He even fucked his own aunt.

Do people know how many cubs (children) this dumb king had?

Sihanouk was a tyrant. Have you ever seen a leader who used his firing squad to kill people and ordered every movie theaters to play those killings before the movie started?

Ah Sihanouk allowed Ah Vietcong to use Cambodia as a sanctuary to attack the then South Vietnam and the US.

His secret police ( Monique’s older brother) made thousands of Khmer intellectuals disappeared, especially at night. The words Prayath Batt Khluon have terrorized Khmer people.

This is an asshole King (Sihanouk).

Anonymous said...

8:41 AM

Anonymous said...


William said...

After destroyed all country money,shot movies here and there flew around with sandwiches. While the Vietnamese infiltrated everywhere even in the heart of Cambodia (Phnom Penh ) this traitor king cost Cambodia to bankrupt .
After leading Cambodia head to death end ah sdach Pleu ordered Marshall Lon Nol to save Cambodia by pretended to be coup d'état . After Lon Nol saved Cambodia from Vietnam Vietcong and get help from USA , here again ah Pleu kontoeur yelling and screaming out from China that Lon Nol is the traitor and ah king called all citizen to join and formed Marky s resistance force under the Vietnamese Vietcong .
Cambodia have been failed because this idiot king
I want to say fuck ah rotten unsweetened cucumber sibling.