Monday, October 07, 2013

Safety and Corruption

For readers: I will be back to post the rest of the stuff you sent later. I miss my Google Plus family. They miss me too :)


Anonymous said...

The Anatomy of a Corruption

There are too many traffic accidents, because for the most part policemen take bribes. The policemen take bribes, because their salaries are being skimmed off 20% by their police Chief. The police Chief got his position because of his uncle or his father. The uncle or the father got the position because of Hun Sen.
Hun Sen got his position and power because of Hanoi.
The dying fish's smell starts from the head.

Anonymous said...

Love it!

Pissed Off

Anonymous said...

You got it right about the police and many other positions in the government. The way it works is... government doctor open a private clinic using their position as a cover, they paid commission to the police to call them when accident occur and charge the patient an arm and a leg for "treatment". If the case is serious they bring them to the National Hospital or in some cases just drop them off the road and left then to die.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Pissed Off

A Khmer Patriot