Sunday, November 24, 2013


From reader: ពួកអាយួនវាស៊ីសាហាវណាស់ ជាឪបង្កើតស៊ីកូនឯង គឹសម្បូរតែម្តង កំនើតតិរច្ឆាន
ច្រើន នៅស្រុកខ្មែរច្រើន បានយួនវាយកដីបាន

Courtesy: ស្នេហ៍ពិតស្នេហ៍ស្មោះ ស៊ូស្លាប់ដើម្បីជាតិមិនលក់ជាតិព្រោះតែតណ្ហា


Anonymous said...

YOUN Like eating dogs that is why YOUN puppet in Phnom Penh have a brain like dogs

Anonymous said...

Ah Kantorb, Mi kantorb are crazy by eating nice animals such as dog.sertssw

Anonymous said...

Why they are eating dogs because there has no other food , except only dogs. terrible

Anonymous said...

Une nation qui porte le grand malheur aux autres nations qu ils sont autour.
Youn est une race le plus pourrie que les sangsues.

Anonymous said...

Yuon has a magic wand that can turn man to dog, because they prefer dog meat over human's. Therefore, yuon has turned ah Kwak, ah Chhiem Yeap, ah Phay Siphorm and ah Chhean Vun to dogs and then they roasted all four of them as you have seen in this picture.