Sunday, November 03, 2013

Feeding the Future: School Meals for Cambodian Students

William E. Todd
03-Nov-13 08:34AM | By William E. Todd

I would like to thank everyone for the positive interaction we continue to have through this column.  In particular, I appreciate your comments and questions and how they allow us to discuss significant issues related to Cambodia’s development.

When U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry came to Asia in October to attend the Asia Pacific Economic CooperationForum, he strongly reiterated the U.S. commitment to the rebalance toward the region.  The U.S. government recognizes the importance of the Asia-Pacific region and actively seeks to deepen engagement with its people.  The U.S.-Cambodia relationship is an integral part of this effort.  Today, the Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs, Ambassador Scot Marciel,arrives in Cambodia to meet with representatives of the Royal Government, the political opposition, civil society, and the business community.  His visit is yet another concrete example of the significance that the U.S. government places on its ties withCambodia.

During his stay, I want to highlight toAmbassador Marciel the wide range of work that the U.S. Embassyis doing to strengthen democracy, promote economic development, and improve the welfare of the Cambodian people, so I was intrigued by one reader’s question, who asked, “Can you show how U.S. programs help ordinary Cambodians?”

One terrific illustrationof the positive and tangible results of U.S. engagement in Cambodia is a new $20 million grant from the U.S. Department of Agriculture’sMcGovern-Dole School Feeding Program, which promoteseducation, child development, and food security.  Through this program, the United States is working with the World Food Programme (WFP) to provide school meals for 150,000 children as well as other nutritional support to families in Battambang, Siem Reap, and Kampong Thom provinces over the next three years.  The key objectives of the program are to reduce hunger and improve literacy and primary education, especially for girls.

This schoolfeeding program addresses the urgent need to reduce child malnutrition in Cambodia, which is currently at an alarmingly high rate of 40 percent.  It is vital that we work to combat hunger and its damaging effect on brain development in young children.  I recently saw side-by-side comparisons of brain scans of well-nourished and under-nourished three-year-old children, and the differences were startling, with the brain of the malnourished child being significantly smaller.  Medical research also shows that children who are malnourished when they are young are more vulnerable to illness, even when they get older.  So malnourishment is not only detrimental to children’s health, it also robs a country of its future growth because of its long-term effects.  As a large segment of the population in Cambodia is under the age of 18, malnutrition in children is both a humanitarian concern and a daunting development challenge.

The benefits of the school feeding program, however, go well beyond health.  Providing school mealsalso helps boost school enrollment and academic performance by giving parents an incentive to keep their children in school and by providing the nutrition that children need to learn.As an additional incentive to keep children in school, the poorest students will be provided additional food to take home, as long as they maintain a school attendance rate of at least 80 percent.

It is clear that combating malnutrition has significant benefits for children beyond the improvement of their welfare during their school years.  Similarly, making sure Cambodian children grow up healthy and better educated will also contribute to Cambodia’s development for years to come. In fact, experts estimate that for every dollar invested in school feeding activities, there is a return of at least three dollars in results due to better health and productivity when the children become adults.  Therefore, school feeding programs improve not only the health and living conditions of the participating children, but of their families and communities as well.

The new U.S. $20 million donation represents my government’scontinued commitmentto Cambodia. Since 2003, the United States has donated over $75 million to Cambodia in food aid for schools, maternal health, and agricultural development projects.  Extending a hand to help peoplehave a better life has long been a principal objective of U.S. foreign policy.  Cambodia refuses to let its past dictate its future and has made a valiant recovery from a tragic past.  The United States remains committed to helping Cambodia maintain asteadfast focus toward the future.Like the rest of the Asia-Pacific region, Cambodia brims with potentialfrom its young and energetic population.  We need this young talent to ensure a peaceful and prosperous future for the Asia-Pacific.  Helping to provide adequate nutrition and expand educational opportunities for Cambodian children is a major step toward that goal.

As always, I look forward to reading the questions and comments you send me, in English or Khmer, at  You can also follow my blog at

William E. Todd is United States Ambassador to the Kingdom of Cambodia


Anonymous said...

It is essential that The United States continues to help the Khmer children's education and health at the same time Mr. Ambassador; however, The United States needs to conduct the program by herself and not let the Hun Sen government carry the program and take advantage of The United States by telling the Khmer children that the program is provided for the Khmer children by Hun Sen government.

Anonymous said...

Dear: Ambassador Scot Marciel and Ambassador William E.Todd . I'm writing with the hope that you understand the present situation in Cambodia. The Cambodian peoples are starving for democracy, the peoples all over the Cambodia country and over the world in the freedom country are crying for help from the USA and the international committee to ensure that the election are free and fair. Very Very clear..! the HUN SEN's government has displayed a pattern dishonesty, allowing corruption to flourish and skewing election to favor the ruling party. I do believe that the USA government is the last hope for a free and fair election in Cambodia and ask US interventions to ensure that democracy is preserved and the voice of the people be heard.

Anonymous said...

-អាឆ្កែយួនCPP សម រង្សី!

-អញឥឡូវស្អប់អាសម រង្សី ជាងអាចម៍ទៅទៀត!

-អាយួនមាន់សម្ល សម រង្សី អាមុខអាចម៍រុយ
ល្មមដល់ពេល​ចុះចេញទៅ ទុកឲ្យ
លោកសួន សេរីរដ្ឋា និង ពលរដ្ឋខ្មែរ គេធ្វើ​វិញម្តង។

-ប្រទេសខ្មែរ មិនមែនជារបស់ដាច់មុខ
សំរាប់ អាព្នងយួនសម រង្សីឡើយ ។ល។


Anonymous said...

ស្នៀតចរចា ប៉ះស្អិត-ហិតស្អុយរបស់សម រង្ស៊ី !

ស្នៀតចោរឆ្កែកន្ទុយខ្វៀនសម រង្ស៊ីពេលចរចុយ !

ស្នៀតចោរ "អង្អែលបណ្ដើរ លុញបណ្ដើរ"

ស្នៀតឪចែកអោយ "ចុយបណ្ដើរ ស្រែកបណ្ដើរ"

ស្នៀតសម រង្ស៊ី "ចរចាបណ្ដើរ ចូលរន្ធបណ្ដើរ"

ស្នៀតសើមហ៊ុនសែនសាប់ក្តិតសម រង្ស៊ីបណ្ដើរ-នោមដាក់ក្បាល នាយចរចា បណ្ដើរ !

*ឈ្នះ បានលុយនៅក្រៅគុក
*ឈ្នះ បានអំណាច ​ក្រោមពងយួនហ៊ុន សែន!