Monday, November 11, 2013

Thailand braces for any backlash over world court's temple ruling

By Amy Sawitta Lefevre Nov 11 ,2013

Preah Vihear, set atop a cliff in the Dangrek Mountains, is among several stretches of the border where sporadic gun and artillery clashes have erupted between Thai and Cambodia troops. Each side has blamed the other for starting the fights, which have caused nationalist outcries in both countries.

The worst battles, in 2011, killed 28 people and damaged a wing of the main temple. After regional diplomatic pressure, both sides withdrew troops from the area in July 2012, replacing them with border patrol units. Cambodia wants the court to rule that Thai troops stay out of the area permanently.

Yingluck has urged Thais to accept the ICJ verdict and said she and Cambodian counterpart Hun Sen, a close ally who once offered the fugitive Thaksin asylum, would keep the peace.


That depends on the troops on the ground. Thai army chief Prayuth Chan-ocha said security heads in both countries were in close contact, but added his soldiers were ready to respond to any hostile action.

"We are in constant communication with Cambodia to help maintain peace along the border but we are also prepared to back up our troops," Prayuth told reporters.

That sort of rhetoric will not sit well with people living near the border, some in villages that were shelled two years ago.

"I can't sleep at night, I'm afraid of military clashes," said Loon Sornsee, a tapioca farmer who lives 2 km from the temple. "I have to keep reminding myself where the bunker is."

The issue is extremely sensitive in both nations and the judgment coincides with a highly anticipated Thai senate debate on the draft amnesty bill, delayed from Friday because it failed to attract the minimum number of 75 members needed for debate.

The bill would absolve of wrongdoing all leaders, soldiers and protesters involved in political unrest since 2004. Yingluck has vowed not to re-introduce it if rejected by the upper house.

Thaksin, a billionaire former telecoms tycoon who now lives in Dubai, is both loved and loathed in Thailand, where he won an unprecedented two terms in office.

While still immensely popular among the rural poor, Thaksin has powerful opponents, who used graft scandals and claims that he was undermining the revered monarchy to mobilize the urban middle classes against him. Thaksin denies the accusations.

His close ties with Cambodia also riled opponents and spawned accusations he had failed to defend Thai interests.

Some experts believe outrage in Bangkok is inevitable.

"Protests have evolved into anti-government movements that will be invigorated if Thai territory is lost," said Siripan Nogsuan Sawasdee, a political analyst at Chulalongkorn University.

(This story has been refiled to fix quote in sixth paragraph to remove double negative)

(Additional reporting by Prak Chan Thul in Phnom Penh; Editing by Martin Petty and Clarence Fernandez)


Anonymous said...

នេះជាការរៀបចំនយោបាយរបស់យួនទេ សូមកុំចាប់អារម្មណ៏ពេក
យើង នឹងស្នើរ អោយតុលាការ យកករណី ចោរ លួចសន្លឹកឆ្នោត ទៅឡាអេ និង សើររើរឿងឧក្រឹតកម្ម របស់ រដ្ឋាភិបាលអាយ៉ងយួនបរទេស
សូម ងាកមករកជំងឺពិតរប​ស់កម្ពុជា រឿងដីមួយដុំតូច(៤.៦ គីឡូម៉ែត្រការរ៉េ)នៅក្បែរប្រសាទ
វាមិនសំខាន់ទេ សំខាន់យួនមានបំណងលេបយក កម្ពុជានៅជំនាន់នេះ ដូចជា
កោះ ត្រល់ ជាដើម ។

Anonymous said...

Unprofessioinal post...confussing.

Anonymous said...

Stop dreaming that Rainsy could do anything, this weak freak going to let you down, he led all his supporters to nowhere but corner with that smeung smath joke Demo. His supporters will be less and less as the last demo. all the youth already disappeared.


Anonymous said...

Let see how is CPP party do to The Thai Tresspassing like they did to the Khmer

Anonymous said...

Dear arsehole 10:56 PM,

This is exactly what I told you: Hun $en is cheating the people with Preah Vihear, while it closes its mouth with the Viets who are really taking our territory.

Anonymous said...

Ah asshole 4:15 AM

YOU Stop dreaming that Rainsy could do anything, this weak freak going to let you down, he led all his supporters to nowhere but corner with that smeung smath joke Demo. His supporters will be less and less as the last demo. all the youth already disappeared.


CNRP ដូចជាទាល់ច្រកហើយមើលទៅ បើនិយាយនឹងគេៗមិនខ្វល់អញ្ចឹង បើធ្វើប៉ាតិកម្ម ក៍គេមិនខ្វល់ ព្រោះវាបាតដៃទទេអញ្ចឹង ប្រជាជនខំគំទ្រតែដូចជាអត់ យូអិន ដូចផ្កាយលើមេឃ
ហុន សែន ដឹងទាំងអស់បានជាគេធ្វើដូច្នេះ ឥឡូវដូចដើរទាត់ខ្យល់អញ្ចឹង បើចូលជាមូយ ហុន សែន គ្រាន់តែបានប្រាក់ខែ តែដូចកាន់ក្តឱ្យ អា ឈាង វុឌ វាជេរឱ្យ ឌឿដងឱ្យរាល់ថ្ងៃ ធ្វើម្តេចកាំភើងនៅលើគេ
ច្បាប់នៅលើគេ គុកនៅលើគេ គ្រាន់តែនិយាយក៍គេដាក់គុកបានដែរ មើលទៅដូចអស់ច្រកដើរហើយដឹង?
ចាត់ទុក្ខដូចកូនក្មេង ខ្លះគេសម្លាប់ចោល ហើយចោទថាក្បត់ជាតិទៀតផង។

អាអន្ទិតសម រង្សី ,
ជាប់ស្នេហ៍កូនឆ្កែញី CPP យួន!

* សូមលោកប្រធាន កុំសាប់ប្រពន្ធខ្លាំងពេក!!!
* សម រង្ស៊ី ឣ្នកធ្វើ ប្រពន្ធឣ្នកស្រែក !!!
* កុំប្រដៅអាមនុស្សនៅលើបង្គង ថាកុំឲ្យសាប់!
* កុំប្រដៅអាមនុស្សបំរើផ្លូវភេទ ថាកុំឲ្យស្រែក!
* កុំប្រដៅអាល្ងង់ទូរថា កុំឲ្យអាសែនវាសាប់!
* កុំប្រដៅអាស៊ីឆ្កែជើងពីរ ថាកុំឲ្យវាស៊ីអាចម៍អាសែន!
* នាងរត់រកអ្នក ,អាមនុស្សពាលវារត់រកពាល
គ្នាវា!................ អញ្ចឹងហើយ!
* សូម្បីតែអាមនុស្សក្បត់ជាតិ ក៏កុំយ​កជាគ្នា

បេីចង់ឡេីងធ្វេីជានាយករដ្ធមន្ត្រី សូមលោកប្រធានដកឈ្មោះ
តំណាងរាស្ត្រណាម្នាក់ចេញសិន ដេីម្បីលោកប្រធានអាចដាក់ឈ្មោះ
របស់លោកប្រធានជំនួសវិញ !!!​