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Ah Kwak Ach Kwek will never relinquish his power. He enjoys to be called "AH KBOAT CHEAT",so for this reason he is so inspired when he sees the statues of ah sdach "korn", which were erected by his cronies in 2 different locations in Kompong Cham. The real hero of ah Ach kwek is Ah Sdach Korn, who was the rebellious leader against the Khmer's king in 17th century . He could identify himself to Ah Sdach Korn; therefore, he enjoys to be called a traitor.
I am a decent Buddhist Khmer, but if there is a requirement that each Cambodian must hit Hun Sen on his head at least one bamboo stick until he die, I do not mind to do so even if I have to go to hell for doing that.
This fucker Hun Sen is Vietnamese dog eaters' friend. Look at his face, how dumb and blind he is.
This fucker Hun Sen always blah blah blash, talking rubbish and shit when he was told by his Vietnamese dog eating bosses in Hanoi what to say in public.
This fucker Hun Sen has no shame at all. He is very disgusted.
The most recent news says Yingluck denied saying 'She agrees to step down'
Ah Kwak Ach Kwek will never relinquish his power. He enjoys to be called "AH KBOAT CHEAT",so for this reason he is so inspired when he sees the statues of ah sdach "korn", which were erected by his cronies in 2 different locations in Kompong Cham. The real hero of ah Ach kwek is Ah Sdach Korn, who was the rebellious leader against
the Khmer's king in 17th century . He could identify himself to Ah Sdach Korn; therefore, he enjoys to be called a traitor.
I am a decent Buddhist Khmer, but if there is a requirement that each Cambodian must hit Hun Sen on his head at least one bamboo stick until he die, I do not mind to do so
even if I have to go to hell for doing that.
4:37 AM
Au contraire my friend you will go to heaven for doing so!
This fucker Hun Sen is Vietnamese dog eaters' friend. Look at his face, how dumb and blind he is.
This fucker Hun Sen always blah blah blash, talking rubbish and shit when he was told by his Vietnamese dog eating bosses in Hanoi what to say in public.
This fucker Hun Sen has no shame at all. He is very disgusted.
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