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At least Kadafi don't give an inch of land to anybody like Hoon Xen also Libya is 10 times bigger than Cambodia even they both have identical personal appearance.
At least Kadafi don't give an inch of land to anybody like Hoon Xen also Libya is 10 times bigger than Cambodia even they both have identical personal appearance.
អីយាអាបុរស់ខ្លាំងមុខក្រាស់នេះឲ្យចុះពីអំណាចតាមដំណើមិនចង់ទេ ល្មមហើយទេដឹងកុំឲ្យប្រជាជនគេឈឺចាប់ច្រើនក្រែងមិនមានសំណាងល្អ។
Never...Never...Never. I'm always in power.
Hun Sen.
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