Saturday, March 04, 2006

Funcinpec reveals secret agreement for the formation of the coalition government

Prince Norodom Ranariddh, President of Funcinpec party.

Samdech Krom Preah [Norodom Ranariddh] resigns as President of the National Assembly amid F’pec’s revelation of a secret document

By Rithy
Kampuchea Thmey newspaper

Translated from Khmer by KI-Media

  • Samdech Heng Samrin will become the president of the National Assembly, Mr. Nguon Nhel to become its first vice-president, and a Funcinpec party member will become the second vice-president.
  • Mr. Mohn Saphan wants Prince Ranariddh to withdraw his resignation

Samdech Krom Preah Norodom Ranariddh had resigned from his position as president of the National Assembly yesterday (03 March).

The sudden resignation of the president of the National Assembly brought general surprise to everybody.

Following the news of the Prince’s resignation from his position as President of the National Assembly, a high ranking government official declared that the president of the National Assembly will fall on Samdech Heng Samrin; the first vice-president role will go to H.E. Nguon Nhel, and the position of the second vice-president will be filled by a Funcinpec official.

With the resignation of the Prince from his position as president of the National Assembly, Funcinpec had issued a supposedly secret document concluded between Prince Ranariddh and Samdech Hun Sen, detailing the agreements between the two parties in their cooperation within the coalition government.

The secret document dated 30 October 2004, and signed by Prince Ranariddh and Samdech Hun Sen, talked about the agreement between the two parties for the formation of the current government.

The agreement contained three important points:

  1. All Funcinpec officials who are nominated by a sub-decrees or royal decrees, before they can be promoted to a higher position, or demoted, there must be a prior request and a prior agreement by Prince Ranariddh, the President of Funcinpec.
  2. In the case of an issue concerning a Funcinpec official in the nomination, position change, promotion, or demotion of Funcinpec government officials that has not yet been approved by Samdech Krom Preah Norodom Ranariddh, Samdech Hun Sen must send the request to Samdech Krom Preah Norodom Ranariddh for his agreement or disagreement.
  3. This agreement is applicable starting from the date of the formation of the third royal government, until the end of the term of the third mandate, and must be applicable by both signatories.

The senior Funcinpec official claimed that this document is top secret, however, Mr. Khieu Kanharith, the government spokesman said that this document is not so secret. The minister [and government spokesman] confirmed that the document is concerning the parties and not concerning any state institution. The reason his party [the CPP] has not made the document public, is simply because the agreement concerns the [political] parties only.

Mr. Khieu Kanharith also said that from now on, if a government official from Funcinpec is leaving the government, the CPP will replace that position by a CPP official.

Mr. Mohn Saphan, Funcinpec MP, said that he regrets very much hearing the news on the resignation of Prince Ranariddh from his position as president of the National Assembly. He said that the Prince should not resign from this position, and that he should continue leading this legislative institution into the future.

Mr. Monh Saphan said that he is begging the Prince not to resign even though the Prince had already sent a letter tot hat effect, he should withdraw his resignation.

The content of the letter from Samdech Krom Preah Norodom Ranariddh addressed to Samdech Chea Sim and Samdech Hun Sen dated 03 March 2006, reads:

“In my position as president of the National Assembly, I have to fulfill many roles such as leading the National Assembly, performing missions overseas, these do not allow me to fulfill my duty as member of parliament and president of Funcinpec party, to go visit my constituents, and local members of the party.

Even though the letter of agreement for the cooperation between the CPP and Funcinpec declared that I must fulfill the function of president of the National Assembly, in the goal of reinforcing and moving forward Funcipec, I request the understanding from both Samdechs [Chea Sim and Hun Sen] to allow me to resign from the presidency of the National Assembly.”

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