Friday, March 03, 2006

Heng Samrin to replace Ranariddh at National Assembly

Heng Samrin, a former communist Khmer Rouge installed as head of state by the Vietnamese in 1979, will be nominated to replace Prince Ranariddh as president of the National Assembly.

PHNOM PENH, March 3 (Xinhuanet) -- Cambodia's royalist FUNCINPEC party President Prince Norodom Ranariddh on Friday resigned his post as the National Assembly president.

In a letter to his coalition partner the Cambodian People's Party (CPP) Chairman Chea Sim and CPP Vice Chairman Hun Sen, Prince Ranariddh said that he resigned because his position kept him too busy to meet his party members. He said he wants to put more time on enhancing his royalist FUNCINPEC party's strengthen.

"His departure is for the preparation on next national election in 2008," government spokesman Khieu Kanharith told Xinhua.

Khieu Kanharith said that "Senate President Chea Sim and PrimeMinister Hun Sen have agreed to hold a parliament session to elect a new president," and that the incumbent First Deputy President Heng Samrim will be nominated to replace Prince Ranariddh.

Observers here said that Prince Ranariddh's resignation was a response to the recent development of the domestic political situation.

His resignation was made a day after two senior FUNCINPEC partyofficials were fired from their jobs by Prime Minister Hun Sen. Hun Sen dismissed FUNCINPEC's co-ministers of defense and interiorin a surprise move on Thursday.

Moreover, the constitution was amended on Thursday to reduce the amount of lawmakers required to form a government and reach quorum at sessions of Parliament from two thirds to 50 percent plus one, which is said will make FUNCINPEC party feel more difficult in the future.

The removal of co-Minister of Defense Nhiek Bun Chhay and co-Minister of Interior Prince Norodom Sirivudh effectively canceled a quota system of partisan appointments that the Cambodian People's Party (CPP) and FUNCINPEC officials have maintained since their first coalition government in 1993, local media reported on Friday.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I told You sO!.. it turn out the true Thmeirl mean sana for sure!
Hun sen, the Pm, the king and the Emperor.
Chea sim from phnom chhatt the President of the khmouch senat.
And Now heng samrin the president of the asssbamolly.
Khmer used to say...three country under one king, but now three kings under one country! ..eeyore!