Friday, March 03, 2006

TRP: International Aid To The Cambodian Government Must Be Linked To A Roadmap Towards Democracy And The Rule Of Law

Rome, Brussels, March 1, 2006

On the eve of the World Bank Donors Conference that will take place on March 2, 3 in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, and after more that 10 years of assistance that has resulted in little economic and democratic progress for the Cambodian citizens, the Transnational Radical Party calls on the international donors to adopt a new policy towards the Cambodian Governments.

The Cambodian Government remains today largely dependent on foreign aid, which accounts for at least the half of the national GDP. However, until now, the international community has been unable to transform its contribution to the economic development of Cambodia in a real incentive and in a mean of pressure to ensure a clear process of democratic reform, in a country that has been led for a long time by the authoritarian Governments of the Prime Minister Hun Sen.

The authoritarian practices of the Cambodian Governments continue unabated, as the recent crackdown on opposition and civic leaders over the last months has shown. Only the strong reaction of the international community has led the Prime Minister Hun Sen to temporarily stop the crackdown. The World Bank Donors Conference must keep the pressure on the Cambodian Government high by reinforcing its support for all the independent projects run by groups and individuals who are really committed to the promotion of democracy and the establishment of the rule of law in Cambodia.

For this reasons, the Transnational Radical Party calls on the International Donors convened in Phnom Penh by the World Bank to condition every new co-operation agreement to the adoption by the Government of a clear Road-Map towards Democracy and the Rule of Law, that would ensure:

  • The end of any harassment of civil society activists, opposition parties, journalists and union leaders;
  • The full respect by the Cambodian authorities of the most basic civil and political rights as enshrined in the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights;
  • The decriminalization of charges such as defamation, libel, disinformation and incitement and other criminal charges which affect the freedom of speech;
  • A strengthened co-operation between Cambodian authorities and the international community on issues such as the situation of refugees, and the livelihood of the indigenous peoples, with particular attention to the situation of the Montagnard and Khmer Krom communities who are constantly oppressed and discriminated by neighbouring Vietnam;
  • A clear separation of powers leading to the respect of the prerogatives of the Crown, the full implementation of the rights belonging to the Parliament and a decreasing involvement of the executive power in judicial issues, such as amnesties.
New co-operation agreements and grants should also include a consultation and review mechanism with opposition, anti corruption groups and independent NGOs, as a mean to help the Cambodian people achieve economic development within the framework of the respect of the rule of law, human rights and democracy.

Matteo Mecacci
866 UN PLaza, #408
New York, NY, 10017
Tel. +1-212-980-1031
Fax. +1-212-980-1072


Anonymous said...

This is very important for the positive changing in Cambodia. However, this message is clearly informed the ongoing internal interference of neighboring Vietname. Vietnam has to have a lesson from international community and Cambodian people for its continuous influences in Cambodia.

I suggest one more is that "anti-corruption law" must be immediately amended and used it to punish those corrupted officers.

Khmer Youth

Anonymous said...

nothings.. can't even clean you own butt...khmer used to say...
nek na smos sor ot vey see....
and this stupid law, doesn't change any cry for more ...and don't care about you, the innocent khmers...they only care about money...remember: this is a communist country...if you wanted to change the corruption law..first you have to change the country to the real freedom of the democracy.. that mean no coomunist pary in the country,,, then you can talk about corruption law, otherwise... just a piece of shit!