Friday, June 09, 2006

Non Nget: monks betting is a no-no, supporting the CPP - a former communist party - is OK

Cambodian monks may watch World Cup, but calmly


Cambodian monks may be allow to watch the football World Cup, but asked to be calm, local media reported on Friday.

With the tournament kicking off in Germany on Friday and being broadcast live on Cambodian television, Buddhist monks have been officially permitted to watch the games, but rules have been introduced to regulate their emotions, The Cambodia Daily reported.

Supreme Patriarch Non Nget, chief of monks in Phnom Penh, was quoted as saying that monks can watch the televised tournament but they must do so silently.

"Screaming and cheering with an angry face or happy feeling are the acts of street kids," he said. "Laughing, cheering or making noise inside the pagoda violate Buddha's rules."

Though watching matches in silence and solemnity on TV is allowed, Non Nget said that betting on the games would not be tolerated. "If I found any monk betting money on a football match...I might fire him from the pagoda," he warned.

However, some chief monks said that their pagodas would not follow Non Nget's suggestion, saying that the watching sports challenges the discipline monks are required to learn, and worrying that they (monks) would be unable to control their emotions.

Young monks interviewed at pagoda of Wat Lanka on Thursday said they felt monks should use television only as a source of news and education rather than entertainment.


Anonymous said...

correct, monks should use TV for education only. Not for entertainment.

Anonymous said...

The Young Monk make us hope for the Cambodia buddhist in the future after CPP is kick out of Cambodia>

Young King learn some thing from the Young Monk!

Anonymous said...

If the monk can watch World Cup 2006 next time they will try to sing Karaok. How about Buddhist rule.

Anonymous said...

Ah communist are lop lop like that the real Buddhist Monk will not listen to them! Khmer may stop listening to the King too! this king pray the Hochi MonK!

Anonymous said...

the Tv shouldn't be in the pagoda in the first buddhist is well tame by the cpp...eeyore!!