Friday, June 09, 2006

Thomico Wants To Unite Parties To Defeat CPP

Friday, June 9, 2006

By Yun Samean and Whitney Kvasager

Prince Sisowath Thomico announced a plan to form a new political party Thursday, saying he wants to combine all smaller democratic parties and organizations to oppose Prime Minister Hun Sen's ruling party in the 2008 national elections.

Prince Thomico said in an interview that he believed such a party— comprised of such smaller entities as the Khmer Front Party, members of the Cambodian Center for Human Rights and defectors from Funcinpec and the Sam Rainsy Party—could win more seats than the CPP.

The party, which does not yet have a name, would follow what the prince called a Sihanoukist ideology and focus primarily on economic development as a way to improve conditions for the poor, by creating jobs and developing Cambodian industries.

The prince added that he was not acting on behalf of retired King Norodom Sihanouk, but that the party would follow the retired king's peaceful negotiating methods to unite a "hopelessly divided society." 'The main purpose is to remove the divisions of the past," the prince said.

Khmer Front Party President Suth Dina confirmed that he was working with the Prince to form a new party. "Funcinpec and SRP have no potential to lead the country. They are not our competitors," he said, adding that Prince Thomico was an ideal democratic party leader. "Prince Sisowath can contribute with us as nationalists," he said.

But President of the Cambodian Center for Human Rights Kem Sokha said a new patty would require more than just imagination. "It is not easy to gain votes. They will have to stay close to the people for years," he said.

CPP lawmaker Cheam Yeap said the prince had the right to form a party, but no matter how broad its composition, it would not defeat the CPP. "Even if 100 parties join together I have confidence that they would not defeat the CPP," Cheam Yeap said.


Anonymous said...

How many children does Sihanouk Norodumb have anyway?

I bet he's the prime patronage of the "Svay district".

Anonymous said...

Well. This Thomico prince seems to have a Real idea to help regain Khmer society back. Maybe, there is Hope for Khmers people. But, I just wish that everyone is confidence to joint with him for better society.

We need to save Khmer boarder issues fast, before Hun Sen handed over to ah Youns. SRP and others joint now to regain Khmer dignity in the eyes of the world.

Anonymous said...

Cheam Yeap is playing the reverse psychology. He knew if other small parties joint hand, the CPP will have the greatest chances to be ousted. He is trying to dissuade the idea.

Keep fightin Prince Sisowath. We need a new and better government.

Anonymous said...

Long Live Price Thomico! You do whatever you are CONVICTED TO and know that it is RIGHT. Do not bother what others may say. They have rights to say but they never know the REAL POWER behind you! Someone say: TOUGHT THING/TIME NEVER LAST BUT TOUGH PEOPLE DOES!
Keep on FIGHTING!!

Anonymous said...


I have the premonition that the time has arrived to reveal yourself.


He is the promised SAVIOUR who would come do raise the country from the abiss.

I urge all our compatriots to join HIM.

We do remember that the past KINGS, it was KING SISOWATH who made personal donation for the foundation of Lycee SISOWATH, thus forcing the hands of the French to provide for Secondary Education to the Khmer youth.

He also created the Buddhist Institute to rescue the Khmer Cultural treasure mostly neglected by his predecessor Norodom who only favoured Siamese in every matters.


So let us go for a SISOWATH MARK II, not as a king but as a PRIME MINISTER and later A PRESIDENT.


Anonymous said...

no. Must we go over this again! Why can't they work something out with the largest opposition right now. SRP is so close to winning. It is definite that with the Kem Sokha still a supporter and if a joint with Prince Thomico Cambodia will definitely win. It is not a good idea to risk that majority when Democracy is so close. If we democractic believers divide ourselves like this we create to much gap and hole and leave another possibility for CPP to sell more Land to Vietnam. Why can't Thomico join Hand with Rainsy? Just for now? Why????!!!!!!!!!!!! Cambodia need Democracies to be strong not parted. At least at this movement. When we win. We can break up into different democractic parties. But for right now let us all unite to form one strong opposition force.

Anonymous said...

How many children does Sihanouk Norodumb have anyway?

I bet he's the prime patronage of the "Svay district".

As a Cambodian farmer,

I am very confused about king father norodom Sihanouk for :

- how many tens of wives he has had

- and how many hundreds of children he has

but Cambodians are not confused and are very clear that king father :

- was an accomplice with youns to kill cambodian farmers along the frontier, during vietnam civil war

- was maker of wars in Cambodia during 1970-1975

- was maker of killing field to kill 1.7 millions of Cambodian people in Cambodia during 1975-1979

- him and hun sen too are traitors. They delivered Cambodia lands to youns by signatures


king father!!

please make your Curriculum Vitea to announce to Cambodian people especially : - numbers of wives you has had
- numbers of children you has

in order to offer you the medal of Hero of polygamy

Anonymous said...

Most of you guys,may never been in Cambodia recently!

People feed up with FUNSUNPEC, any FUNSUNPECcurrent leaders joint you, you finish!!!! They have AID, HIV!!!!!don't you know put them in Treung where we use to put lepper!

Anonymous said...

Hun Sen is Samdech Neayok ( director of all Samdeches )

Each affair that Sihanouk wants to do, he always ask permission from Hun Sen.

For example, he asked Hun Sen's permissions in order to return to Cambodia on May 26, 2006.

In other words, Hun Sen is Younist,

but Sihanouk is 'kaun chau' Hun Sen

So Sihanouk is Younist too!!

Besides, Thomico wants to create a party really Sihanoukist ( to follow Sihanouk )

-> So, Thomico is Hun Senist ( means follow Hun Sen too )

In conclusion, the new party of Thomico is a branch party of CPP, feed by CPP.

It means the reality of this new party will be Royal Youn Communist. It will continue to destroy Cambodia Society.

Anonymous said...

Dear Prince Thomico'

I am very happy to hear you want to unite all the democratic parties.I suggest you to negociate with Samraingsy party too. If you do I am sure we will crush the Vietnamese plant HONG SEN.( Changkeus mouy ke kach back, Chankeus 10 ke kach min back).
If you are Preah bath theum meuk, re-assemble all the khmers with you and fight the MUNSTERS, the YUONS out our country.

Let us know your website and E-mail. We will support you and SAM Raingsy both.

Cheyo prince!
Cheyo Sam Rainsy and all patriots

Anonymous said...

It's time to wake up. I rely on you , Prince Thomico, to save our people from the Munster.
We are all with you.

Anonymous said...

We all know that the only way to unseat the Vietnamese backed CPP is to unify all the democratic forces in a single political force. Go on the prince, We wait for this idea a long time ago. Put aside all our differences and focus on the common enemy, the Viet backed CPP.

Anonymous said...

Hi prince Thormakor (THAT HIS REAL NAME, A LOT OF GOODNESS. We had give way for King Shihanouk and his sons for 12 years, what is good for the country? only the Norodom get rich on our soufering and lives!

Do you want us to sacrify onother decade for Sisowath in following Shihanouk too? Do you think we are stupid?

Do mai maiy ah sakeiy!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Prince Thomico, I gave you a lot credit for your outspoken on border issue against the current gov't. I am not really supporting your idea of forming a new party at this time. It's good that you want to unite all khmer nationalist but it would be way better if you and others join with Sam Rainsy Party to defeat CPP in this coming election. Also if you happen to form a new party, don't follow the Sihanouk-ism, King grandfather had done a great damage to the country, you and others should follow the Khmer-ism. ASOK

Anonymous said...

Hi Prince Thomico, if you really love Cambodia & khmer people, you don't need to form a new political party. You can joint hand with other democratic parties,like SRP to save Cambodia people from suffering. If you want to create your own party like Sihanouk it is OK. But people will not call political party. They call family party. And do you know how many people are going to support your new family party?

Anonymous said...

What the real thing this Mr.Theurmekau beside kissing up to Sihanouk?
Shut the hell up and move back to where you should be the princely cow humper.

Can't handle what's existed,how the hell the cow humper make a new one?
He can't exist without kissing Sihanouk derriere.Black jack ass or Bluff joker?

Anonymous said...

Well, dr. guessing.. if there are 100 parties who have the will to form to defeat the CPP, i guarranty it will win, this Communist CPP, and we'll see how the sihanoukist, the slave of the vietnamese, and the king sihamuneary going to react!..or leat half of the country won't take the pribe from the CPP.. eeyore..believe me if kem sokha, sam raingsy, chea channy, and others anti-commuinst form a United Cambodia Governments for the poors and the innocents promist to fight for the people from all form of the khmer society,.. it will win and no dout about it. then the world will behind for sure, but those have to be honest which is hard to deal right now, unless they have to ask the united security to oversee, the khmer government at least 10 years in ordered to change those corruption system that still haunt khmer every day!...eeyore!!

Anonymous said...

Sisowath Thomico,
I don't appreciate you create another party morever as sihnoukiste(I hate Sihanouk this selfish man.He is disgusting. He sold our country to yuon. He deserve to go to the hell). If you really love cambodia you must unite samrainsy too. Sam Rainsy is a patriot, democrate, honest man, incorruptedand he has already proved it. why you don't want him.
YOU HAVE TO fight Hun SEn and YUON
non to divide the democrate opposition.
Don't take as modele the traitor Ranariddh.

Anonymous said...

(The party, which does not yet have a name, would follow what the prince called a Sihanoukist ideology and focus primarily on economic development as a way to improve conditions for the poor, by creating jobs and developing Cambodian industries).
This is the plan of the party that Thomico will form. I find it is strange that he will not promise us to fight strongly HONG SEN and our border. May be he just want to replace NORODOOM RANARIDDH?

Anonymous said...

Dear Prince,

Khmer ke tha( beu min bane chuoy chok chev, kom york cheung rear tuk).

Thank you

Anonymous said...



the reason why MONSTERS SIHANOUK AND RANARIDDH DON't want to live in Cambodia because they are both very bad and are afraid to die as a thmil.

Anonymous said...

Until now no royal khmer family has helped khmers, so I don't trust you, thomico

Anonymous said...

i just don't wanted the cpp to walking in winning circle easily that's all..eeyore!!

Anonymous said...

How can you unite all party Thomico, you just think to unite but you really can not do it. You lie Khmer people Thomoco. Do you think Hun Sen will do anything follow your idea. Oh sorry I think most of Cambodian never know you well, right. Your dream do not come true Hehehehe!!!he!he!hahe