Saturday, August 19, 2006

Report by SRP MP Ho Vann on the situation of the Dey Kraham Community

Ho Vann, SRP Member of Parliament

[Click on the report to view a larger size version]

Translated from Khmer by Socheata
18 August 2006

Report by Ho Vann
The Situation of the Dey Kraham Community

1- Location:
  • The Dey Kraham community is located in the Tonle Bassac district, Khan Chamkarmon, Phnom Penh City.
  • Extent of community land: 4.7 hectares, 1220 dwellings, 1465 families for a total of 5,854 inhabitants.
2- The Renters:
  • The renters are all the poorest people, there are 300 families.
  • Difficulty (they are facing): no shelter, no land to live on because the rented houses have been already demolished, and barb wires and dug trenches are installed along the outside (of the demolished properties).
3- Incidents:
  • 16 August 2006 evening, at 9:00 PM, about 40 armed police officers came to demolish and chase out those who were sleeping under tents, inside small houses, carts, and beds which were (already) thrown out to the street. The authorities caused injuries when Mrs. Chan Mom who is 6-month pregnant was beaten up by Y Chong Pheng, the Tonle Bassac district police chief. Currently, we have rescued her and took her to the hospital. Her health and that of the unborn child have improved.
  • 17 August 2006 evening, at 9:00 PM, about 30 armed police officers came inside Village 15 again, however, they did not chased the people out as they did before.
  • 18 August 2006 morning, at 11:00 AM, the “7NG Construction” company is preparing to erect a barb wired fence all around Village 15 and near where merchants are conducting their businesses. The company did so without any authorization from the Khan or the district authority,
4- Information

17 August 2006, at 4:00 PM: I, Ho Vann, Phnom Penh Member of Parliament, had provided information to the people living in the community of Dey Kraham regarding the answer provided by King-Father: he agreed to the [request] letter sent by [SRP] President Sam Rainsy to provide various food aid to the people there. King-Father will order Princess Pongsaneary to arrange for the distribution [of food].

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