Sunday, December 31, 2006

Cambodia's Border Committee Wihes for 2007

CFC/CBC 27 12 06 1A


Dear Compatriots and Friends,

Cambodia did not fare better in 2006 than it did in 2005, both on the internal level and on the International level.

On the internal level, the “13.5% economic growth in 2005” did not improve the quality of life of workers – who are still seriously threatened by joblessness, and the precariousness of employment – which only fully benefit foreign investors. At the same time, the corruption “incomes” of the regime’s fat cats have been greatly increased. Real estate speculation which followed, led to a breakneck race by those who hold power to savagely grab lands belonging to poor villagers, this is even done through cold blood murders. Injustice and impunity are thus accepted as the leading principles of the regime, 2006 thus became a year of repression of public freedoms, demonstrations have been forbidden, freedom of expression is threatened with jail sentence, or even with killings of their authors by “unknown” assassins…

Mr. Yash Ghaï, the UN Special Representative, had also sharply denounced that the violation of human rights in Cambodia persists at a “systemic level,” and that “the deliberated rejection of the concept of State of Law constitutes the central (philosophy) of the party in power,” the CPP.

Regarding foreign policy, Mr. Hun Sen is pursuing the wholesale policy of Cambodia resources to foreign capitals, as well as the abandonment of the National Independence and Sovereignty.

Land concessions covering tens of thousands of hectares were illegally given to foreign companies for exploitations, with lease extending up to 99 years. Furthermore, in 2006, Cambodia indebted itself by more than US$ 1 billion through loans borrowed by Mr. Hun Sen, this in addition to the more than $1 billion dollars in international aid. No one knows where all the monies from concessions, loans, external aid, disappeared to because life condition of the Cambodian people still remains unchanged.

On the other hand, 2006 saw the pursuit of constant reinforcement of the “fraternal and global cooperation” between Mr. Hun Sen and his Hanoi masters, and as always, to the exclusive benefit of Vietnam.

On the social level, in fact, the number of Vietnamese “settling-brothers” in Cambodia, according to Cambodian and Foreign estimates, now reaches almost 5 million, that is 33% of the entire population(1). These settlers are living as true masters of the country, with the full protection of police and army chiefs – an army which originated from Vietnam also. This colonization is being pursued unabated.

On the economic level, Cambodia remained (since 1979) an exploitation colony of Vietnam, and must survive with Vietnamese products which were originally taken from Cambodia.

The “global” Vietnamese domination is further reinforced, to the total contempt of International Law, through Vietnam’s systematic violation of Cambodia’s territorial integrity. The installation of new border markers in September 2006, in conjunction with the illegal and unequal treaties of 1983 and 1985 imposed during the Vietnamese occupation (1979-1993) is a material proof to such violations.

Furthermore, in December 2006, Hun Sen concluded new agreements with Hanoi to detail the opening of three Northeastern Cambodian provinces (Stung Treng, Mondulkiri, and Ratanakkiri) to a new chapter of Vietnamese colonization, under the framework of the so-called Indochinese Development Triangle, and to Vietnamese help to develop geologic maps – maps which we had already completed with the help of French geologists and about 30 Cambodian technicians, including myself, extending on a 1:200,000 scale map of Cambodia dating from 1968 and 1972, even before Vietnam and other Asian countries had established theirs. Billion of dollars of Cambodian budget will be drained out for the “development” of these provinces by armies of Vietnamese soldiers, technicians, and workers who, as usual, will definitively settle there as conquerors.

Dear Compatriots and Dear Friends,

Cambodia and her people are finding themselves facing anew the danger of disappearance as a democratic and sovereign State, as a free Nation. Only a small group of men, corrupted by power, money and honors, enjoy this situation.

The Cambodia’s Border Committee deeply wishes that 2007 brings to all Cambodians, and their true friends, new hope and new strength to that they can liberate Cambodia and her people from this catastrophic situation. May 2007 be also a very good year for all our members and friends, for all our Compatriots who are living in various foreign countries and inside Cambodia, may they find a better life and more happiness within their respective families.

Paris, December 27, 2006

(Signed) Sean Péngsè

(1) Cf. our December 1st, 2004, publication.

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