Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Interruption of KI-Media Updates between 02 January and 05 January 2007

Dear KI-Media Readers,

We regret to inform you that KI-Media will not be updated between Tuesday 02 January (starting around 5:00 PM Cambodia time) and Friday 05 January 2007. Our team members will be returning back to our duty on Saturday 06 January (Cambodia time), following our team's "informal retreat."

We deeply apologize for this inconvenience.


KI-Media Team


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

bonne vacance!

Anonymous said...

Take your well deserving time-off my friends.
Your works indeed help bring light to otherwise muddy matter of our country.
Many thanks from your avid reader and compatriot in the US.

Anonymous said...

Dear copyright thieves, do you need rest from stealing articles from the Cambodia Daily?

Anonymous said...

To 7:12AM.

Suffices it to say that it takes one to know one...lolz ...you creep!

Anonymous said...

To 7:12 AM


I don't give a fuck where the KI get their articles from and I it is up to me to digest and filter out whether the information in the articles is true or not! The more information for me and the better it is for me!!! Because I don't have alot of fucken time on my hand to do the fucken research like you!ahahaha. Hey!! who is stopping Cambodia Daily from posted their articles on line? Beside,I read Cambodia Daily online everyday too!ahahahah

Now tell me!!Do you think that Cambodia Daily can hide everything about what is going on in Cambodia from Cambodian people??? You got to be kidding me!!!!!!

I visited on average about more 10 websites just to get some ideas on what is going on in Cambodia!!!!

I suggest you say something like that to a computer hackers!!!ahahah

Poor baby!!!You are a victim of your own success!!ahahahahh

Anonymous said...

Dear KI Media Team,

Indeed you deserve a little break after the New Year hangover! Even though your team is offline having fun somewhere, your presence can still be felt online. As you can see, your faithful readers are still whacking each other in your absence over your courtesy apology notice to them!

Keep up the good work!

Anonymous said...

Many Thanks. May you all have a nice vacation.


Anonymous said...

Ki Media team are not thiefs.
Of course they are our Heroes whom'has been brought every news from Cambodia to the outside world.

Through them we do know the Thug-Government of Hun Sen & its CPP are stealing Khmer-People everyday,every minutes in Cambodia.
Look at them some of them now become a Billionaire once they were born & belongs to the Proletariat class....They were betrayed its class,Vannak-Ark-Thun.

Khmer called them :

"Kroaump Ampil Dos Chenh Pee Arch-Ko "

Translated : The Madarind's seed had growned from the Bull's Dung.

Bun H.Ung

Anonymous said...

Obviously you all don't care about Khmer Intelligence's criminal behavior because you benefit from their multiple thefts.

This makes you all no better than those you keep whining and complaining about.

Anonymous said...

One thing they do not make money from these Postings.
And also they were born as FREE Khmers unlike you guy who is one of

"Kroaup Ampil Dod Chanh Pee Arch-Ko".
That's why Your Evils Tyranny regime had leaded Cambodia to nowhere (???).
One small sample had shown us already they're not competent to lead Cambodia.....see yourself :
Almost the Streets & roads in PPenh
are looking exactly like their trails and dykes once they were living in the jungle where they were born & growned up from Bull's Dung.
It is true isn't it, Comrade-Anonymous ?

Bun H.Ung

Anonymous said...

Very well said Mr. Bun H. Ung. Thank you for all of your hard work voicing against all evils in our home land!

Anonymous said...

If Cambodia wants to join the community of advanced and civilized countries, it will have to learn to respect Intellectual Property.

Did Khmer Intelligence even bother to ask the Cambodia Daily for permission to reproduce its articles?

If Khmer Intelligence didn't, then it does not respect the original work of others. This means others have no reason to show any respect to Khmer Intelligence.

Khmer Intelligence is no better than the common gutter thief.

Anonymous said...

Le Cambodge: terre à conquérir et terrain de conflit de la guerre assymétrique Chine-Vietnam

L'espace cambodgien est bien quadrillé et les militaires du PPC clament assurer sa sécurité à 2000 pourcent (deux milles au lieu de 100%).

Aprés vérifications sur le terrain, les militaires cambodgiens apparaissent en effet trés motivés dans le contrôle de leur région. En effet ces régions militaires sont devenues leurs terres. Ils sont autorisés à en faire ce qu'ils veulent: vente des terrains à la découpe, exploitation abusive des ressources naturelles et minérales, exploitation touristique et économique. Ils ont fait des pistes partout pour mieux exploiter et contrôler leurs "richesses". Les grands chefs militaires cambodgiens sont peut-être aujoudhui parmi les plus riches du monde mais ne le savent peut-être pas encore. La richesse des militaires ne se cachent plus aujoud'hui, mais c'est un phénomène publiquement visible que récemment à l'oeil non-averti. C'est venu depuis que les chinois ont commencé à donner des aides sans conditions au régime Hun Sen, vers les années 1998-2000. Alors les vietnamiens ont du aussi donner pour s'assurer de "la solidarité révolutionnaire" des militaires cambodgiens. La subtilité, c'est que les vietnamiens donnent aux cambodgiens des ressources qui appartiennent aux Cambodgiens. C'est un habile subterfuge. Les cambodgiens se laissent berner facilement. Reconnaissons aux communistes vietnamiens l'art des subterfuges et de la dissimulation. Les Cambodgiens en gaspillant stupidement leurs ressources naturelles, deviendront plus vulnérables et plus facilement controlables.

Le Cambodge est placé dans une zone de guerre assymétrique entre les chinois et les viets. Les viets essaient de mobiliser les financements internationaux à travers des projets d'échelle régionale placés sous leur contrôle ( e.g. le triangle du développement) . Les occidentaux ( les blancs et les japonais) et certains asiatiques alignées avec les japs et les USA (Korée du sud) financent les projets du GMS (great mekong subregion) et donc le plan vietnamien de triangle du développement qui a pour but d'amener le centre de gravité de l'empire vietnamien vers une région facilitant le contrôle militaire et l'administration des territoires et peuples récemment conquis : Cambodge, Laos et Vietnam du sud. L'opération reste encore assez discrète aux yeux de l'opinion mondiale car réellement bien dissimulée sous la couverture du développement régional. On peut nettement observé le début des "infrastructures de développement " mises en place à Rattanakiri et Mondulkiri et les encouragement soutenus du Vietnam à coloniser ses provinces.

Souvenez-vous de l'annonce un peu forcée du régime PPC informant le monde qu'ils ont confié la gestion du pétrole et gaz cambodgiens, offshore et TonléSap, au Vietnam.
Rappellons que l'île de Koh Puos, situé à 500 mètres de la ville de Sihanoukville, a été donné en longue concession à des entreprises russes. Les américains avaient commencer les pourparlers avec Phnom-Penh pour une concession des koh Rung et Rung Sanloem situées juste en face du port khmer. En outre des indiscrétions américaines ont dévoilé qu' une brigade spéciale Marine vietnamienne basée sur Koh Tral (île Phu Quoc) est chargé de contrôler tout le territoire maritime cambodgien et l'accés au littoral khmer et au port de Kampot Som.

En bref, il y a effectivement un regain d'activités stratégiques assez dynamique en dessous de la moquette développement régional du GMS. La coalition anti-chine se prépare à des confrontations futures. Chacun essaie de retarder la date derriere la diplomatie gestion des conflits entreprise par les Nations-Unies depuis quelques années, en espérant gagner du temps pour consolider ses avantages défensifs sur un vaste espace de la péninsule indochinoise. Le Cambodge et son port Sihanoukville est connue par les divers belligérants comme base logistique stratégique qui a permis à la chine d'approvisionner les troupes vietnamiennes dans la guerre qui a donné la victoire aux communistes en 1975 sur les américains. La découverte du pétrole offshore dans les eaux maritimes cambodgiennes et la découverte du gaz et du pétrole dans le lac Tonlésap, a transformé le Cambodge en pays de toutes les convoitises. Le contrôle du Cambodge est devenu stratégique de point de vue ressources économiques et de point de vue militaire comme ressouces de carburants. Le Cambodge, par son pétrole est redevenu un espace géostratégique courtisé. Du coup Hun Sen est devenu fréquentable. Les USA ont construit à Phnom-Penh leur plus grande ambassade de la région et les vietnamiens y installent le plus grand réseau de distribution de carburants (Sokimex,etc...).

Au Cambodge, les militaires cambodgiens profitent sans restrictions de la nouvelle conjoncture et de leur nouvelle richesse pour mener une vie outrancière qui rend les conseillers vietnamiens installés au Cambodge jaloux à mourir. D'ailleurs certains chefs militaires vietnamiens khmérisés en profitent et ne voudraient pour rien abandonner leur fonction au pays de l'Eldorado. Car au Vietnam c'est bien plus pauvre et on vit bien moins luxueusement qu'au Cambodge. Est-ce la vision d'un conflit proche ou la naïveté congénitale khmère qui poussent les militaires cambodgiens à profiter de la vie d'une manière si débordande et ouverte ? Un capitaine cambodgien, un ancien gradé qui a fait les campagnes de Preah Vihear, Anlong Veng et Pailin, rejette totalement l'idée d'aller vivre sa fortune au USA disant qu'en amérique il ne pourra jamais entretenir trois femmes aussi facilement qu' aujoud'hui au Cambodge. Le bonheur est en ce moment au Cambodge, assure t-il. Que penser quand certains autres cambodgiens-cambodgiennes continuent à soutenir l'immigration clandestine vers les Etats-Unis en acceptant de payer 45 000 dollars USD par tête aux trafiquants ? Ils n'ont pas encore appris que le vent a tourné pour leur pays.

Chaque jour débarquent des "hommes d'affaires" chinois empressés d'acquérir des concessions à perpétuité. D'ailleurs on peut voit le long des routes du Cambodge des milliers de tombes façon sino-vietnamienne. Elles poussent comme des champignons dans les belles campagnes verdoyantes du pays. Ces tombeaux florissants sont-ils la démonstration de la présence d'une grandissante immigration au Cambodge ?

Assurément les belligérants du prochain conflit asie-pacifique choisissent le cambodge comme leur terrain de guerre. Les vietnamiens préparent leur lignes de défense au cambodge en noyant l'armée cambodgienne dans l'alcool, les vices et les abus sociaux, s'assurant de la sorte que cette armée khmère reste inoffensive et ne pourrait s'émanciper de leur contrôle. La vie dans les forêts cambodgiennes est plus active que jamais. Y prépare t-on déjà un nouveau mur de bambous pour les soldats adverses ?

Comment le Cambodge va-t-il sortir de ce piège à mort ? Comment faut-il agir pour éviter au Cambodge et à son peuple une nouvelle catastrophe ? C'est le défi que les cambodgiens réchappés de la mort pendant le conflit est-ouest doit relever. En attendant le tribunal international contre les khmers rouges manquent du vent dans leur voile.

Le monde s'intéresse déjà au prochain conflit qui opposera prochainement la chine à une coalition de pays du Pacifique. Le Cambodge peut redevenir à nouveau un side-show, mais qui s'intéresse au sort du peuple khmer ? Le monde se contentera de venir visiter les vestiges culturels qui témoignent de l'apogée de la civilisation d'Angkor. Les touristes du monde contemplera les trésors antiques laissés par le peuple khmer disparu en murmurant que ce peuple était de grands artistes.

Un peuple qui ne se défend plus est voué à la disparition.


Anonymous said...


Every articles that KI had published from The Cambodia Daily were titled and fully addressed from " THE CAMBODIA DAILY ".

We did not and will not think that KI is a thief.

We think that KI made you guys EVEN MORE FAMOUS AND TRUSTWORTHY GROUP, because all of those articles that we read and trusted, were from The Cambodia Daily.

Please stop accuse or saying words that hurt our favorite teams. THEY DESERVE A TRUE WELL WISHES WRITTING NOTE AND THANKS INSTEAD.

Ordinary Khmers

Anonymous said...

Have a nice vacation and see you soon!

Anonymous said...

It is for a good cause and KI doesn't profit from it, so I don't think CD really mind about it. Stop whining about over there.

Anonymous said...

I agree with ORDINARY KHMER, 9h 41pm and the following anomynous.

Taking CD articles by remaining all titles and sources is not stealing unless KI publishes the articles BEFORE cambodia daily does. Look at people who do thesis or papers, they can just mention the sources' name, never write any letter to ask for permission.

But if KI want to write a book for profit by using these articles, permission from CD should be needed.

Anonymous said...

"Un peuple qui ne se défend plus est voué à la disparition.

Une analyze tres tres interessante, exacte et bien credible. Personellement, je voudrais vous lire encore sur la situation politique de chez-nous. Revenez-vouz donc avec d'autres, SVP? Merci d'avance et bonne continuation...


Anonymous said...

KI is just posting the news up, they are not advertising nor making money out of this in fact they are helping their community through awareness. If your not a supporter of KI then get off this website and stop posting because if you are also coming to this website then you are a hypocrite because you are supporting KI.

Enough said scumbag

Anonymous said...

Their job are protecting its Master.
Hun Sen said :" My dogs can speak good English ".
After they had some bones they start to bark everywhere such a place like KI Media or Camdisc.
Let them bark once they were born not as a Free Khmer like us....they're belong to Doggy-Class ------> Vannak-Kgnom Ke.

Parajey Ar CHOR YOUN HANOI Chlean Pean nung Chkes Borivar vear !!!

Bun H.Ung

Anonymous said...

Are you sure the Cambodia Daily doesn't really mind about the daily thefts?

If that is true, why then did the Cambodia Daily take out a *full page advertisement* to condemn Khmer Intelligence for stealing its articles?

And if the thefts are so harmless, why doesn't Khmer Intelligence do the right thing and ask the Cambodia Daily for permission?

Anonymous said...

Oh God!!!

All the fucken news articles posted in KI media are just a bunch of old recycle news!!!!

Why should KI media even request a fucken permission when it is not even fresh from the press!! Beside, KI media gave all the fucken credit to Cambodia Daily already and the worst part KI media don't even make a fucken penny out of this bullshit!!!!

Please tell me that Cambodia Daily never use other people news articles in writing their news story!!!

As far as I am concerned, this is just a bunch of fucken old stuff or old news and KI media is just recycled old stuff!!!As long KI media gave proper credit to any news writer and no fucken permission is needed because this is just a bunch of junk and fucken old stuff!!!!

Anonymous said...

Yes, the Cambodia Daily does use articles from other news sources, but it is licensed to do so, i.e. it already has *permission* from them.

Khmer Intelligence, on the other hand, does not have permission to use the Cambodia Daily's articles.

Anonymous said...

I am sorry but are you fucken blind? KI disclosed the source of the information they obtained. It clearly said " THE CAMBODIA DAILY " on top of its article. KI does The Cambodia Daily a big favor by posting their articles on KI website.

KI is trying to provide Khmer people with news in Cambodia. Regardless where they get the news from, they did not make any profit nor claimed the artiles belong to them. It is the same as they cut a article from a news paper and stick it to the wall so anybody can read it. People do it all the time and it is called sharing information.

KI team members are a bunch of hard working people who dedicated so much of their time to bring these news to Khmer people. It is something that a few of us can do.

If any ones don't like it; they can go and cry on papa Hun Sen's shoulder. And Hun Sen loves crying babies...........

Anonymous said...

Is "Cambodia Daily" as easily accessible as KI-Media and allowing for anonymous's voicing of opinion to their hearts and contents? (Enough said?)

Anonymous said...

Halaluya to 8:14pm!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Read very carefully what Cambodia Daily said on its home page (01/05/06) below and see if there is anything wrong with it:

"Copyright 2005 by The Cambodia Daily. All rights reserved. No part of this periodical may not be reproduced in print or electronically, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without the written permission from the publisher of The Cambodia Daily".



Anonymous said...

To 9:08pm

But shouldn't be some other way to deal with KI?

Deos the word professional mean anything at all?

and do we ordinary reader need to hear all these? Get lost or leave us alone!

Anonymous said...

To 9:34PM

You did not read it carefully my friend... Read it again, if you still can't find anything wrong with it, you do have written English problem....lolz.


Anonymous said...

Stop arguments and forgive each others. You all have different ideas. and All of those are right and good reason. We should respect its copy rights when we use it. But KI already told and put the name of Newspapers and authors. It is good.

Anonymous said...


There are more KRU THA than KRU TVER!

What ashamed!

We are soon becoming minority within our own state, and we still arguing about who stealling what from whom.

From my legal assumption, KI-Media & Co. had their own legal counsels to take care all of these legal matters before they released these information to the public and no need for anyone to devour each other's head on this.

We should be spending more time discuss and share with our Cambodian fellows on ideas or propose solutions to help save our beloved Khmer people and Cambodia from Ah Kanh Jas Knhom Yuon & Ah Yuon.


Please scroll down and read articles on Cambodia and Please do more research. NO NEWS IS OLD NEWS FOR KHMER PEOPLE (WE HAVE BEEN SUFFERED FOR SO LONG).

Thanks for the info. KI. Hope you guys had a great time at your retreat. I'll have my retreat on Jan.25.

Happy New Year, Everyone!

Somlor Ma-Chou Yuon

Anonymous said...

To Not2BFunny,
I undertand your arguments. But I agree with 10:54 pm. And especially, this is not for profit, just to share information among our people who need it. The readers as well have never reproduced these articles for profits. It looks like one institute or one family buys one journal or article to share the whole staff or family members to read. The journal company cannot say that each family member must buy a journal for his own and must not share information from others. Are we all Khmer? Can't we do just a bit of thing for our own race? How can we say we love or want to help our people, our country? How can we all develop the country while even such a small thing like this could not be shared??? Where is our traditional culture of helping each other? or should everything be considered only as business and market? if like this, poor people who cannot afford thing must be even more marginalised much sooner. So please, consider to do a bit of thing for your own race if you are really khmer as well.

Anonymous said...

Just for curiosity, why don't KI ask for permission? It seems to me the easiest and the right thing to do.
If KI's intention is to promote awareness/discussion in Khmer's politics, why do it illegally?
After all, aren't KI and CD jobs are the same...to inform the public? eventhough one is for profit and the other non-profit?
The worst thing CD can say is no for whatever reasons.

Anonymous said...

To KI:
I would like to request permission to post this news. I got it from camnews email. Thank you.


5 January 2005

Kem Sokha to form new party this year (2)
At several meetings in the USA and Canada just a few days ago,
Cambodian Center for Human Rights (CCHR) president Kem Sokha confirmed
that he will form a new political party this year. Those who will join
him include Son Soubert (currently a member of the Constitutional
Council representing the King), Lao Mong Hay (a foreign-based human
rights activist and an assistant to SRP parliamentarian Son Chhay) and
Mam Sonando (the owner of Beehive Radio station that rebroadcasts VOA
and RFA programs in Cambodia ). Kem Sokha will terminate his contract
with CCHR next July but will have to face several corruption and
embezzlement lawsuits filed against him by former colleagues who
accuse him of diverting funds provided by the USA and European
countries. Kem Sokha has allegedly diverted between $300,000 and
$400,000 from foreign aid for his own benefit since the creation of
CCHR in 2003 and has refused to answer any questions from colleagues
and journalists (see KI, 25 November 2006: "Court will summon Kem
Sokha again").

Ranariddh to make a net profit of $2.4 million following lawsuits (2)

In order to appease Funcinpec leaders who accuse him of corruption and
breach of trust, former Funcinpec president prince Norodom Ranariddh
has proposed the following deal to his opponents: In exchange for
Funcinpec leaders to withdraw their lawsuit against him, he is
prepared to give them the large piece of land he had bought on the
outskirts of Phnom Penh to purportedly erect the party's new
headquarters. Ranariddh had previously sold Funcinpec's current
headquarters (next to the French embassy) for $3.6 million and
allegedly pocketed the proceeds. He reportedly used a portion of the
proceeds, exactly $1.2 million, to buy under his own name but
allegedly for the use of the party, the 8-hectare piece of land in the
outer suburbs. Earlier this week, Ranariddh's lawyers brought the
corresponding land title to the Court with the "permission" to the
Court to "give" the land to the "legitimate owners of the Funcinpec
party". In the worst scenario, Ranariddh will make a net profit of
$2.4 million (see KI, 25 November 2006 : "Ranariddh entangled in
corruption scandals").

Funcinpec and NRP "sharing" same candidates (2)

According to the National Election Committee (NEC), the two rival
royalist parties, Funcinpec and Norodom Ranariddh Party (NRP), have
fielded candidates in approximately the same number of constituencies
for the forthcoming commune council election scheduled for 1 April
2007 . Actually, in most of the constituencies where Funcinpec and NRP
are fighting against each other (approximately 1,400 communes out of
1,621), there are numerous royalist activists who stand as candidates
for the two parties at the same time. They have not made a definitive
choice yet with regard to their allegiance. The NEC will face
difficulties in deciding which candidate lists to validate in the next
few days.


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Anonymous said...

To 12:34AM et al,

Unless "Cambodia Daily" corrects its copyright statements from "No part....may not be" to something else we don't have to worry about it at all. KI people, can you read and write English? I am on your side....geeeezzzzz...lolz.


Anonymous said...

I see alot of Immaturity going on with the comment about especially from "Not2BFunny" You're a bunch of bull Shit man, get a life...prick!

Anonymous said...

Well Anon@2:23AM, show us how mature you are, please? Or is it those words of yours such as shit, and prick mean maturity? lolz.


Anonymous said...

KI and Cambodia Daily should work together to bring news to our people! If we are to divide and split just because of this imagine when it comes to politics! If we cant even decide to get along because of one useless issue then forget about doing anything positive together. Enough is enough Cambodia Daily and KI are both one of the same. They provide news and information just like RFA or VOA, as long as KI states the source of the media it not a duplication or copy right infringement. Citing the source is what KI always do!

Anonymous said...

yeah..I agree with @4:50 AM.
Not2BFunny...u are a troublesome baby....u are so annoying baby..if u need candy..I can buy some for u and shut ur fuck up.. Yeah, u are good at English...we are just readers and we are not good as you teh ..so, why don't u write a good english article about good thing..not just blame on other or make argument...Okay.....Baby...
Actually I don't want to say bad words...but u are say too bad to other people...

Anonymous said...

Why don't the Cambodian Daily News sues them? Fucken idiot!

Anonymous said...

To 2:28pm, you are the same cock sucker goes by the name "Not2BFunny" who start all these up roar. Listen to this Stupid, Cambodian Daily don't have time to sue any body over what?? News to News??? on top of that you and I know how cambodian judge operate. Who ever has the most money and power will win the case. So shut you dirty mouth and stay out from KI if you don't like KI news why the fuck you come in this forum for asshole??

Anonymous said...

Hey Mr/Ms Anon@3:06PM,
Wait till I write to "cambodian Daily" to write proper English in its Copyright statement before you give me some candy, okay? Until then, learn how to behave yourself, will ya??? lolz


p.s. Maybe I am on your side, ever thought of that Ms. Anon@3:06PM???...Muahh...

Anonymous said...

Grow up people and let move on... There are other people already toke care of this business. We don't have to worry about it. Let do our part of making peace and pressing issues concerning our beloved country.

Anonymous said...

To be honest with you, the Not2bfunny probably not from CD.

We expect professional manner from CD, not a jumbo jerk just came to drop words and make trouble.

What are those phones for? and what are those KI's bosses are for? why with us?

Very Very Unprofessional!

Now, do I want to read The Cambodian Daily????????? I still do, because it's the news from our beloved country and the name is Cambodia, but whoever you are , your boss do need to know how unprofessional you are. IT JUST WASN'T THE RIGHT THING TO DO WITH KI AND THAT NEEDS TO STOP.

Anonymous said...

"Copyright 2005 by The Cambodia Daily. All rights reserved. No part of this periodical may not be reproduced in print or electronically, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without the written permission from the publisher of The Cambodia Daily"

Dear CD,

I understand the "Intellectual Property Law", but under this circumstance the Cambodian people and non-Cambodian around the world who care for cambodia don't usually get informations from Cambodia. They are so anxious to know what is going on in their homeland, and KI has helped them by forwarding the news that related to Cambodia from everywhere around the world not only from CD alone but from other sources for them without earning any profit. This good deed should not be considered as a thief or wrongdoing. This scattering community (Cambodia) has been suffered too much, and million of their own people were murdered and yet haven't found peace or justice, and the news of their homeland means so much for them.

I ask that you please find somesort of forgiveness/compassion in your heart and allow these suffering community to know what is going on in their homeland.

KI is doing good deeds at least helps to reduce the greatest pain from the victims' families who left behind.

Ps; If a person contributes articles without others read them, so what is the point?

For me and all my friends don't care what is CD until KI brought it to our attentions with the name or the original source Cambodia daily. We sure do appreciate very much just that we are not able to make our comments. We are living in a freedom society so expressing our own views is what we are.



Anonymous said...

Thank you me28. Great job speakimg out the truth! We heard about Cambodia Daily, but so. Here we had a community of our own.

We are here at KI, because we care and worry about our country. KI provides small opportunity to voice ourself out freely. Can we speak freely in Cambodia? or with Cambodia Daily?

Here we say what we want and like it is. Those big wigs at home, if they don't like it, they just have to get tought! and that is the truth. Nothing else, but the whole truth!!!!!

We love KI and with KI keeps bringing article form CD, we grow to love CD as well.

Mr. Not2bfunny must see it well and really understand that. That is all I have to say. Thanks again me28!:)