The KKK and me
(Continuation No. 1)
By N. Sihanouk
Beijing, January 7, 2007
(Continuation No. 1)
By N. Sihanouk
Beijing, January 7, 2007
2- The 40s decade. After my crowning in Phnom Penh in 1941, I (N. Sihanouk) had the happiness to know my People [living] in all cities, provinces; in the districts and communes of the Kingdom.
The French Protectorate pushed its affection for the young Sihanouk by organizing for me an official visit to a Cochinchinese province which had a dense population of Khmer people (KKK).
My first contact with these KKK: there were mainly men and women farmers of all ages receiving me, with unforgettable enthusiasm, tenderness, affection, in their villages where I passed by with joy and emotion from house to house. The French officials who accompanied me, “let me do [whatever I wanted]” with a smile and complacency. But, these French officials underscored the fact that France intervened in time to stop the Annamite advance towards the Cambodia of H.M. Preah Norodom.
To these French friends, Cochinchina became a French [administrative] Department; from now on, within this French Cochinchina, the KKK survived and prospered … thanks to France.
3- In 1949, in Paris, during the signing of the French-Khmer Treaty in which the French Republic legally recognized the Independence of the Kingdom of Cambodia and declared the abrogation of the 1863 Treaty and the 1884 Convention, I sent the principal members of the Khmer Royal Delegation to meet the Minister of Foreign Affairs, and to meet the Minister of “France Overseas” in order to demand the French Republic not to cede to Vietnam, Cochinchina “Khmer land” and we, Khmer, told France: “The two choices are: either Cochinchina always remain a colony, or an [administrative] Department of the French Republic, or if the latter wanted one day, to detach itself from Kampuchea Krom, alias “Cochinchina,” then this “Cochinchina” should return to my Kingdom. France answered us: “Now, the population of Cochinchina is in large majority Annamite.”
In 1952-53, under the framework my “Royal Crusade” for the total Independence of Cambodia, I sent H.E. (Samdech) Penn Nouth and H.E. Sam Sary to tell the French Minister of Foreign Affairs (at the Quai d’Orsay), i.e. to tell France that the Khmer people from Cambodia and from Cochinchina were opposed to a possible cession of Cochinchina to [the benefit] of Annam and Tonkin.
4- [Then] came the Geneva International Conference (July 1954) on Indochina. According to the “Geneva” agreements on Vietnam, there should be simultaneous general elections in Tonkin, Annam and Cochinchina in 1956, allowing the Vietnamese People to realize the national reunification and to elect their national leader. Ho Chi Minh or … Bao Dai? The (crushing) victory of Uncle Hi was foreseeable, unavoidable. France wanted to show the Vietnamese People that only Bao Dai was able to detach the Cochinchina from France and … from Cambodia to turn it into an integral part of Vietnam: France therefore gave to its darling, “Emperor” Bao Dai, Kampuchea Krom. The protests by all of us Khmer men and women, were in vain.
(Signed) Norodom Sihanouk
The French Protectorate pushed its affection for the young Sihanouk by organizing for me an official visit to a Cochinchinese province which had a dense population of Khmer people (KKK).
My first contact with these KKK: there were mainly men and women farmers of all ages receiving me, with unforgettable enthusiasm, tenderness, affection, in their villages where I passed by with joy and emotion from house to house. The French officials who accompanied me, “let me do [whatever I wanted]” with a smile and complacency. But, these French officials underscored the fact that France intervened in time to stop the Annamite advance towards the Cambodia of H.M. Preah Norodom.
To these French friends, Cochinchina became a French [administrative] Department; from now on, within this French Cochinchina, the KKK survived and prospered … thanks to France.
x X x
3- In 1949, in Paris, during the signing of the French-Khmer Treaty in which the French Republic legally recognized the Independence of the Kingdom of Cambodia and declared the abrogation of the 1863 Treaty and the 1884 Convention, I sent the principal members of the Khmer Royal Delegation to meet the Minister of Foreign Affairs, and to meet the Minister of “France Overseas” in order to demand the French Republic not to cede to Vietnam, Cochinchina “Khmer land” and we, Khmer, told France: “The two choices are: either Cochinchina always remain a colony, or an [administrative] Department of the French Republic, or if the latter wanted one day, to detach itself from Kampuchea Krom, alias “Cochinchina,” then this “Cochinchina” should return to my Kingdom. France answered us: “Now, the population of Cochinchina is in large majority Annamite.”
In 1952-53, under the framework my “Royal Crusade” for the total Independence of Cambodia, I sent H.E. (Samdech) Penn Nouth and H.E. Sam Sary to tell the French Minister of Foreign Affairs (at the Quai d’Orsay), i.e. to tell France that the Khmer people from Cambodia and from Cochinchina were opposed to a possible cession of Cochinchina to [the benefit] of Annam and Tonkin.
4- [Then] came the Geneva International Conference (July 1954) on Indochina. According to the “Geneva” agreements on Vietnam, there should be simultaneous general elections in Tonkin, Annam and Cochinchina in 1956, allowing the Vietnamese People to realize the national reunification and to elect their national leader. Ho Chi Minh or … Bao Dai? The (crushing) victory of Uncle Hi was foreseeable, unavoidable. France wanted to show the Vietnamese People that only Bao Dai was able to detach the Cochinchina from France and … from Cambodia to turn it into an integral part of Vietnam: France therefore gave to its darling, “Emperor” Bao Dai, Kampuchea Krom. The protests by all of us Khmer men and women, were in vain.
(To be continued)
(Signed) Norodom Sihanouk
KI media please check your typo relating to "Cambodia and declared the abrogation of the 1963 Treaty and the 1884 Convention", it should be [b]1863[/b].
Honestly, I think Frence Republic should be the most responsible for the loss of our Khmer Krom untill today and leaving us khmer people trapped in Youn's trick.
Why is there never reaction from the Frence authority on this mistake??
Finally, the week always receives no justice.
There is no mistake. The French
just puts things back the way they
found it. Is that a crime?
France did HO Chi Minh a favor by ceded Khmer Krom to be part of Vietnam. In return France hope that Vietnam still be a France colony.
Khmer and Viet is like oil and water. And will be just like oil and water into the future.
You are not making any sense,
post5:32. No one give land back
to anyone else and still own the
land. For example, if you give
your bicycle to charity, it is
no longer yours, get it? Wake up,
Wrong, post5:47, only racist and
yuon are like oil and water.
Everyone else and yuon are like
orange juice and water, and it
mixed fine.
though orange juice and water mix. It will still retains the sour taste of the orange juice.
Pure water can not be appreciated by mixing with orange juice. 8:10. You're wrong.
Well, I didn't say anything about
drinking it, just mixing it.
I believe KI-Media should stop posting Sihanouk's publications. His only purpose is to whitewash himself and his role in the plight he brought upon the Cambodian people. He was the cause of all evil by his irresponsible and erratic actions. All his writings are skewed, not to say partly wrong. Now, he is just an old, senile, nostalgic man who lost all sense of reality. How else could he keep praising a regime that originates directly from Pol Pot and Communist times.
I fully agree with 10:58 PM.
This old monarch will be listed in the world history book as one of the most notoriosuly killer in Cambodia. He was also a member the Khmer Rouge. There're films kept by Hanoi to prove that Sihanouk was the one who gave Koh Troll to Yuan. How can he take it back? He just pretends that nothing happened, so Khmers won't hate him.
That's why when he and his nephew Thomico accused Hun Sen of giving Khmer land to Yuan, the beast Hun Sen threatned Thomico then he played the song bashing Sihanouk all over in Cambodia. I don't know what type of song Hun Sen played but then Sihanouk changed his tune.
He put his good son on the throne to calm the situations, but he himself is the most Evil King on this planet. He destroyed Cambodia and led to murder million lives.
The film showed Sihanouk and Khiev Samphan, KR's leader embracing each others, embracing Yuan, then all of the sudden when KR(Yuan) killed KR(Chinese), Sihanouk claimed he was under house arrest?
Sihanouk was checkmated by Yuan who have their agents (KR(Yuan)'re all over in Cambodia, so he stopped running but still he was too cleaver to shoot Pol Pot alone down except himself and Khiev Samphan. Who knows what the deal Sihanouk made with KR(Yuan)?
I tell you that we will never KNOW the whole Truth of Yuan Conspiracy creating genocide in Cambodia.
KR(Yuan) won. Later Sihanouk was so lucky man with his lucky star, he became King again and he pardonned his brother Khiev Samphan, Ieng Sary.., put all the blame on Pol Pot alone while all of them together killed Khmer people. Sihanouk is very cleaver and he gets away from the crimes he committed.
Not even that Sihanouk has never apologised to his own people, but he brainwashed those who are still believe in him as God King that he was a victim.
Sihanouk, a super Star Con Artist.
Hey, there is nothing wrong with
politicians greet each other
with embrace. This had happened
since God know when.
And thank you to ExKing for sharing
the truth about KK Extremists with
all of us.
We know the KK don't like the truth
because it will disclose the evil
that they are trying to hide from
all of us.
And even if Sehanouk didn't
revealed the truth to us, we would
have found out from our own
independent research and
investigation anyway.
The TRUTH will prevail!!!
2:09 AM. Your arguments are childish with no base/source to support your claims.
Yea right!! the truth will prevail. How many years already no one can find who killed President Kennedy?
With your nonesense arguments, and even if it's the truth you still deny like Peter who denied Christ or the truth will be denied by you like Judas Iscariot, a traitor. You are no good with the truth but an opportunist or a brown-noser or a leach like who enjoys sucking the society.
My arguments has no base, Moi28?
That show how much you know.
While your argument are backed by
romours and fairy tales from KK
websites, mine are backed by
scientific research and unbiased
historians. Do you know what I
Bring it on, and let's us debate.
Stop bragging my Yuan friend.
Where is yours? I see nothing but going around bashing people.
Yeahh I see you what you meant belittling others to feed your desires.
Where is mine? Are you blind?
You have been reading it.
if he blind n' why he can write ah lop lop niss. blind people have their own language, but they cannot write and respond on the internet. get it air headed? you need to have your brain check ah lop lop.
Well then, blind people like you
shouldn't be on the Net at all.
Don't that make sense, stupid?
Hello Yuan,
You said:
[[Anonymous said...
Where is mine? Are you blind?
You have been reading it.
12:15 PM ]]]
YOu have to copy and paste it, otherwise you don't get a case agaisnt me. So what I said about you was all correct. You are bad.
By the way, it makes you look too stupid when you bashing other calling him/her "Blind". True the blind people cannot write on the internet. Your Biggest mistake was you didn't COPY and PASTE your previous comments to make your point. Hence you are nothing but a trouble maker and Racist.
You got NO CASE against anyone but make a fool of yourself.
True the blind people cannot write
on the internet, Moi28?
That is soooooo dumb. Just because
you are blind, it does not mean
you can't type on your keyboard,
or used voice command ...
Hence, my case against you is
100% correct that you are blind.
Enough proof for ya, fool?
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