The KKK and me
(Continuation No. 2)
By N. Sihanouk
Beijing, January 9, 2007
(Continuation No. 2)
By N. Sihanouk
Beijing, January 9, 2007
5- The KKK caused my paternal Grandfather, H.R.H. Prince Norodom Sutharot, to lose the throne of the Khmer Kingdom.
The latter was not involved in Politics as his older Brother, the famous Prince Yukanthor, did.
H.R.H. Sutharot was very strong in these subjects: doctrine, dharma, vinaya, sutras, and other sacred books and documents on Buddhism (even our revered monks came to consult with him); Khmer literature, sacred languages: Sanskrit and Pali.
Then-France thought that it deprived the “elder Branch” (the Norodom) of the throne to the benefit of Preah Sisowath, after [the reign of] Preah Karuna Preah Norodom I (there was no Norodom II).
The French government of the time, thus thought that it was necessary to return “their” throne to the Norodom.
It (i.e. this Government) “works things out well” in this regards. It let everyone know, in Cambodia, that at the death of H.M. Sisowath, it would be Norodom Sutharot who will be crowned King of Cambodia.
One famous and talented French artist was called in from France to sculpt the bust of Prince Norodom Sutharot, as the “King of Cambodia” after Sisowath.
The KKK were in good relationships with N. Sutharot. They asked him to promise to claim back from France the Kampuchea Krom (the “Cochinchina”) which would be joint to the Kampuchea Leu (“Krom”: “from the bottom”, i.e. “from the South”), (“Leu”: “from the upper”, i.e. “from the North”).
Sutharot answered in loud voice to the KKK: “Sirs, I solemnly promise you that, [once] crowned as King of Kampuchea, I will not miss to claim in writing (official letter), from France, the Kampuchea Krom which is an integral, sacred, and inalienable part of our Homeland.”
Khmer information agents working for the French hastened to let “this” be known by their French “bosses.”
Result: under the order of the French Masters, the bust of N. Sutharot “King of Cambodia” was thrown in the Fourth Hands (Khmer people call it: the “Four Faces”, “Chaktokmouk” river) (at the confluence of 4 rivers, located close to the Phnom Penh Royal Palace: the Mekong, the Tonle Sap, the Bassac and the Lower Mekong).
At the death of Preah Sisowath, the council of the crown presided by the French Resident Supérieur [Colonial Governor] of Cambodia elected as King of Cambodia his son, H.R.H. Prince Sisowath Monivong, my maternal Grandfather, an officer (Battalion Chief) in the French Army, a former [graduate] of the Military School of Saint Mexant (France).
(Signed) Norodom Sihanouk
The latter was not involved in Politics as his older Brother, the famous Prince Yukanthor, did.
H.R.H. Sutharot was very strong in these subjects: doctrine, dharma, vinaya, sutras, and other sacred books and documents on Buddhism (even our revered monks came to consult with him); Khmer literature, sacred languages: Sanskrit and Pali.
Then-France thought that it deprived the “elder Branch” (the Norodom) of the throne to the benefit of Preah Sisowath, after [the reign of] Preah Karuna Preah Norodom I (there was no Norodom II).
The French government of the time, thus thought that it was necessary to return “their” throne to the Norodom.
It (i.e. this Government) “works things out well” in this regards. It let everyone know, in Cambodia, that at the death of H.M. Sisowath, it would be Norodom Sutharot who will be crowned King of Cambodia.
One famous and talented French artist was called in from France to sculpt the bust of Prince Norodom Sutharot, as the “King of Cambodia” after Sisowath.
The KKK were in good relationships with N. Sutharot. They asked him to promise to claim back from France the Kampuchea Krom (the “Cochinchina”) which would be joint to the Kampuchea Leu (“Krom”: “from the bottom”, i.e. “from the South”), (“Leu”: “from the upper”, i.e. “from the North”).
Sutharot answered in loud voice to the KKK: “Sirs, I solemnly promise you that, [once] crowned as King of Kampuchea, I will not miss to claim in writing (official letter), from France, the Kampuchea Krom which is an integral, sacred, and inalienable part of our Homeland.”
Khmer information agents working for the French hastened to let “this” be known by their French “bosses.”
Result: under the order of the French Masters, the bust of N. Sutharot “King of Cambodia” was thrown in the Fourth Hands (Khmer people call it: the “Four Faces”, “Chaktokmouk” river) (at the confluence of 4 rivers, located close to the Phnom Penh Royal Palace: the Mekong, the Tonle Sap, the Bassac and the Lower Mekong).
x X x
At the death of Preah Sisowath, the council of the crown presided by the French Resident Supérieur [Colonial Governor] of Cambodia elected as King of Cambodia his son, H.R.H. Prince Sisowath Monivong, my maternal Grandfather, an officer (Battalion Chief) in the French Army, a former [graduate] of the Military School of Saint Mexant (France).
(Signed) Norodom Sihanouk
The KKK caused my paternal Grandfather, H.R.H. Prince Norodom Sutharot, to lose the throne of the Khmer Kingdom.
That is not the only thing that
KK Extremists caused us to lose,
but everything that we ever had.
And soon, there will be nothing
left for anyone to remember as
And if they think they can go
around destroying everything in
their path, they will be surprised.
Should it be the mistake of kkk or of Sotharot?
The loss of KKK land was caused by the KKK or by the Chey Chetha, the king???
Now what do KKK cause Sihanouk to lose??? was it that sihanouk was fooled with youn and Chin to make KKK lost forever?
Sounds like our king is being force into a corner. Now he's confessing and naming anyone.
In pol pot's time they take you and force to convict other people to get a lighter sentence. See any connection here?
Post 6:01, KK Extremists caused
Sihanouk his throne by helping
the CIA and SISOWATT Sarimatak
to coup him in 1970 and destroyed
Cambodia thereafter. Does that
answer your question?
As to who lost KK land, it is
certainly not Sihanouk. It is
between you and Chetha. Stop
blame innocent people for your
You are Hallucinating, Post6:40.
There is no confession of any kind
from Sihanouk, and he has nothing
to do with the atrocity either.
Sihanouk just has title, but
no power in the KR regime, just
like Sihamoni, in the Khmer
government. Get it.
8:24. If that was so.. How come you go around blaming the coup of a the no power Sihanouk for causing Cambodia's terrible disaster?
Sihanouk had power. Too much power. And too high ambitions. Get it.
Noope, your wrong, if Sihanouk had
power, why did he went to live in
North Korea then?
The truth is he was dissapointed
at Bejing for backing Pol Pot over
Sihanouk is not really innocent!8:18 am.
Who open the border for youn to stay? which made US to bomb in east Cambodia. Sihanouk knows already that youn always has ambition to invade Cambodia, but still helped youn to invade cambodia. If sihanouk was innocent and couped by Lon Nol (which I also don't want such event to happen in our homeland), why did he creat the so called government to rescue the nation (Rothaphibal srorch srorng cheat)???
Dissagreed. Sihanouk is innocent.
He has the duty and rights to keep
peace with all neighbors. The US
has not bussiness in IndoChina.
The Vietnam War is IndoChinese
internal affair. Get it?
Sihanouk need not to create
any new government. There are
millions, including PM Hun Sen
were fighting to restore his
throne. It is just that thing
don't turned out as planned.
2:17 AM, hello.
Are you down there?
OK then stay down there.
Your arguments are baseless.
Yeahh with the jungle law and kangaroo court of Communists, you will do just fine.
But remember it won't change the world history that sihanouk was an Xkhmer(KR) and he is a master of Con Artist.
And what argments was baseless?
They are all true.
Sihanouk was KR my arse.
Sihanouk was under house arrest
and was forced out of the country
by KR.
You just admitted that you are at the bottom of the toilet. Is this how you debate? If you are too low then stay down there, my friend. I won't go down with you. Want to challenge with me, then bring all your proofs; otherwise you are no good but a gangster.
Hey, Sihanouk has many types of
clothing. You don't expect him
to communicate to KR people in
a European three pieces suit,
do ya? Who the hell would want
to get their ass shot at?
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